DRONE OFF A PYRAMID! – Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and Moon. Today we visit Teotihuacan the city where men become gods! An incredible place tucked away in the wild near Mexico city. I love these pyramids so much and Im so happy I get to film with my amazing drone here!
Archaeologist Sergio Gomez and his team in Mexico have come closer to discovering a lost tomb deep beneath an ancient pre-Aztec pyramid at Teotihuacan. With the hidden chambers beneath the temple expected to yield burial locations of multiple kings, we explore the intriguing mystery on the Lip News with John Fenoglio and Jo Ankier.
Mexico archaeologists reach end of Teotihuacan tunnel,Sealed 2000 years ago
MEXICO CITY – A yearslong exploration of a tunnel sealed almost 2,000 years ago at the ancient city of Teotihuacan yielded thousands of relics and the discovery of three chambers that could hold more important finds, Mexican archaeologists said Wednesday.
Drug Enforcement Administration agents and Justice Department officials met in secret over 50 times with members of a Mexican drug cartel, according to an investigative report by a Mexican news agency. . . . from description published with video.
Featured Image: Vicente Fox, (Former) President of Mexico. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain). Fox and associates want to open a world wide chain of Marijuana retail and medical stores starting in Washington . . . Sort of like a ‘higher’ Starbucks.
Featured Image: Reconstruction model of the Pyramid of the Sun located at Museo del sitio, Teotihuacán. CREDIT: Wolfgang Sauber SOURCE:Wikipedia.GNU Free Documentation License(Public Domain).
“They were hiding in a previously unexplored ancient chamber at the end of a stretch of 2,000-year-old unexplored tunnel on the Teotihuacan site, near the Pyramid of the Sun.” . . . Excerpt. from Article below.
From Daily Mail (UK)PUBLISHED: 05:15 EST, 2 May 2013 | UPDATED: 02:02 EST, 3 May 2013
Hundreds of mysterious golden-coloured orbs have been found buried in a hidden chamber deep beneath the Temple of Feathered Serpent in Mexico.
The discovery was made by archaeologists from the Mexico National Institute of Anthropology and History, who admit they have no idea what the spheres are for.
A tiny robot called Tláloc II-TC, which has been scanning tunnels deep beneath the famous temple, found the orbs using infrared scanners. . . . Read Complete Report W/Photos
Featured Image: Guns “walked” across the Mexican border by the CIA under Eric Holder and Obama. SOURCE: Unknown.
The “Fast and Furious” President didn’t even apologize for his own administration under “yes man” Eric Holder exporting guns into Mexico from the U.S and giving them to the illegal drug cartel leaders.
Of course, if “Fast and Furious” hadn’t been discovered he would be shouting loud and far that these guns had been smuggled into Mexico because of weak gun laws in the U.S. Wake up America! Obama and his administration is about one thing, control!. . EDITOR
From Daily Mail (UK) PUBLISHED: 16:03 EST, 3 May 2013 | UPDATED: 22:10 EST, 3 May 2013
“Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.
“Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona. . . . Read Complete Report
On Saturday, Mar. 30, the bodies of 23-year Army veteran and Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia were found in their home, the victims of an apparent assassination.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a law enforcement official described the scene at the McLelland’s home as “awful,” with “shell casings everywhere.” This caused Forney Mayor Darren Rozell and local defense attorney Eric Smenner both to suggest the McLellands were targeted: . . . Read Complete Report
The real terrorists among us are Mexican drug cartels. Apparently they are no longer an issue that can be dealt with through Border Patrol Agents. That’s right, they are in our midst.
According to Breitbart,
A national security expert who has spent several years in intelligence gathering operations around the Mexican drug cartels’ criminal insurgency into the continental United States told Breitbart News, “This assassination of DA McClellend and his wife is meant to send a message: no one is safe, no one is beyond our reach. We will kill you and your loved ones. We are in control here.” . . . Read Complete Report
Drug War History ~The first major step in the ever escalating ‘War on Drugs’ in America was the passage of the Harrison Tax Act of 1914, which restricted the sale of heroin and eventually cocaine.
Photo: 1914. Federal Agents confiscating some of the first “illegal drugs.” SOURCE: Library of Congress
Officially, US State Department aid to the Honduran National Police must bypass units under the direct supervision of the force’s overall commander, Director General Juan Carlos Bonilla AKA “El Tigre”—who in 2002 was accused of three extrajudicial killings and links to 11 more deaths and disappearances in so-called “social cleansing” operations. He was tried on one killing and acquitted; the other cases were never fully investigated.
But an investigation by the Associated Press, based on interviews with unnamed Honduran officials, finds that all police units are actually under Bonilla’s direction. Speaking on record was Celso Alvarado, a criminal law professor and consultant to the Honduran Commission for Security and Justice Sector Reform, said the same. “Every police officer in Honduras, regardless of their specific functions, is under the hierarchy and obedience of the director general,” he said. . . . Read Complete Report
Former undercover DEA agent, Celerino Castillo III, tells us about training death squads, blowing up cocaine labs, and how the cartels are controlling both sides of the border.
I have long maintained that the Turkey should be the United States official bird as opposed to the Eagle. After, all it was the meat of the turkey that filled the bellies of the first European raiders in the country. The Eagle was picked because it represents power . . . aggressive power, but the turkey was, without argument the first most important American bird to the first settlers. . .EDITOR
ScienceDaily (Aug. 8, 2012) — A new University of Florida study shows the turkey, one of the most widely consumed birds worldwide, was domesticated more than 1,000 years earlier than previously believed.
Researchers say discovery of the bones from an ancient Mayan archaeological site in Guatemala provides evidence of domestication, usually a significant mark of civilization, and the earliest evidence of the Mexican turkey in the Maya world. The study appears online inPLoS ONE.
The discovery of the turkey bones is significant because the Maya did not use a lot of domesticated animals. . . . Read Complete Report
In this special Thanksgiving episode, Nevin and Brandon tell the story of how the turkey almost became The United States of America’s national bird instead of the bald eagle (if Ben Franklin would have had his way that is). . . Text posted with video