Sound familiar? The Canadians are getting the same mind-controlled treatments as those of us here in the U.S. Fear the government. Any government. . . EDITOR
from youtube uploaded by Press For Truth
Conditioning Canadians For The War On Terror
Published on Jul 12, 2013
With the onslaught of recent “foiled terror plots” we have seen here in Canada, one would think that there is an ongoing threat from either outside forces or from radicalized homegrown domestic extremists as we are being led to believe. However in each and every circumstance there is a hidden hand at play and in its grip lies a sinister motive to generate the fear of an attack in the minds of the Canadian people.
From youtube uploaded by Press For Truth
Biometrics And The Incredible Tile
Published on Jul 9, 2013
In the unfolding Orwellian nightmare tracking devices are becoming big business for big brother. Children are being conditioned to get used to growing up in a surveillance state and business leaders like John Manley President and CEO of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives are trying to convince you that when it comes to security the ends justify the means.
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