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[iNSide] Tha Jackals Head W/ Don Smith


Don Smith is a business executive and fiscal conservative who has been seen on Fox News, CBS, PBS, and also heard on various radio broadcasts around the country.

Don takes complex issues facing this nation and breaks them down into an easy to understand format. Tune in every Saturday at Noon ET for all the latest political news, and hear interviews with famous conservatives like Ted Nugent, Allen West, Scott Walker, Jon Voight, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Daniels, Deneen Borelli, Victoria Jackson and many others.

The Don Smith Show is one of the leading conservative talk shows on the internet. While the liberal media continues to ignore facts, rewrite history, and suggest that having conservative views makes you a misguided individual, The Don Smith Show is a place where it’s always OK to be a conservative.

Main Website for the podcast: [iNSide] Tha Jackals Head

Main site of Don Smith: Don Smith Show
Don’s YouTube: Don Smith on YouTube

Bump Keys

Bump Keys


Time to get better locks…READ UP


Austin Hughey, Breakout Artist Using Youtube

I recently became acquainted with a young man named Austin Hughey and I’m impressed. “All instruments”, “self produced”, “self-harmonies” are all usually a recipe for disaster. Not with this guy. His talent overrides my usual disdain for techno remixes. Plus – and this is a HUGE PLUS — he is polite and unassuming, a set of qualities I hope he can retain. Add a dash of professionalism and he may go far.
Give it a listen and if you enjoy it, go to his Youtube channel for some more

My personal favorite is his redux of an old TV theme

Traffic Tickets from Robotic Cops

New robot cops tackle traffic congestion
Bots are being used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

See full article HERE

Well, I guess we can file this story under the “Didn’t see that coming” category: Two new robot cops have been put in place along the intersection of Boulevard Triomphal and Huileries Avenue in Kinshasa, part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for the sole purpose of easing traffic congestion.

It’s HERE! Jan Lamprecht’s Kindle Version!

Jan Lamprecht’s new Kindle edition is out! Now everyone can get a copy of what constitutes the core of knowledge of hollow planets. And you don’t have to worry about the government and the FAA outlawing Amazot delivery drones. It’s available for download right now.

Jan Lamprecht’s Hollow Planets is BACK!!

Cover of the 1999 paperback (1st) edition, 596 pages, Jan Lamprecht & TGS Publishing


Jan Lamprecht’s Hollow Planets is BACK!!


Out of print for years now, copies are selling on line at up $130. And if you have one, you should probably think twice about letting go of it. For the rest of us, there is still hope, because an ebook version is nearing release through Grave Distractions Publications. It will be available in multiple formats (Nook, Kindle, Smashword, etc.) within the next couple months. Final pricing is not yet decided, but because of the length and copious illustrations by Billy B. Baty, it will end up as “fairly high end” for an ebook, but far, far less than the last print copies “in the wild”. If you would like direct email notification upon release, send a request to


On the off chance, you don’t know about this book, I highly recommend checking out the reviews and details HERE

One particular review, the one directly below, exemplifies the credibility of Jan’s work.



Jan, I am just returned from our successful solar eclipse expedition, having left Turkey less than one day before the earthquake struck. I found over 400 waiting e-mails, not to mention numerous other deadlines needing attention. One of the items of waiting mail was your book, which I thank you for sending. I glanced at the book, and despite my backlog of urgent matters, cracked it open, thinking it would be easy to establish that it could be shelved for good. From the title alone, I immediately had two objections that demanded answers — how to reconclie a hollow Earth with seismic data, and how to reconccile it with Earth’s gravity field as established by artificial satellites. I soon found that you had dealt with the seismic data issue head-on, and offerred an intriguing alternate explanation. For merely showing us all that the inferred density profile of Earth’s interior is not a unique solution of seismic data — an important constraint for all theoreticians working in that area — the book had already made itself worthwhile. [snip] That summarizes my quick first impressions. I hope to look at some of your other chapters after I regain control of my schedule by catching up on deadlines. Best wishes. -|Tom|- —Dr Tom Van Flandern (astronomer, formerly U.S. Naval Observatory)
Of course, as soon as the e-edition becomes available, we’ll post links. Stay tuned!

Kennedy Assassination: Five Decades, Still No Answers

The Last Word on JFK:
The 50th anniversary of John Kennedy’s assassination has come and gone, but the major questions remain. On January 31 at UNLV’s Greenspun Auditorium, a panel including some of the world’s best known and most credible assassination researchers will participate in a live, world-wide webcast about JFK, in particular, the investigation launched by former New Orleans DA Jim Garrison.  Longtime TV host and producer John Barbour will screen his groundbreaking film about Garrison, and the panelists will take questions from the audience. The onstage guests will include author Jim Marrs, whose book about the JFK plot was one of the inspirations for the Oliver Stone film, longtime assassination researcher and author Dick Russell, and historian-author Joan Mellen.  Barbour  says the panelists will tell what they know about Garrison’s investigation which constitutes  “the greatest true story never told”. The  7 p.m. event free and open to the public. Among those helping to get the word out about the UNLV event is comedian and JFK researcher Richard Belzer.

FED Shenanigans

Campaign for Liberty





Earlier tonight, the U.S. Senate voted 56-26 to confirm Janet Yellen as the next Federal Reserve Chair.  Once again, Harry Reid refused to grant a vote on Audit the Fed, despite nearly 75% of the American people supporting a Fed audit.  But today’s total marked the lowest show of support for a Fed Chair nominee in history!  Despite 100 years of Fed propaganda, and a flood of Fed allies doing their best to block our efforts, we’re gaining more momentum against the Fed and its reckless policies every day.

Visit for the roll call of tonight’s vote.  Federal Reserve Chairs come and go, but our opposition to the Fed’s secrecy and destruction of our economy will never change.  Passing Audit the Fed remains Campaign for Liberty’s top legislative priority, and with your help, we will overcome the hurdles and turn this historic legislation into the law of the land!

In Liberty,

John Tate President

P.S. You can help C4L reach millions more Americans about the Fed’s reckless actions – and mobilize them to fight for Audit the Fed – by chipping in $10 or $20 today!

Steve Pierce on “iNSide Tha Jackals Head” this past 11/24/2013

Heard live on November 24th, 2013 on
Twitter @thajackal

Tonight I’m joined by one of the main witnesses to the Travis Walton abduction case. As most of my listeners know I’m a major believer, and supporter of Travis, and his crew that was with him. My dream interview while doing ufology radio was to be able to interview Travis, and some of his crew members, and I’ve have Travis on my show, and produced another show he was on, and tonight one of the men who saw what happened will join me, and we will find out from his point of view what he’s thought about that night. All these years later.

Steve was only seventeen years old, when working as a logger as a crew of seven near Snowflake, Arizona. All seven men saw something that would forever change their lives when they encountered an out of place bright light on the evening of Nov. 5, 1975. As the men got closer to the light, they could see it was a craft hovering just above the trees.

One of the men, Travis Walton, exited the truck and headed towards the craft. Steve, having a window seat in the truck, witnessed a beam of light bolt from the craft and hit Travis, sending him flying through the air. The men took off suddenly, and upon returning a short time later, Travis was nowhere to be found.

The townsfolk became divided, when Steve and five co-workers were accused of murdering Travis. Reporters from all over the world arrived in the small town of Snowflake and hounded the men and their families.

Steve took a polygraph test which showed he was telling the truth of witnessing an unusual craft. The polygraph also showed Steve was telling the truth when he claimed he had not murdered Travis or knew of anyone else that murdered Travis or knew of Travis’s whereabouts.

Steve went into hiding for almost four decades, but was being tracked in those early years by UFO skeptic, Philip Klass. Klass offered Steve a large sum of money to change his story and claim it was a hoax.

Steve speaks at UFO conventions and appears on numerous radio programs. He also appeared on the television program ‘Paranormal Witness’ titled ‘The Abduction’ in October 2012.

Steve decided to try to bring out more of his memories through hypnotic regression with Yvonne Smith where he underwent three regressions in 2013.

Steve has only recently come out to tell his side of the story and what’s happened to him since he went on to become a long haul truck driver and is now retired. Steve is also in the midst of writing a book about his life story.

Sue and Settle: Regulating Behind Closed Doors

Featured Image: Old Castle Door by Petr Kratochvil

SOURCE: (Public Domain)

What freaks me out that this kind of stuff use to be well hidden, but our country has become so corrupt that now you hear of this type thing all the time and it seems to me that folks do not seem to GIVE A DAMN!. . . EDITOR

From Newsmax (Hard Copy) January, 2014

Activists Use ‘Sue and Settle’ to Block Development


“. . . The trick works this way: outside groups petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to add an animal, such as the boreal frog, to the endangered species list. Then just days later, in some cases, they follow up with a lawsuit charging that the federal agency is taking too long to decide.” . . .

. . .”enables regulators and special interests to cut backroom deals” . . . (page 20 Jan. Issue Newsmax magazine.

From U.S. Department of Commerce web page

What is Sue and Settle?

Sue and settle occurs when an agency intentionally relinquishes  its statutory discretion by accepting lawsuits from outside groups that effectively dictate the priorities and duties of the agency through  legally binding, court-approved settlements negotiated behind closed doors— with no participation by other affected  parties or the public. . . . Learn more at web site.