Search results for "cops"

DEA Allowed Criminal Cops to Build Their Own Drug Empires for Over a Decade

DEA Allowed Criminal Cops to Build Their Own Drug Empires for Over a Decade

According to a whistleblower inside the DEA, the agency “allowed and promoted” multiple officers to run their own personal drug cartels for years.

From The Free Thought Project By John Vibes


New Orleans, LA — For over a decade, agents with a New Orleans-based DEA task force sold drugs, intimidated informants and stole cash on the job with total impunity.

According to the Advocate, Chad Scott, the former leader of the task force has been fired in the midst of the investigation. It was reported that Scott and some of the officers working under him had a massive operation selling painkillers and that they would sometimes sell other drugs that they managed to steal from dealers during raids.

“There were a series of complaints that went back years. This is a guy who probably shouldn’t have been allowed to run his own task force,” an anonymous law enforcement official said.

The good news, in this case, is that a large and growing number of federal criminal drug cases are being reversed and nonviolent offenders are being set free due to the fact that this corruption has been exposed. . . . Read Complete Report

7 Creepy Robots for Cops

youtube by ReasonTV

Published on Mar 3, 2015

Cops use robots to defuse bombs, confront barricaded suspects and rescue victims during disasters. But they also use robots that can see, record and track what you are doing all day long. If you aren’t paranoid by the thought of cops knowing your business, watch as Reason TV counts down 7 Creepy Robots for Cops.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Robot Cops” “Robots Replacing Humans”

Flip Off the Cops! It’s LEGAL!

youtube by SourceFed

Published on Jan 22, 2015

You can’t get in trouble for flipping off the po-po!

Buy some awesomeness for yourself!

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Cops on”

Will Your Car Call the Cops on You?

Featured Image: Police car/w cops. SOURCE: (Public Domain).

Before it’s News Monday, December 15, 2014 10:07

by Cheri RobertsChallenging the RhetoricThe Guerilla Media Network

We have seen technology do some amazing things. Advances have allowed us opportunities that were only figments of our imaginations ten short years ago, but when technology is married to Big Brother we have potential for big problems.

Carmakers are getting ready to introduce new vehicles that will automatically notify the authorities when you surpass speed limits. Talk about an auto-ticket! The technology is called, called “V2X” and according to a report over at The Motley Fool [who are shareholders], discussing the possible revenue boon this would be for cities and towns across the country and how it could be taken advantage of for county coffers, . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Police  Power”

COPS SAY END PROHIBITION – Legalize everything!

youtube by AdamKokesh

Published on Oct 29, 2014

At CPAC 2014, Adam talks to the LEAP cowboy as he sets a group of young conservatives straight about the drug war.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Legalize it”  “Adam Kokesh”

Traffic Tickets from Robotic Cops

New robot cops tackle traffic congestion
Bots are being used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

See full article HERE

Well, I guess we can file this story under the “Didn’t see that coming” category: Two new robot cops have been put in place along the intersection of Boulevard Triomphal and Huileries Avenue in Kinshasa, part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for the sole purpose of easing traffic congestion.

‘Cops Off Campus!’ London students rage against police violence

Featured Image: British police helmet. CREDIT: Deadly∀ssassin SOURCE: wikipedia Commons (Public domain)

From youtube uploaded by RT

Published on Dec 11, 2013

Students in the UK are protesting in their thousands against police violence, defying authorities to march through London University and along the city’s streets. Pictures of an officer punching a young man in the face during a confrontation last week, sparked the latest in a week of demonstrations. RT’s Sara Firth reports from the middle of the action.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Cops”

John Stossel: The Rise of the Warrior Cop (+) Cops Raid the Wrong House & Killed an Innocent Man

From BrassCheckTV

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

“SWAT teams are big business and every police force has them now

The problem is they have to invent uses for them like raiding bars to check for underage drinking and making sure barbers have licenses.

It’s out of control.”

From youtube uploaded by LibertyPen

John Stossel – Police Militarization

Published on Mar 14, 2013

Radley Balko (Huffington Post) joins John to discuss the increasing militarization of America’s police forces.

From youtube uploaded by MarijuanaCommunity

Cops Raid the Wrong House & Killed an Innocent Man All because of a Drug Use

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Cops”  ” Related May 27, 2012:

US House Votes Against Stopping Feds’ Medical Pot Raids (w/ related video)

Spy Car Protects Against Unscrupulous Cops

Featured image: The original James Bond 1965  Aston Martin DB5 Saloon used in the movie, “Goldfinger.” Attribution: Chilterngreen at the German language Wikipedia SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.) FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY

From youtube uploaded by Cop Block

Published on Jul 24, 2012

Meet Rick Rynearson and his badass Mitsubishi Eclipse.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Cops”

Seattle Cops Handing Out FREE Munchies At HEMPFEST 2013 THIS WEEKEND!!! (Video Report)

Featured Image: HempFest, Seattle, WA. SOURCE: NORML

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M· on Aug 14, 2013

August 14, 2013 KING 5 News