from World News Daily
The government calls those who argue the income tax has no legal foundation “tax protesters” and labels their arguments “frivolous.” And usually judges toss their arguments out of court, assess them court costs on top of taxes, interest and penalties, and sometimes even threaten them if they file further cases.
But now the U.S. Supreme Court – the nine judges who sit on the bench in Washington by virtue of their selection by presidents and confirmed by the U.S. Senate – has docketed that type of case.
The results? Who knows, considering the radical arguments offered by the pro se plaintiff, Jeffrey Thomas Maehr, a Colorado chiropractor who has been involved in a number of business ventures, including PureHealthSystems.com. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
IRS Agent Exposes IRS Fraud!! – Joe Banister (Full Documentary)
Uploaded by freedomlawschool on Jun 11, 2011
Former gun-carrying, IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Special Agent exposes how the IRS is robbing you! He quits his $80,000/yr. Job because the IRS failed to show him that filing & paying Income Tax is mandatory. He will tell his story and his latest efforts for restoring honesty in government. . . . Text Posted with video on youtube
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