Better Robot Vision: Neglected Statistical Tool Could Help Robots Better Understand the Objects in the World Around Them (W/Video)

Featured Image: Robot thingy. SOURCE: (Public-Domain).

Robots replacing Humans . . . EDITOR

From Science Daily 

Oct. 7, 2013 — Object recognition is one of the most widely studied problems in computer vision. But a robot that manipulates objects in the world needs to do more than just recognize them; it also needs to understand their orientation. Is that mug right-side up or upside-down? And which direction is its handle facing?

To improve robots’ ability to gauge object orientation, Jared Glover, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is exploiting a statistical construct called the Bingham distribution. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by Peter Corke

ENB339 lecture 1: Introduction to robot vision

Published on Sep 3, 2012

QUT ENB339 Lecture 2/1.

In this lecture we discuss the problem of sensing for robots, absolute and relative, and the particular advantages of vision for animals and robots. We then have a brief introduction to using MATLAB and the Machine Vision Toolbox for some simple image processing applications.

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