Great Sphinx Tunnels, Shafts & Chambers Confirmed – Hall of Records Cover-Up? Ancient Egypt
Published on Sep 24, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: Egypt
Great Sphinx Tunnels, Shafts & Chambers Confirmed – Hall of Records Cover-Up? Ancient Egypt
Published on Sep 24, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: Egypt
A secret room or chamber has been reportedly discovered behind the 2nd sealed door inside the Southern shaft in the Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid. And there are ancient artifacts inside of it …….
It has been more than 10 years now and the question still remains unanswered as to what lies behind the 2nd door inside the shafts of the Great Pyramid. But this may be finally coming to a conclusion with recent rumors of an official announcement that is to happen later this year . . . Read Complete Report
Great Pyramid diagram by Max Fyfield. Black indicates know passageways and “rooms” known at time of drawing. Red indicates areas envisioned by Max yet to be discovered.