Tag Archive for FBI

#Occupy Movement Being Labeled As “A Domestic Terror Organization” By FBI (video report)

This is the beginning of the exact same tactics used to scare people away from the Patriot Movement in the 1980s. It started with a few instances like this, moved to Ruby Ridge, then on to Waco . . . and finally Oklahoma City. After Oklahoma your everyday citizen wouldn’t attend a Patriot Meeting on a dare. Escalating government Ops and scare tactics to keep a tight lid on information that might wake the sheeple up to the truth.. The playbook does not change. History repeats itself. . . EDITOR

from RT News via  Youtube

Published on May 30, 2012 by

From disorganized slackers to terrorists – the Occupy movement has seen its media image go from bad to worse over its nine months of existence. Protesters now even face accusations that they pose a threat not just to Corporate America, but to the country as a whole. But activists say it’s all just scaremongering to stifle the movement.

FBI secretly creates Internet police

from Late Night in the Midlands

Posted by frank blackington on May 26, 2012 at 3:39pm

The FBI was rather public with its recent demands for backdoor access to websites and Internet services across the board, but as the agency awaits those secret surveillance powers, they’re working on their own end to have those e-spy capabilities.

Not much has been revealed about one of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s newest projects, the Domestic Communications Assistance Center, and the FBI will probably try to keep it that way. Despite attempting to keep the DCAC largely under wraps, an investigation spearheaded by Cnet’s Declan McCullagh is quickly collecting details about the agency’s latest endeavor. . . . Read Complete Report

FBI wants flat-out totalitarian spying on the internet (video report)

from youtube

Published on May 9, 2012 by

“The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is on a mission to wiretap the Internet. With more people communicating through the Internet, traditional land-line communication is slowly becoming obsolete. The FBI is seeking to have websites alter their codes to gain access to users’ personal information, but the notion has posed a challenge and could cause a “going dark problem.” David Seaman, journalist and host of the DL Show, joins us with his take on the FBI’s request.”