Search results for Secret Societies

THEI Eyeball’s The Resistors Part 2: Eustance Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam


The Resistors Series: 

Part 1 William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero


Who Controls Money?   (1997) by Dennis Crenshaw

“Give me control over a nations money and I care not who makes its laws” . . . Baron M.A. Rothschild

We spend much of our energy trying to accumulate this elusive necessity, yet most of us have no understanding or how our money system works. We think those dirty little slips of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them represents our country’s wealth and are therefore our “money”. Nothing could be further from the truth.  First, what we are talking about are Federal Reserve Notes. These notes are not lawful money! . . . Read Complete Report

national debt

In 1968 my step grandfather, Mr. Ethan Allen saw that I was interested in History and that I read all the time.  With that knowledge he took me under his wing to educate me in secret history that almost no one knew at that time.

He had been a high ranking member of two secret societies but had quit them because he didn’t like the direction their knowledge was taking him.  Among other things he taught me about the the Controllers secret plan to create a One World Order with the goal of enslaving the peoples of the world and the details of the Federal Reserve Scam and where it fit in that evil goal.  

in the 1970’s I decided to take that knowledge further and learn all I could on the subjects.  The first book I read in that research was Eustace Mullins “Secrets of The Federal Reserve”. Not only did I come away from that book with concrete information but I also was very impressed with the depth of his research.  I realized that if I was going to pass my knowledge on to others I had to present solid documentation to back up what I was saying.

 I consider Mr. Allen as my first mentor and Eustace Millins as my second.  I hope I have lived up to their meticulous research disciplines. THEI and the documented information we pass on, in my mind, is dedicated to those two true patriots. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


Image: Interest free 1860 Nation Currency of the United States.

Image: (Top)  Non Interest bearing 1963 United States Note issued by JFK under Executive Order with no connection to the FED.

(Bottom) Interest bearing Federal Reserve note which is actually not money at all but part of the Controllers scam to rob Americans of our Country’s wealth.














Eustace Mullins

The Federal Reserve Scam

YouTube ~ GeorgeGreekTrucker

Eustace Mullins finding out exactly who is doing what to whom

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

From 1961 until 1963 I was a Medic in the 82nd Airborne. Every payday before paying the troops they had to go thru a “shot line” we would set up.  We as medics wondered why we all needed from 4 to 6 shots almost every month.  With a little digging one of my fellow medics found out that the military was using us to test new vaccinations. We medics decided this was ridiculous so we didn’t take the shots.  We “penciled in” our shot records as though we had. During my time as a medic I realized that, although the troops in our charge were always coming down with colds, flu and other problems, we medics who didn’t take the shots never got sick. Strange?

I still do not take any shots or vaccinations except for insulin for my diabetes even though my family, friends and Doctors say I MUST take them.  I did not go to a doctor in my whole life until my late 60’s. (I’m now 73). Other than a mild cold or sore throat now and then I Have never been seriously ill.  . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

Image Below: Thanx to David Dees

Eustace Mullins – Who Are The Quacks? The AMA on Trial

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Global Sciences Congress, January 1990, Tampa Florida.

Eustace Mullins – The Rape of Justice, Court Procedures & The Law

Image: Justice is Blind.

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 7, 2013

One of Eustace Mullins’ best lectures. Filmed by Wes Mann during one of Eustace’s two lectures for the 3rd Festival of the Ages in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000.
A Wes Mann/Conspiracy King Production. A Better Quality DVD is available from Wes Mann at

Eustace Mullins – Clinton’s Place in the New World Order

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 7, 2012

Global Sciences Congress, Denver, August 1993.





At the end of this lecture given in August 1993 Mr. Mullins fills us in on the Hillary Clinton Controllers Medical Plan.  As history shows us it didn’t become the law of the land. So knowing the way the Controllers work . . . What do you think Obamacare is based on? . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


Next Sunday 4/23/2017 ~ THEI Eyeball’s The Resistors Part 3:

Looking Back: The Mother of all Conspiracy Researchers, Mae Brussel

Dig a Little DEEPER: More Eustace Mullins Videos

“Illuminati”    Skull and Bones   Bilderburg   Bohemian Grove

“Weather Manipulation”  Monsanto

THEI Roots of the Controller Series:

Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)

 Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)

Roots of the Controllers #3 – The Illuminati ~ Freemason Front Organization (+) NEW Full Length Documentary

THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA Deep State Series
 (Part 1) War Against the Shadow Government Has Begun . . . THEI Editor Dennis Crenshaw ~ The Shadow Government/Deep State Explained

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination

(Part 4)  CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake News

(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years

CORPORATE FASCISM: The Destruction of America’s Middle Class

Featured Image: Reichsadler der Deutsches Reich 1933–1945. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public-Domain)

From youtube uploaded by OriginalIntentDoc

Published on Aug 30, 2011

A new kind of fascism has taken over America: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations — due to consolidation facilitated by the Federal Reserve’s endless FIAT money — the corporatocracy has been in a position to literally purchase the U.S. Congress. . . . From description published with video.

 Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~  Archive

“The NAZI Connection”   “Secret Societies”

UFO & Subterranean Worlds Researchers Note: NAZI Connection “The Vril Society” (Video Reports)

Featured Image: Cover of Vrilology: The Secret Science of the Ancient Aryans By  Robert Blumetti (Paperback 2006). SOURCE.

From youtube uploaded by xthesurge0nx

Nazi Cult – The Vril Society – TV Documentary on May 3, 2013

 Image: Cover of The Coming Race By Edward Bulwer-Lytton

From youtube uploaded by gus252627

Vril society and the hanebu

Uploaded on May 9, 2009

In 1917 four members of the Vril society met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. . . . From Description published with video.

    Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive

“The NAZI Connection”   “Secret Societies”

William Cooper lecture ‘Behold a pale horse’ (Full Video)

Featured Image: William Cooper. SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain).

From youtube uploaded by SolidwasteEGO3

Uploaded on Feb 13, 2011

Amazing lecture by William Cooper

A detailed research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon.
Book: ‘Behold a pale horse’


5/31/13: Milton William Cooper – Hour Of The Time – Very First Broadcast – Legendary. (Video~Audio Report)

3/3/13: Classic Retro: William Cooper Brotherhood of the Snake Full Length

Roots of the Controllers # 4: Skull and Bones & the Control of Education (W/Videos)

Had we heeded the warning from John F. Kennedy of the plans of the Controllers and the Secret Societies to gain total control of the world and its inhabitants the diabolical plan might not have reached the critical stage it has reached in the 21st Century.  . . . Editor



from youtube

John F Kennedy Warning America and The World

Uploaded by theinfamousone17

Uploaded on Jul 22, 2008

from Common Dreams

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush

Published on Thursday, January 22, 2004 by Pacifica Radio’s Democracy Now!


“A little-known fact unites Democratic front runner John Kerry and President Bush: they are both members of Yale’s secret society Skull and Bones. We speak with the author of “Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power” that reveals details about the secret society and its members”. . . .

“But there is a fact about Kerry’s past that brings him closer to Bush than any of the other candidates. Both Bush and Kerry are members of a secretive society dating back to their respective days at Yale University – Skull and Bones. This fact has not been widely reported but when Kerry’s campaign spokesperson was asked about it, she said, “John Kerry has absolutely nothing to say on that subject. Sorry.” . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Skull & Bones: Bush and Kerry

Uploaded by daweil

Uploaded on Jun 29, 2007

Bush and Kerry are fellow bonesmen and close relatives, both related to the Queen of England as did many past US presidents.

322, the number on the Skull & Bones symbol is the quote from Genesis 3:22…behold, the man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil…

To establish the continuance of the connections between the different post’s in this series Skull and Bones is one of the offshoots of Illuminati in America. The best understanding of  Skull and Bones and their goals was spelled out by researcher extraordinaire Antony C. Sutton in his highly documented book, “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones.” (FREE E-Book).

from youtube

Charlotte Iserbyt – Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed
(Full Version)

Uploaded byTheLibertydefined

Published on Mar 18, 2012


THEI Roots of the Controller Series:


Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)


 Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)


Roots of the Controllers #3 – The Illuminati ~ Freemason Front Organization (+) NEW Full Length Documentary



The 4th 0f July 2012: How far have we come since 1776? By Dennis Crenshaw – Editor



Thoughts from an Underground Insider

by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

Happy 4th Insiders!

My personal favorite holiday of all.  Not only celebrating the date of the birth of our great nation, but the time spent hanging with family and friends, eating burgers and hot dogs followed by cold Watermelon and good times.  And the best time of all… after dark.  The fireworks, the bombs bursting in air… ah, the 4th of July, hot time in the summer!

The Good Guys

Of course it must have been a more somber time at the original 4tth of July celebration. After all once the protocol and signings were completed a major historical move had been made. The creation of a new nation, the united States of America. 1776 was the year.

What most people today don’t realize is that it was only a small percentage of people living in the British Colonies’ at the time who wanted to withdraw from the protection of the Empire.  The makeup of the people living here at that time were a few elitist men who had been sent to the colonies to advance their family fortunes or to hide out over some scandal perpetrated back in the mother country . The rest were a mixture of criminals sent from England to serve their time outside of the British Islands along with many poor who had gone into debt to escape the poverty of 18 century England. ( They were actually slaves with little chance of buying their way out of bondage, but because of the horror of how African Slaves were treated in the next 3 century’s if became politically incorrect to talk about the thousands of  white poor people brought over as “slaves.”  They became known as ‘indentured servants’. In reality many whites also lived and died as slaves in a country they were forced to move to, and a master they didn’t choose.. There was no middle class. You were either one of the elitists or a peasant.

Some of the English elitists that had immigrated to America felt they could make a lot more money if they could get away from the British Tax Collectors and have the right to print their own money other. They didn’t like the idea of paying the privately owned Bank of England to print paper money with a handler’s fee attached.

Using their ownership and access to the printing presses of the day they begin to put out newspapers and broadsheets awaking the less fortunate of the ideas of a “new” way to run a government.  They were only partially successful. But they were successful enough to pull it off. And on July 4th, 1776 a new nation was born. The united States of America.



The Bad Guys

But there are always two sides to every issue.  There were also colonists in the elitist crowd who did not want the “new order” to succeed and felt it was best for England to remain in possession of the American Colonies.

 Education is the Answer

In the same year that the young united States begin to feel its way into becoming the first “for the people” government in the history of the world a secret society was formed in Germany by Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati, which was financed by the House of Rothschild.

From “How the Order Controls Education (1986) by Anthony C. Sutton

“The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 by Professor Adam Weishaupt of the University of Ingolstadt. It was a secret society, but in 1785 and 1787 several batches of internal documents came to the Bavarian Government. Subsequent investigation determined that the aim of the Illuminati was world domination, using any methods to advance the objective.”..

According to my well read friend Rick Osmon the FIRST Bavarian Illuminati was actually formed to try and wake the people up to the fact that there was no need for Monarchs or religious groups to lead any nation. They wanted science to rule. It was the more secretive Illuminati that was formed after the first group was wiped out and disbanded that the secret society begin working on world domination.

I differ in that I believe that the original Illuminati was never broken up, just forced into deep hiding. And I DO believe that their end goal from the start was world domination… after they got rid of the Monarchs and religious influence in the governments of the time I believe their plan was to network and join with other Secret Societies and elitist groups, put their own puppets into the lower easier spots to get to of the political sector and slowly take control using whatever means possible to reach their goal of world domination . . . EDITOR

Sutton again;

“The significance for this study is that the methods and objectives parallel those of The Order. [AKA Skull and Bones Secret Society located at Yale. Ed.] In fact, infiltration of the Illuminati into New England is known… So far as education is concerned, the Illuminati objective was as follows:

“We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behavior, show, condescension, popularity and toleration of their prejudices which we shall at leisure root out and dispel.” (1)

The elitist families who were against the “new order” of the fledgling united States realized the new way of thinking of “freedom and prosperity for all in a free nation” being taught to a basically e-literate population would take a long time to change.  They also understood that it could be done, but they would have to control education for it to happen. By controlling the Universities in the United States they could use propaganda and mind control to install in the minds of the young people who went to their controlled school’s of higher learning the advantages of working towards the Illuminati end  game . . . world domination. Once these men were indoctrinated they could be sent out into the United States and to start and run the major universities and clandestinely teach the road to the world domination they wanted.

And the American elitists who were against leaving the fold  of the Royal’s felt that they could, when the time came, return that world domination back to who they felt were the rightful controllers of the world, the British Crown.

As Sutton’s research found:

It All Began at Yale

“In the 1850s, three members of The Order left Yale and working together…made a revolution that changed the face, direction and purpose of American education. It was a rapid, quiet revolution, and eminently successful. This notable trio were all initiated into The Order within a few years of each other. All three went to study philosophy at the University of Berlin, where post-Hegelian philosophy had a monopoly.” (2)

The Three Men were:

Timothy Dwight (1849)

Student at Universities of Berlin and Bonn, 1856-58

Professor in the Yale Divinity School and then 12th President of Yale University

Daniel Coit Gilman (1852)

Student at University of Berlin, 1854-55 under Karl von Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenberg, both prominent “right” Hegelians

First President of the University of California, first President of Johns Hopkins University and first President of the Carnegie Institution

Andrew Dickson White (1853)

Student at University of Berlin, 1856-58

First President of Cornell University and first President of the American Historical Association

GO DEEPER: Read my Research Report: Secret Societies: Who Controls Knowledge?

The next move in the plan was to gain control of our money which they did in 1913 by forming their Federal Reserve (private) Bank.

GO DEEPER: Read my Research Report: Who Controls Money?


The Beginning of the End

We rose on the 4th of July 1776 as potentially the greatest nation on earth.  Unfortunately the forces against newly formed nation and the attacks on our rights and  personal freedoms would be led by The House of Rothschild financed secret society, the  Illuminati . . . a far reaching organization with the stated goal of World Domination. The plan and means to destroy our country was already in place. The Controllers just needed a lot of time. Something they had plenty of.

The lead-in Question is too easily answered I’m Afraid

So, the question I started with was “How far have we come since 1776? 

We only have to look back a few days to answer that. The founders of our Country were trying to give us a nation with a small central government to govern our dealings with foreign countries by collecting the trade taxes etc.; to conduct the united States’ business with foreign  states; in addition congress was to issue our money based on how much gold and silver we had in the treasury. That was about it. The federal government was meant to govern not regulate.  Most of the regulating was the individual States Rights. Remember those?

It was not the intention of the founding fathers for the federal government to take control of our lives by regulating everything they could get their hands on.  That power was suppose to be handled by the separate united State Governments who they felt knew the needs of their regions citizen’s better than a bunch of strangers in far off Washington D.C..

But, like I said we only have to look back a couple of days to see just how far from the plans of our founding fathers our present government has taken us.

As everyone knows the Supreme Court has found it constitutional for the federal government to force us to buy a private company’s services under threat of penalty.  Call it a tax, a fine, or a mandate. Under any name its forcing ever American to deal with a private Insurance company or face more taxes.

  What next? A certain brand of raincoat or we’ll be taxed for walking in the rain because we might get sick and have to use the government controlled medical system

GO DEEPER: 2 Free E-Books – Must read on the subject:

How the Order Controls Education? (1986) by Anthony C. Sutton

Final Warning: A history of the new World Order (1995) by David Rivera

from youtube

Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)

Uploaded by on Jul 1, 2011

A rare 1976 lecture from Professor Antony C. Sutton.

Global Control Matrix Revealed

from Pakalert Press

Posted by on May 10, 2012

Who really runs the world? Part II

Isn’t it amazing that in 2012 the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Rothchilds have literally become household words?! Virtually any website that is not considered mainstream media (MSM) may have at least one reference to one of these mysterious entities which comprise the Global Control Matrix.

Truly, the internet has encouraged the widespread and rapid dissemination of what was once considered either secret or highly privileged information. Even the US Federal Government is now known to be completely subservient to and under the command of an international crime syndicate and ultra-secret cabal which functions as a Shadow Government.

Let’s revisit Law #7 from Part I of this series:

Law #7
At its very core, life on planet Earth is nothing more than a test. The Global Control Matrix, which is directed by those at the peak of worldly power, assists in maintaining a system of planetary control whereby no one can ever get away with anything. This highly controlled system has its own rules and regulations, some of which seem to be totally unreasonable, irrational, and downright crazy. Others seem purposefully destructive, divisive and self-defeating. Still others appear to be completely unjust, discriminatory and unfair.

Welcome to the Global Control Matrix!

In our lifelong quest to identify just who-it-is (TPTB) that is running the show down here, many do seem to lose sight of the most important laws of all. True worldly power never reveals itself, and it always acts in absolute secrecy. In light of these two inviolable laws, let’s consider the following.

Secret Societies, Secret Orders and Rich & Powerful Controllers . . . Read Complete Report