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Nick Redfern: Cattle Mutilations and the Government

from Mysterious Universe

Jun 13th 2012


Mentioning to many of the leading lights in the field of so-called “Cattle Mutilations” the idea that the admittedly weird phenomenon might have far more to do with the the work of a clandestine group in government or the military than it does with black-eyed aliens from some far away galaxy, is likely to result in a response of an overwhelmingly negative and defensive nature. Belief (particularly of the Mulder-like “I want to believe” variety) is a very powerful tool when it comes to concluding this or that is linked to the UFO puzzle. And that goes for cattle-mutes, too.

But – say the full-on believers in the theory that E.T. like to chow down on a nice tasty steak now and again – if not the aliens, then who else could be responsible? For the most part, they scoff at the idea of predators, cults and the government (the latter being “them” in paranoia-land) as the culprits.

The fact of the matter, however, is that – for decades, no less – various official bodies have taken a clandestine and concerned interest in animal deaths and injuries all across the United States. But not for reasons relative to the actions of menacing, meat-loving extraterrestrials. Nope, the reasons are much different and, in many ways, far more disturbing. We’re talking about shadowy figures sabotaging the food-chain via deliberate, terrorist-style actions and officialdom’s secret and sometimes panicky attempts to stop it. . . . Read Complete Report