Drug War History ~The first major step in the ever escalating ‘War on Drugs’ in America was the passage of the Harrison Tax Act of 1914, which restricted the sale of heroin and eventually cocaine.
Photo: 1914. Federal Agents confiscating some of the first “illegal drugs.” SOURCE: Library of Congress
From The Intel Hub
March 26, 2013
Officially, US State Department aid to the Honduran National Police must bypass units under the direct supervision of the force’s overall commander, Director General Juan Carlos Bonilla AKA “El Tigre”—who in 2002 was accused of three extrajudicial killings and links to 11 more deaths and disappearances in so-called “social cleansing” operations. He was tried on one killing and acquitted; the other cases were never fully investigated.
But an investigation by the Associated Press, based on interviews with unnamed Honduran officials, finds that all police units are actually under Bonilla’s direction. Speaking on record was Celso Alvarado, a criminal law professor and consultant to the Honduran Commission for Security and Justice Sector Reform, said the same. “Every police officer in Honduras, regardless of their specific functions, is under the hierarchy and obedience of the director general,” he said. . . . Read Complete Report
Going Undercover as a Mexican Drug Lord
Published on Oct 2, 2012
Former undercover DEA agent, Celerino Castillo III, tells us about training death squads, blowing up cocaine labs, and how the cartels are controlling both sides of the border.