Tag Archive for Norio Hayakawa

Norio Hayakawa: America’s UFO sub-culture…..why it continues to affect a segment of the population (+) ( Selected video)

From our good friend and superb researcher. . . EDITOR

From  Norio Hayakawa

by Norio Hayakawa on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 12:14pm

Here is my newly revised view on ‘Ufology‘ and Conspiracies.


I take a healthy, skeptical position on the subject matter, without becoming a debunker.

I am still very open.

I still keep an open stance on everything because life itself is a mystery and there could be things in this world that we still do not understand.

We still do not know fully what ‘reality‘ is.

I am not recanting but am simply taking a more rational approach to ‘Ufology‘ as well as to the never-ending speculations about global conspiracies.

My favorite quote is from an English comic book writer, Alan Moore, who said that: . . .Read Complete Report


from youtube 

Norio Hayakawa: Area 51 & Secret underground Dulce, New Mexico base

Video Russell Scott

Published on Oct 24, 2012

Norio Hayakawa calls himself an unorthodox ufologist and activist. He has spent almost 10 years specifically investigating Area 51 in Nevada.



Let me Entertain you – Norio Hayakawa
Norio Hayakawa’s Hey, Baby, Que Paso (cover)

Published on Dec 31, 2012
Norio Hayakawa’s Music


Norio Hayakawa; Former Manzano Underground Storage Facility, Albuquerque, N.M. (Video Reports)

From youtube

Former Manzano Underground Storage Facility, Albuquerque, Part 1

Uploaded by Norio Hayakawa

Published on Mar 5, 2012

from Norio Hayakawa at: http://noriohayakawa2012.blogspot.com

Construction of this former underground nuclear storage facility began exactly in 1947. It was created to store nuclear weapons/materials such as warheads, etc. (although some people say it also kept under secure storage some “other sensitive items”). . . . Read Complete Post

Former Manzano Underground Storage Facility, Albuquerque, Part 2

Norio Hayakawa

Norio Hayakawa: Dulce, New Mexico: Curious ‘Y’ on south wall of Archuleta Mesa, (Video Report)

I have been corresponding with Norio Hayakawa for many years and have found his research to be topnotch. . . and his guesses are pretty good too!

Here is the latest from him on a subject he is the recognized expert on: Dulce N.M. and the possible underground facilities rumored to be there.

.At the end of this video I added a couple of more of Norio Hayakawa Video Reports  in case you want to dig a little DEEPER Enjoy!. . . . EDITOR

from Youtube

Published on Aug 6, 2012 by 

“Courtesy of Isabel Lopez of Albuquerque, New Mexico who first noted this interesting “Y” configuration as seen from an aerial photo. This spot, part of the steep, rocky south wall of the Archuleta Mesa, is located about 1400 feet north of the J-2 dirt road, not far from the bridge over the Navajo River, Dulce, New Mexico and slightly west of the Archuleta Peak where the communications towers are located. Apparently this spot, the “Y” configuration, is not visible from anywhere except when seen directly from above.” . . . Posted with the Video
Civilian Intelligence Central


Origins of Dulce underground base rumors PART 1

Published on Jul 6, 2012 by 

from Norio Hayakawa at: http://noriohayakawa2012.blogspot.com and the Civilian Intelligence Central: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Civilian-Intelligence-Central/104761666262262?s…

Origins of Dulce underground base rumors PART 2

Published on Jul 6, 2012 by 

Visit Norio’s Web Page at http://noriohayakawa2012.blogspot.com/