The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to hear a case concerning how close the Secret Service let protesters get to President George W. Bush. The case involves two Secret Service agents who allegedly forced protesters out of earshot of the president, while allowing supporters to remain within earshot when Bush visited Oregon in 2004. RT’s Ameera David takes a look at what piqued the High Court’s interest in the case.
A bipartisan coalition has asked the supreme court to give their opinion on potential impeachment proceedings against sitting president Barack Obama. The supreme court gave the green light over a month ago. However, many journalists are reporting that their stories about the proceedings and this particular story is being pulled by editors. . . . From description uploaded with video.
The government calls those who argue the income tax has no legal foundation “tax protesters” and labels their arguments “frivolous.” And usually judges toss their arguments out of court, assess them court costs on top of taxes, interest and penalties, and sometimes even threaten them if they file further cases.
But now the U.S. Supreme Court – the nine judges who sit on the bench in Washington by virtue of their selection by presidents and confirmed by the U.S. Senate – has docketed that type of case.
The results? Who knows, considering the radical arguments offered by the pro se plaintiff, Jeffrey Thomas Maehr, a Colorado chiropractor who has been involved in a number of business ventures, including . . . Read Complete Report
Former gun-carrying, IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Special Agent exposes how the IRS is robbing you! He quits his $80,000/yr. Job because the IRS failed to show him that filing & paying Income Tax is mandatory. He will tell his story and his latest efforts for restoring honesty in government. . . . Text Posted with video on youtube
If we continue to put our country into the hands of the Republi-rats there will be no freedom for future generations in the upcoming fascist-socialist government planned for our children under the Controllers Republican and Democrat cartel. Those who say a vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Presidential Candidate, is a wasted vote are wrong.
A vote for the controlling two parties is a real wasted vote and will do nothing to return America to the constitutional laws as passed by our forefathers. It’s up to us. By the time the next generation of Americans are able to vote I believe it will be too late. . . EDITOR
A President Mitt Romney would not undo ObamaCare. He’d make it permanent.
The National Libertarian Party issued the following statement today:
The Supreme Court Ruling on ObamaCare does not matter. It will make little difference to America in the short run, and no difference in the long run.
Why? Because almost all elected Republicans and Democrats are Big Government politicians – in all things – including health care. After this Supreme Court decision, they will get back to work expanding government involvement in all things – especially health care.
One thing could make things worse. Electing Republican Mitt Romney President.
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It’s time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE.