Published on May 6, 2017
Filmed on 5-2-2017. I wanted to show the drive from Las Vegas to area 51. Driving through Alamo, and Ash Springs. The reason for this video is to show that area 51 is much closer to Alamo then Rachel. Please stay tuned to my channel. I spent 2 days going to all 3 gates. I got chased by the “CAMO DUDES” for almost 5 miles. The “CAMO DUDES” seem to come out of no where. I know that seems strange, but its so true. I’ve driven up, and down ET Hwy for many years working in the gold mines of central Nevada. This was my first time actually going to every gate of area 51. This trip was a complete life changer for me, and its hard to explain the feeling I have. Until you’ve been there you’ll really never understand. I slowed the film down on the ” CAMO DUDES”, and its almost like their not human.
Filmed on 5-7-17 This is a part 2 of my last video of my 3 day trip to all the gates at Area 51. On this video I go to the main gate on Groom Lake Road. I spent about an hour at the gate, and thought where are the Camo Dudes. As I left I saw a road that went up a hill so I took it, and stopped. To my surprise the Camo Dudes were on top of a different hill, and were watching me the entire time. As I was driving away from the main gate about 5 miles past it. I saw a large dust cloud behind me, and saw headlights heading for me. As I stopped they turned their headlights off, and starting going almost at an idle speed. I didn’t see the truck until it was around 50 feet from my rear bumper. I took off, and they followed me for about a mile. Its pretty intense when your alone in the middle of nowhere, and you have Camo Dudes following you that close. Please enjoy, and look for part 3. Where I get the camo dudes faces on film at the 3rd gate.
I was introduced, by telephone, to top UFO investigator Windelle Stevens by a mutual friend, a top underground investigator himself (who chooses to remain unnamed), in the mid-1990’s. At the time Wendelle Stevens was in possession of the most extensive UFO photo/video collection in the world. I found him to be an honest and dedicated investigator into the Alien/UFO mysteries, and during the years of my own UFO investigations he never failed to help me sort out my particular areas of research and shared his extensive photo collection with me..
Mr. Stevens did not believe in Aliens from Inner Earth, but he always had an open mind when discussing the idea with me. The following video is the most extensive research report on Area 51 I have ever seen and I believe part of that has to do with the late Wendelle Stevens involvement in putting it together. I am sure those who knew him, like myself, miss his honest approach to the questions we all ponder. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Former Navy Seal Discloses the Shocking Truth at Area 51
It is the most famous military installation in the world. And no credible insider has ever divulged the truth about his time inside of it. Until now. detailing the specifics of the above top secret laboratory installation within Area 51 known as S-4. Connor O’Ryan is the pseudonym of an S-4 sentry who defected, and approached Wendelle Stevens in the fall of 1991 and gave testimony as to the activities of certain high officials at the S-4 facility. S-4 rests inside the edge of the Papoose mountains that lay alongside the dry Papoose Lake. S-4 is located just a few miles southwest of the infamous Groom Lake Naval Air Base, for which Area 51 is most famous. However, S-4 is likely an even more secluded and guarded base than Groom Lake. This video presents the testimonies and evidence regarding the highest extreme of classified secret activities of U.S. Navy scientists, engineers, guards, assassins, and certain government leaders and corporate executives that are conducting special ops missions and advanced experiments involving dangerous elements and energy sources out of the view of congressional oversight and public watchdogs.
Unarguably the best know place of mystery in America is Groom Lake, more popularly known as “Area 51” in the Nevada desert. Seems that the Alien Members working in the underground facility are just as pissed off as those folks on the surface and are demanding their own “Occupy Movement.” . . . EDITOR