Photo: Polar Expedition – Capt. Scott and his exploration ship: TERRA NOVA (LOC)
SOURCE The Library of Congress (Public Domain)
from BBC News
16 August 2012 Last updated at 10:52 ET
By Paul Rincon Science editor, BBC News website
The wreck of the ship that carried Captain Robert Scott on his doomed expedition to the Antarctic a century ago has been discovered off Greenland.
The SS Terra Nova was found by a team from a US research company.
Scott and his party set off from Cardiff aboard the Terra Nova in 1910 with the aim of becoming the first expedition to reach the South Pole.
The ship had a life after the polar trek, sinking off Greenland’s south coast in 1943.
It had been on a journey to deliver supplies to base stations in the Arctic when it was damaged by ice. The Terra Nova’s crew was saved by the US Coast Guard cutter Southwind. . . . Read Complete Report
According to the fathers of The Hollow Earth Theory (Marshall B. Gardner, A Journey to the Earth’s Interior, & William Reed, The Phantom of the Poles) it is impossible to reach the North or South Poles because they do not exist. And If you dig deep enough into the documents you will find “problems” with each and every early polar explorer’s story and documentation in their claims.. Of course, thank goodness they don’t have that problem any more. You can go to any Radio Shack and get you a GPS indicator, take off on skies, snow machines or bunny boots, with the trusty GPS apparatus in your hand, and sooner or later the government will TELL you when reach the pole of your choise. Right! And the penguins are fighting with the polar bears at both poles. . . . EDITOR
from youtube
The Race For The Poles 1/2
Published on May 21, 2012 by LarusMarinus2000
Discovery Channel documentary:
“At the beginning of 20th century there were only 2 regions of our planet that were completely undiscovered and Arctic and Antarctic were still unknown and mysterious parts of the globe. Many have tried and many have failed to become the first to reach the end of the world and this documentary is the chronology famous explorers endeavors to become the first people to reach North and South Pole. Robert Peary, Roald Amundsen, Robert Scott and Ernest Shackletone were their names.” . . . Text Posted with Video on youtuibe
The Race For The Poles 2/2
Published on May 21, 2012 by LarusMarinus2000
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