From The Power Hour
Is this part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide… you decide…
Real or fake? See higher res pictures and further details at this link!
From youtube uploaded by ThinkOutsideTheTV
Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate Revealed?
Published on Jun 10, 2013
Real or fake? See higher res pictures and further details at this link!
Barack Obama PR firm was telling the media that he was born in Kenya up till 2007. Obama.s official agent speaking for him was putting this on his discriptive form from 1993 to 2007.
Obama’s early school record lists him as an Indoneasion Citizen and a Muslum.
The “birth certificates” that you show are forgeries.
The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on forgeries like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.
Lucas D. Smith, a convicted felon, claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof. (Moreover, his “birth certificate” uses US date formats [month/day/year] and not the day/month/year format used in Kenya.)
Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.
And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.
“Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
“It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””
http://washingtonindependent.com/53654/forged …
Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.
Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.
Oh, and there is this:
http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2011/04/kapiol …
hi ehancock;
welcome back! I knew you’d be back sooner or later. You are our favorite Obamabot zombie. Maybe the Kenya birth certificate shown in this report is a fake. Maybe it’s not. Of course the other birth certificate presented by Obama’s forger has been proven to be a fake. It you want to end more and more information coming out just tell your buddy Obama to RELEASE HIS RECORDS! If he has nothing to hide that should be no problem.https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xh37rWmUL9Q
The birth certificate issued by the White House goons has been found to be a fake by Obama’s own law firm’s expert, for chrism sake. Sheriff Joe’s Certified Document Fraud Examiner A Democrat – 6/5/2013
If he has nothing to hide lets look at his collage records.10 Reasons Obama Must Disclose His College Records
And if he is not from Kenya why did his literary agent state in Obama’s public information sheet he was born in Kenya? Am I to believe that Obama is so dumb that he missed that? Of course not. As a writer myself I know that he had to sign off on that piece of information before it was released along with the books he wrote. Obama’s literary agent says he was ‘born in Kenya’. How did the mainstream media miss this?
If he was not born in Kenya then at that time he wanted people to believe he was. So, no matter what the reason, if he was not born in Kenya then at best he’s a damn liar!
Of course we already know that by looking at what he promised to do if we gave gave him the top job. Promises he has never kept. Instead he ignores his promises.
The posse has enough evidence to prove that Obama is a fraud. Team Arpaio: Republic Has Been Overthrown; Obama Used Four Different Names
They are just having a hard time getting someone in federal law enforcement or our chicken ass congress with the balls to go up against Obama and look at the evidence. But, believe me, the day he is exposed to the people is coming, and the evidence is overwhelming. PA Police Chief Kessler: “When this comes out birth Certificate is only the tip of the iceberg.”. I just hope the black people in this country will accept the out come of the presentation of evidence. The last thing we need is a race riot over a planted commie who happens to be half-black.
I’ll try to keep you updated on the goings on around this phoney president. And you can continue your Obamabot trying to make people forget and not look at the evidence. Bye.
Re: “The birth certificate issued by the White House goons has been found to be a fake by Obama’s own law firm’s expert, for chrism sake. Sheriff Joe’s Certified Document Fraud Examiner A Democrat – 6/5/2013”
Answer: If the “document examiner” really said what Zullo and the Cold Case Posse CLAIMED that he said, why didn’t they release the full forty page report?????
(And, by the way, the “Democrat” claim is also a lie because in Hawaii you do not register party affiliation.)
Such lies why they are not believed by Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck or the National Review (or by Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or Gingrich or Santorum or Huckabee).
One proof that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged is Obama’s short-form birth certificate.
Short-form birth certificates are created by a clerk reading the information from the document in the file, and filling out the computer form that generates the printed short-form birth certificate. The officials in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent a short-form to Obama. So, unless they are lying—and they were Republican officials–the only way that Obama’s birth certificate could have been forged was that it was forged in 2007 and slipped into the file just before the clerk looked at the file. That is not very likely, is it? And it is especially unlikely since at the time Obama was not even the candidate of the Democrats. He was still in the primaries at the time, and he was only a junior senator from Illinois.
And birther sites have not shown you these real experts.
Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”
Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”
John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.
Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily:“All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.
Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.
Birthers’ claim that Obama’s birth certificate is false is well understood to be caused by their own motives—they hate Obama and would like to harm him.
And it is irrational (to say the least) to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii.
(Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)
Re: “And if he is not from Kenya why did his literary agent state in Obama’s public information sheet he was born in Kenya…”
Because, duh, she made a mistake. Obama’s father, who had the name Barack Hussein Obama I, was born in Kenya. Obama himself was born in Hawaii, as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers (which were sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961) and the public Index Data file all show.
And only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and the Kenyan government has said that Obama and his mother were not among them, and WND has proven with a FOI Act Request that Obama’s father stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961 (so for the nutty theory of Obama being born in Kenya to be true, not only would both the officials in Hawaii and the officials of Kenya would have to be lying, but Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled ALONE to Kenya in 1961.)
That should read: “Such lies are why the birther claims are not believed by Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck or the National Review (or by Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or Gingrich or Santorum or Huckabee).”
Re: “If he has nothing to hide lets look at his collage records.”
Answer: Why should Obama show his college records when Mitt Romney and John McCain did not show their college records. Nor for that matter did Clinton or Bush41 or Reagan or Carter or Ford, Etc.
None of the people you mentioned had any controversty about their collage years and association with such as Bill Ayers and other anti-American organizations. Obama has many ties with the socialist-communist movements and they may be reflected in his collage records. Mc Cain had to provide his birth certificate when there was a question about his birth. Obama has not yet presented a ORIGINAL PAPER birt certificate. Only a computer generated file. If I applied for any government job and told them to go to my web page to look at proof of my citizenship they would laugh me out of the office.
Because there seems to be controversy and mystery about his college years so any honest man, especially the leader of the greatest nation, in the world would provide the information needed to clear up a controversy. If he is the “smartest man in the world” as some of you Obama worshipers claim seems like he’d be proud of his collage records. “Those with nothing to hide etc,etc.”
It’s not a question of whether he legally has to open his records it’s a question of the “transparency” he promised when he ran for president and has not abided by in many ways. He has continued to impliment Bush’s agenda including breaking his promise to shut down Guantamo.
The fact is he’s a liar and needs to at least prove who he really is. The only conclusion we can come to is (1) he was a lousy student, (2) there are things in his record he does not want us to know about (3) He lied about his country of origin to receive foreign exchange benefits.
So, I’ll turn the question around, “Why should he NOT furnish his records if he has nothing to hide?”
Re: “None of the people you mentioned had any controversty about their collage years and association with such as Bill Ayers and other anti-American organizations. “
Answer: The fact that Obama’s enemies, or any president’s enemies, say that there is “controversy” does not mean that there was controversy. The fact that the president’s enemies say that the association with Ayers is important, does not make it important. The voters decided whether or not the alleged associations were important in November 2012, and they decided that they preferred Obama to Mitt Romney.
Re: “Obama has many ties with the socialist-communist movements and they may be reflected in his collage records. “
Answer: Too bad, the election is over, and the well-known fact that Obama had socialist leanings when he was in college did not affect the final result, which was that Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.
Re: “Mc Cain had to provide his birth certificate when there was a question about his birth. “
Answer: McCain did not publish his birth certificate, and there is no report of him showing it to Congress or to any Congressional committee or to the RNC. Mitt Romney did show his birth certificate, becoming the second US presidential candidate to do so, but he showed only a Web image of a photostatic copy of his short-form birth certifiate.
Re: “Obama has not yet presented a ORIGINAL PAPER birt certificate. “
Answer: The original, duh, is in the files in Hawaii and will always be in the file in Hawaii. What Hawaii sent to Obama, as every state sends to people who request their birth certificate, is an official copy of the original. In Obama’s case, Hawaii sent him both the official short form birth certificate and then at Obama’s special request, the long form birth certificate. And officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeartedly confirmed that they sent both of them to Obama and that the facts on both of them are EXACTLY the same as on what they sent to him.
Re: “Only a computer generated file. “
Answer: The short form birth certificate is computer generated. That is because it is supposed to be computer-generated. That is how the short-form birth certificate system works. The long form birth certificate is not computer generated. It is a photocopy onto security paper with the current official seal attached of the original in the files, and as noted the officials in Hawaii have stated that they sent this to Obama and that the facts on it are EXACTLY the same as on what they sent to him.
Re: ‘If I applied for any government job and told them to go to my web page to look at proof of my citizenship they would laugh me out of the office.”
Answer: Sure. But, duh, Obama has show both the Web page and the actual physical copies of the short form and the long form to the press. One reporter even stated that she had felt the seal.
Rr; “Because there seems to be controversy and mystery about his college years so any honest man, especially the leader of the greatest nation, in the world would provide the information needed to clear up a controversy. “
Answer. There is no controversy. There are only enemies of Obama who say that there is controversy. If in the future other presidents of either party have enemies who claim that there are “controversies” about their college years that does not mean that they have to show their college papers. If you would like there to be a law that says that presidents and presidential candidates must show their college papers, then ask your congressman and senators to pass it. But currently there is no such law, and there is no reason why Obama should show his papers. The fact that you say that there is “controversy” does not mean that there really is controversy.
Oh, and by the way, Harvard Law School says that Obama graduated from Harvard Law School MAGNA CUM LAUDE.
Further to my statement: “McCain did not publish his birth certificate…”
If you do a search, you will find a “McCain birth certificate” online, but it is a forgery done by an enemy of McCain’s. It claims that McCain was born in Colon Hospital, which is not in the Panama Canal Zone. McCain said that he was born at the family hospital on the US Naval Base in the Panama Canal Zone.
In any case, McCain, like all the other presidential candidates before Obama, did not publish his birth certificate, and there is no report that he showed it to any committee of Congress or to the Republican National Committee.
Re: “So, I’ll turn the question around, “Why should he NOT furnish his records if he has nothing to hide?””
Answer: Because no president or presidential candidate ever has and because the fact that his enemies claim that there is a “controversy” does not affect the matter.