Life Might Exist At The Deepest Point On Earth, And What That Means For Aliens On Mars
Featured Image: The Mariana Trench by by J.Sun. Fair Use.
International Business Times ON
Scientists may have found evidence of life underneath the deepest point in the ocean, and that could be good news for anyone hoping to discover aliens on other planets.
It’s not life forms themselves that the researchers dug up, rather it is organic matter that could have been created by a microbe of some kind. They found those traces in samples of rock that came from a point beneath the seafloor near the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, the lowest underwater point on Earth. “We cannot pinpoint the exact origin of the organic matter,” their study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says, but it is entirely possible that life exists down there. . . Read Complete Report w/video

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