Tag Archive for violates

Court rules Stingray use without a warrant violates Fourth Amendment

Today, the Washington DC Court of Appeals overturned a Superior Court conviction of a man who was located by police using a cell-site simulator, or Stingray, CBS News reports. The court ruled that the defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated when law enforcement tracked down the suspect using his own cell phone without a warrant.

Stingrays work by pretending to be a cell tower and once they’re brought close enough to a particular phone, that phone pings a signal off of them. The Stingray then grabs onto that signal and allows whoever’s using it to locate the phone in question. These sorts of devices are used by a number of different agencies including the FBI, ICE, the IRS as well as policeofficers. . . . Read Complete Report

Surprise! Surprise! Judge says FBI violates constitutional rights (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Mar 19, 2013

For the last several years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had been making countless requests to various companies demanding the information of certain customers. The demands came in the form of “national security letters” that were circumventing the process of obtaining a warrant or subpoena and Judge Susan Illston said the FBI’s procedures were unconstitutional and demanded the agency to stop. Kurt Opsahl, senior staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, joins us with more.

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Homeland Security Wants Drones for Public Safety, Doesn’t Want to Tell Public About Them (W/Video)

Photo: CBP Air and Marine officers control and watch images taken by Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) of the CBP. This surveillance provides information concerning illegal activities taking place in remote areas to Border Patrol agents. CREDIT Gerald Nino, CBP, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain)

from IEEE Spectrum


MON, OCTOBER 01, 2012

Good news, everyone! The Department of Homeland Security, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that it would be kinda cool to have drones flying around to, you know, “protect the homeland.” The Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety program will provide “Federal and  local officials with state-of-the-art technology” to do all kinds of stuff in domestic airspace right above your head. What kinds of stuff? Sorry, that’s all classified, but don’t worry, citizens: rest assured that the DHS cares about you and would never do anything that you wouldn’t want them to do. Or something. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Judge Napolitano : 30,000 Drones In U.S. Skies to spy on you violates Constitution 

Published on May 15, 2012