Search results for "the Nazi"

Obama Admin Prepares To Disarm America (W/Video)

From The Western Center for Journalism

MARCH 2, 2013 BY 

Barack Obama is a Marxist. And like all good Marxists, he wants to disarm the public. It’s not like it hasn’t been done before. In October 1918, the Communist government “ordered citizens to surrender all firearms, ammunition…having first mandated registration of all weapons six months earlier.”

The Nazis followed the same pattern.

The Nazi Weapons Law of November 11, 1938 prohibited Jews from “acquiring, possessing, and carrying firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing weapons.”

Both the Nazis and Communist Party members were exempt from these guns bans.

Now it’s our federal government that is exempt from the laws they place on the public they are mandated to serve. . . . Read Complete Report

SPECIAL THEI REPORT: Secrets of the Bifröst by William Michael Mott

 Secrets of the Bifröst


by William Michael Mott THEI Special Contributor

Fans of folklore and mythology are probably well-familiar with the Norse legends of gods, giants and heroes: the Norse myths, viking or Norse sagas, and related materials.  Richard Wagner created an entire feverish mystique about a forgotten “nordic” age with his adaptation of the story of the Rhinegold, Sigurd, and Siegfried, with his “Ring Cycle” series of operas, and its Germanic version of Norse gods and devils, giants and dwarfs, of worlds spread up and down the viking-age Tree of the Universe, Yggdrasil.  This in turn was a huge inspiration  Read more

What Can People Do To Stop the TSA and the Gestapo, The Department of Homeland Security DHS? (w/video)

While I’m not quite ready to call for secession I do believe there is enough important information with an understanding of the truth in this Op-Ed video report to add to the THEI Archives. As with any report we publish here at THEI we may not agree with every position the presenter makes. That’s where it is your responsability to do your own research and decide for yourself.

Anyway its scary stuff. . . . EDITOR

(Insiders Hint: You can listen to the program while browsing through the pages of THEI. Live dangerously ! GO DEEPER

from youtube

Published on Jun 13, 2012 by

The Department of Homeland Security was created by the Nazi regime and none of us want to live under Nazis. Every day, they close the curtain of freedom, a little more.
We have to act, but buying guns is not the answer. They will kill you by the tens of millions! We must spread the truth. The truth is poison to any dictator!

Nazi Secrets by the Thousands

from Want to Know.Info

NAZI Technology
Secret NAZI War Technology Reported in Harper’s Magazine

Below is the full text of a most amazing article published in the October 1946 edition of Harper’s Magazine, just over a year after the end of WWII. This highly intriguing article reveals that the US government recovered many tons worth of secret documents from the Nazis. These astonishing documents showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that in almost all areas of scientific research, the Nazis were far ahead of the allied forces – often by a factor of 10 years or more.. . . Read Complete Report

Editor’s NEW DVD Review: NAZIS at the Center of the Earth (w/video)

THEI DVD REVIEW – NAZIS at the Center of the Earth

Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

posted: 4/29/12

Last Thursday I stopped by my local Red Box to check out the latest DVD’s they had in the machine.  I bet you can almost imagine the look  of astonishment on my face. “NAZIS at the Center of the Earth” was the new release glaring back at me.   . . My first thought was that I was being Punked! (My conspiratorial  brain at work). In fact, I almost looked over my shoulder to see if my partner Rick Osmon was hiding in the parking lot.

Instead I rented the movie and headed home to watch it. On the way I thought about the whole concept. I have been researching the “just-out-of-reach” story of the Hollow Earth including the Nazi/Antarctica connection for the past 40 years wondering when a movie would be made regarding the rumors. Now they had finally done it. I just hoped it wasn’t hokey.  There have been several attempts to cover the Subterranean Worlds that have all been, well, hokey. Funny, making-fun. that was fine. I mean it is a far out idea.  But still . . .

Cast: Dominique Swain, Jake Busey, Christopher Karl Johnson, and Lilan Bowden.

To my enjoyable surprise the movie is well made, using top talent, great makeup and special effects (the “Flying Saucer” deserves a mention)  and is a lot of fun to watch.

Although some of the known history was stomped all over, i.e. In the movie Dr.Josef Mengele AKA the “Angel of Death” is the architect of the plan for a 4th Reich rising from the NAZIS who escaped to an underground base under the ice in Antarctica (Mengele died in 1978.)  Of course he has Hitler’s head in a portable contraption to appear to “head” the bunch of NAZIS he has with him to actually carry out the evil deeds.

When It came to the Hollow Earth information they presented it straight forward and factually in the form of Jake Busey filling in his companions as they traveled into the earth. Fair shake.

I was also delighted when they mounted Hitler’s head on a very muscular and large robot body and then turned piloting the ‘flying saucer’ over to the nut.  Superb.   After all,  I believe robotics figures into the plans of the Controllers in a big way. That’s why I just added a Department, Robotics to THEI. (Check it out). The NAZI solders stomping around appear to be robots also.

But even if I had known nothing of the subjects used in this top-of-the-line adventure story, I would still have enjoyed it immensely .  Reminds me of the great movies by Roger Corman.

I give it 4 stars. A must see. I predict this movie will become a big cult classic.  And if you are a Hollowearther and don’t run out right now and get your hands on a copy I’m ashamed of you . . . EDITOR

BONUS. Here is a posting of part of an interview I gave for a Science Channel program several years ago. They kind of edited the interview that changed what I said, but at least I was able to get the information to a wider audience. What more can a researcher of unpopular ideas expect. Not much. . . .EDITOR

Learn more by going DEEPER. A good place to start is: “Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctica Expedition & the Mysterious Snow Cruiser.”

UPDATE: 4/30/12 – Further research

from youtube

Hitler didn’t kill himself in Berlin, claims book

Hitler didn’t kill himself in Berlin, claims book
Asian News International, ANI
London, October 18, 2011

Photo – Cropped From Public Domain: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, June 1940 (NARA)

A new book has claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in Berlin in 1945 but ended his days in Argentina. British journalist Gerrard Williams said he and co-author Simon Dunstan found an ôoverwhelming amount of evidenceö to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.

Many historians say that the Nazi leader died in his Berlin bunker in 1945 – but Williams claims their research, looking at newly de-classified documents and forensic tests, challenges this. . . continue