THEI Press Release
Return of the ‘TAL Zone’
I am happy to announce the return of our longtime friend, information sharer, collaborator and favorite underground Investigator ‘TAL’ who has agreed to share his latest research with us. So we are announcing the return of the very informative weekly THEI column, The “TAL” Zone. The information reported by this long time investigator has always been a favorite of our readers since he first started letting me share his work here on THEI.
Instead of writing a new introduction to ‘TAL’ and the Zone I’ll copy and paste the one I published way back in Volume 1 Issue 6, June-July 1993 of the snail-mail Hollow Earth Insider when TAL first joined the small group of contributors I had when we started the fanzine. . . Thanks for your many years of support and contributions ‘TAL’. . . EDITOR
“This issue I am adding a very exciting new section, the ‘TAL’ Zone. But first
meet the underground researcher – ‘TAL’.
“To you “oldtimers” involved in Hollow Earth and underground research he needs no introduction.
“”TAL” and Mary Martin were the researchers behind THE HOLLOW HASSLE fanzine during the 70’s and 80 ‘s. The Hassle was probably the longest running paper Hollow Earth Journal ever. If my little contribution is a fraction as informative as theirs, I will be satisfied. “TAL” recently became a subscriber and I asked for an interview.Sorry guys, no interview now, but I’m sure when he’s ready we’ll get one.
“However, he has agreed to let us reprint some of their stuff from THE HOLLOW HASSLE and best of all ‘TAL’ has sent me several reports written exclusively for publication in The Hollow Earth Insider.
“In honor of his unselfish offer to share his and Mary many years of dedicated hard work I have decided to turn the THEI controls for the following special section over to “TAL.””. . . from Volume 1 Issue 6, June-July 1993 of the Hollow Earth Insider (page 18).
Image above: ‘TAL’ presented this well known V.S.II. INNER-Earth Access Map in 1978. CREDIT & SOURCE: ‘TAL’
Image above: The updated ‘TAL’ INNER-EARTH Access Map 2013. (Updated by JohnRhodes) SOURCE: ‘TAL”
That’s right! Returning to the pages of THEI
Straight from the NEW underground research files of ‘TAL’: the ‘TAL’ Zone EXCLUSIVELY on The Hollow Earth insider!
Image: “TAL” opening the Ark of the Covenant. Thanx to ‘TAL’.
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