from Huffington Post
Posted: 08/19/2012 7:37 pm
Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AgeLab
Imagine cars driving themselves seamlessly and safely down the highway. Gone are traffic jams, crazy drivers, and commute-induced headaches. A vision of the future? Actually, no, this was the vision of the1939 World’s Fair and an idea that has come, come again, and now seems closer than ever before. A combination of technological availability, continuing safety concerns, and escalating congestion and energy problems fuel transportation researcher and policy-maker dreams of robotic vehicles. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Autonomous robot cars drive DARPA Urban challenge
Uploaded by GovernmentTechnology on Feb 20, 2008
“Autonomous robotic vehicles compete for $3.5 million as they navigate urban streets with no human control. Government Technology videos at govtech.com.” . . . Text Posted With youtube video.
Take a trip back in time. See what today looked like in 1939. SURPRISING BONUS: This rare footage is in COLOR! < Starting at 1 min 16 secs into the video . . . EDITOR
from youtube
1939 New York World’s Fair
Published on Apr 30, 2012 by lagarchivist
The 1939 New York World’s Fair offered a vision of a utopian city of tomorrow—one in which life was going to be easy thanks to new technology that would revolutionize transportation, household work and daily life. Yet, the Fair made no mention of war, no sense of a troubled present, in spite of the looming world nightmare.
La Guardia and Wagner Archives
La Guardia Community College CUNY
Video Editor: Sandy Chase
Royalty free music licensed by www.stockmusic.net
and www.stock-music.com . . . Text posted with youtube video
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