‘TAL’ has had an eye on Area 51 for years. Actually ever since the connection to his early investigations into underground Dulce revealed them. This sudden loosen up on information about the goings on at Area 51 looks like an attempt to draw attention away from Area 51. Like getting the populace into believing the the government has turned it into a drone base. Maybe so. And maybe there are no underground facilities at Area51 either. Right . . . EDITOR
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The ‘TAL’ Zone
Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”
Weekly Underground Report #7

Unmasked: Area 51’s Biggest, Stealthiest Spy Drone Yet
The drone that spied on bin Laden and on Iran’s nukes was just the start. Meet its bigger, higher-flying, stealthier cousin, the Northrop Grumman RQ-180. It’s probably been flying for a few years now, but you weren’t supposed to know that; the existence of this secret project, based out of Area 51, was revealed Friday by Aviation Week. – See more at: Area 51

Image: obama signs bill authorizing 30000-drones over america.
EXCLUSIVE: Secret New UAS Shows Stealth, Efficiency Advances
December 06, 2013
A large, classified unmanned aircraft developed by Northrop Grumman is now flying—and it demonstrates a major advance in combining stealth and aerodynamic efficiency. Defense and intelligence officials say the secret unmanned aerial system (UAS), designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, is scheduled to enter production for the U.S. Air Force and could be operational by 2015. . .
. . . Beyond the financial disclosures, publicly available overhead imagery shows new shelters and hangars sized for an aircraft with a 130-ft.-plus wing span at Northrop’s Palmdale, Calif., plant and at Area 51, the Air Force’s secure flight-test center at Groom Lake, Nev. . . See more at: Secret News
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