Tag Archive for snuck in

John Stewart describes how the Monsanto Protection Act was snuck in under our noses. (Video Report) UPDATE: GMO MADNESS CARTOON

Image courtesy of David Dees

From youtube uploaded by TwoFuzzyOnes

Published on Apr 5, 2013

Jon Stewart Says Congress is an Old Fart

From youtube uploaded by UFOTVstudios


Published on Apr 8, 2013
Cut to the chase and get the bottom line on the madness of UFO SECRET (GMO) MADNESS in this hilarious but terribly tragic, fast paced, true look at what is happening to our planet, all at the drop of a hat, cartoon style. Perfect for everyone with a short attention span, ADD, or an inability to concentrate on anything longer than 10-minutes.

©2013 Infomatic Films – Distributed by UFOTV, a UFO Video, Inc. Company.