From our good friend and superb researcher. . . EDITOR
From Norio Hayakawa
by Norio Hayakawa on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 12:14pm
Here is my newly revised view on ‘Ufology‘ and Conspiracies.
I take a healthy, skeptical position on the subject matter, without becoming a debunker.
I am still very open.
I still keep an open stance on everything because life itself is a mystery and there could be things in this world that we still do not understand.
We still do not know fully what ‘reality‘ is.
I am not recanting but am simply taking a more rational approach to ‘Ufology‘ as well as to the never-ending speculations about global conspiracies.
My favorite quote is from an English comic book writer, Alan Moore, who said that: . . .Read Complete Report
from youtube
Norio Hayakawa: Area 51 & Secret underground Dulce, New Mexico base
Video Russell Scott
Published on Oct 24, 2012
Norio Hayakawa calls himself an unorthodox ufologist and activist. He has spent almost 10 years specifically investigating Area 51 in Nevada.
Let me Entertain you – Norio Hayakawa
Norio Hayakawa’s Hey, Baby, Que Paso (cover)
Published on Dec 31, 2012
Norio Hayakawa’s Music
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