Boy the elitist internationals do not know what they are heading into when it comes to trying to infringe on our 2nd amendment right. The United Nations has no right to become involved with our Constitutional rights. Instead of trying to destroy our freedoms by using our own weak politicians, maybe it would be more productive if some of them would go home, give their own people just half of what American’s have, and solve their own problems. . . . EDITOR
from The Western Center for Journalism
July 14, 2012 By Doug Book
As New York City plays host to a conference that will shape the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) into final form, most 2nd Amendment supporters are concerned that stealth language or overly broad applications woven into the document will serve to separate Americans from their right to keep and bear arms. After all, why else would preliminary versions of the Treaty be so difficult to obtain and U.N. pre-conference position statements remain consistently absent from the internet?
Barack Hussein Obama leads the most anti-gun rights Administration in the nation’s history. Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, and recently appointed ATF Acting Director B. Todd Jones have spoken often and passionately about the importance of implementing more restrictive gun control legislation. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
NRA News at the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Conference – Interview with Chris Cox
Published on Jul 11, 2012 by NRAVideos
At the United Nations, Ginny Simone talks to NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox after Wayne LaPierre spoke at the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Conference – For more information, go to: http://www.nraila.org/news-issues/news-from-nra-ila/2012/07/wayne-lapierre-de… – NRA News – July 11, 2012 – http://www.NRANews.com
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