Day 229.1 Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
YouTube ~ George Webb
Weighing Awan Brothers Risk Versus Error Correction
Routers to Rat Lines – Crowdsource the Truth Interviews George Webb in NYC
YouTube ~ Jason Goodman
If you haven’t been following Truth Leaker George Webb, you’re missing what may be one of the most compelling crowdsourced investigations in history.
George Webb “I’ve Further Evidence Linking Hillary To The Murder Of Seth Rich.”
YouTube ~ The Richie Allen Show Published on Jun 1, 2017
George Webb On Disappearance Of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, Pizzagate & More.
YouTube ~ mia katy Published on May 31, 2017
Day 72 – Where is Eric Braverman? Who Killed Monica Petersen?
YouTube ~ George Webb
Was Braverman Fronting An American Gladio?
Photo Credit – Sibel Edmonds, FBI Whistleblower, Wrote A Classified Woman, now runs newschannel NewBud.com
FB Group #HRCRatLine
Due to the very large number of citations and sources, I now publish them with each slide. I try to order New York Times Pulitzers first, then former NYT Pulitzer winners, then New York Times writers. Any other reputable source like WaPo, WaTimes, Tribune, LA Times, Seattle P-I, etc are then list. Then second tier media followed by alternative media.
Murdered journalist and investigators get a higher ranking than remotely sourced stories through offshore news funnels like SOHR.
Follow the Investigations of George Webb on Page 2>>
Page 2
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
YouTube ~ Rebekah Roth
Rebekah and Ramjet bring you up to date on the George Webb, DNC, Spy ring, Mossad operation, Primary Election theft, Seth Rich murder and more. History in the making, election fraud exposed. What will happen next?
Joining the Ongoing Investigation on Day 228 ~ Jun 8,2017
Day 228.1. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
YouTube ~ George Webb
NGA Is being combined with NSA and DHS data for a 7×24, geo-spatial surveillance system. Pakistan ISI did it with NADRA for biometric tracking, but they needed the Awan Brothers to get satellite data. Until Nanosat technology came along.
No Such Thing as Webb Files, Only Intelligence Product Matters.
Day 228.3. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Awan Brothers Rolling NGA, NSA, and NASA Data to Middle Eastern Kingdoms.
Day 228.4. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen Published on Jun 8, 2017
Day 228.5. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Hina Alvi, SUPARCO, OPEC, and Ryan DuPain
Day 228.6. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Who Will Be the Reality Winner?
Day 228.7. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Federal Courts, Visas, and Passports – Martha Stewart, Comey, and McCabe
Day 228.8. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Resources For the Future, John and Heather Podesta, and Molly McCauley
Day 228.9. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
Our Visit to US Immigration and Customs<
Day 228.10. Hillary’s Leakers, Hackers, and Henchmen
News, Newsmakers, and Being On the Move
George Webb Investigations on YouTube
THEI will Continue to follow the George Webb Investigations in Future Postings. Stay Tuned. . .
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