Search results for Obama Birth Certificate

Ongoing – Obama’s Questionable Birthplace: Tom Donahue interviews Phil Berg (Premiere Video)

One of the stories THEI has been following closely since it showed its ugly face, is the question still asked by many “is Obama a Natural Born Citizen?” and even eligible to run for President, much less be one.

We first started to report on this story mainly because the Controllers MSM has obviously been ordered to ignore it. And we follow those stories they refuse to cover diligently. 

We became particular interested when Obama/Barry chose to ignore a court order to appear with his birth certificate in a Georgia Court.

NO American Citizen has the right to ignore a Judge’s court order. A Judge’s order MUST be followed by everyone. Be you Joe the Plummer, Britney whats-her-name or a Controllers Presidential puppet. . . . EDITOR

from youtube

Tom Donahue interviews Phil Berg

Published on Oct 3, 2012 by 

Tom Donahue interviews Phil Berg “Obama Crimes” top birthed researching the Impostor in Chief.

Tom Donahue has been a personal friend for at least 20 years and in my opinion one of the original crusaders for the truth in these troubled times. He is one of the original modern patriots and one of the first to report on the criminal One World Order cabal over radio nation wide.

I first met Tom during a protest he called for over his radio show. We were to meet in front of the Jacksonville, Florida Federal Reserve Bank back in the mid 1990’s.

The first time I saw Tom he was standing if front of the FED bank – holding high above his head, a Kennedy issued 1963 Five Dollar interest free “Treasury Note” (as opposed the FED fiat interest “Federal Reserve Note.”)

 There were a gaggle of wide-eyed FED toadies crowded around the inside of the sinister looking building staring out through the windows at Tom and his group of protesters.There were also a few Jacksonville Sheriff’s cars with occupants discreetly parked around in plain sight. That FED bank had never been picketed before or since..

FED Bank, Jacksonville Florida SOURCE

Great memories, wish Ida had a camera!

Tom, my friend.

Good Luck with your new Youtube Channel. You have the full support of THEI.

Go, man, go! . . . Dennis


Archives of Reports as we follow Obama Refusing Judge’s Orders to bring his “REAL” Birth Certificate to court.


Missed any posts on this subject here on THEI during 2012? Go a Little DEEPER:

9/4/2012: Lawyer Has Warned Democrat Election Officials Against Certifying Obama’s Eligibility

8/26/2012: Obama’s Birth Certificate is Back in the News

8/22/2012: Continuing to Report The Obama Birth Lies: Good detective work

8/11/2012: Updates – Forgerygate: Army Officer Imprisoned For Challenging Obama and more (w/Video)

7/18/2012: Ongoing: Sheriff Joe: Obama Birth Certificate National Security Issue & UPDATE: Obama’s SS Number challanged

6/18/2012: Ongoing: Florida court hears questions about President Obama eligibility as a “natural born citizen”

6/4/2012: Hawaii Senior Elections Clerk: “Barack Obama Was Not Born In Hawaii”

5/22/2012: Hawaii Five-O: Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives To Honolulu

5/12/2012: Washington Times Reporter Discusses Investigation Into Obama’s Forged Selective Service Registration (video report)

5/6/2012: ForgeryGate: A Simple Guide To Obama’s Fraud

4/22/2012: Birthers Day in Court: The New Jersey Obama Ballot Eligibility Hearings (videos)

3/5/2012: Certfi-Gate: the major story the mainstream media is ignoring (w/video & PDF Preliminary Report)


Lawyer Has Warned Democrat Election Officials Against Certifying Obama’s Eligibility

Photo: Birth Certificate published on-line by the White House purported to be Barack Obama’s. Study by several document experts say it is a forgery.  Obama has continued to ignore judge’s orders to appear in court to clear this up.

Once again we present action concerning Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President while the Controllers MSM continues to look the other way and ignore the most important question of the coming presidential election. Is  Barack Hussein Obama  constitutionally and legally qualified Democratic candidate for president of the United States.” I predict that sooner or later this story will smack the MSM in the face like the food in the popular commercials. . . Probably be the taco . . . EDITOR

from Before its News

‘For any party official to do so would be to perjure him or herself’

By Bob Unruh – WND

A former U.S. Justice Department attorney who founded the government watchdog Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch has warned a key Barack Obama attorney that Democrat Party or state elections officials certifying Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election could become the targets of election-fraud charges.

The letter from Larry Klayman explains that’s because those officials simply cannot know Obama’s eligibility for sure, and the law doesn’t allow them to make assumptions.

In his letter to Robert Bauer, general counsel to the Democratic National Committee, Klayman explained that the evidence shows no one knows for sure about Obama’s eligibility, so letters from the DNC to states about Obama’s 2012 candidacy may be problematic. . . . Read Complete Report

Continuing to Report The Obama Birth Lies: Good detective work

Where there is smoke there is fire, and this story would be a pre-game bonfire by now if the controlled media was doing their job.  But dream on. It’s up to the patriots who maintain the Auturnative Press like here at THEI who will eventually prove that the man in the White House has no business there. In fact he should be deported as an undocumented worker and a threat to every American’s freedoms. Here is more undeniable smoking-gun evidence from a private researcher. . . EDITOR

submitted by THEI’s Rick Osmon

From: Dennis Porter <>

Date: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:18 PM

Good Detective Work on Obama

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes’. So how can the Obama birth certificate state he is ‘African-American’ when the term wasn’t even used at that time? [Editors note: I do not see anywhere on this document where Obama is listed as “African-American”.)

2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth as August  4, 1961. It also lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father.

No big deal, right? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is age 25 years old and that Obama’s father was born in ” Kenya, East Africa”.

This wouldn’t seem  like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth and 27 years after  his father’s birth. How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was  known as the ” British East Africa Protectorate”.

On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is  “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”. This cannot be,  because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called “KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated  1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?

Why hasn’t this been  discussed in the major media????? Because crooks will protect crooks. Please send this to everyone you know with the hope that we can force the media, as well OUR  NATION, to address this CORRUPTION.



 Post-colonial   history (from Wikipedia)

Updates – Forgerygate: Army Officer Imprisoned For Challenging Obama and more (w/Video)

Continuing to cover the story that ALL of the mainstream press refuses to even think about. We feel that this is one of the most important investigations in the history of the united States presidential elections. These questions need to be answered before November, so we continue to bring it forth. . . .EDITOR

from Freedom Outpost

Army Officer Imprisoned For Challenging Obama


Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the author of Officer’s Oath: Why my Vow to Defend the Constitution Demanded that I Sacrifice my Career, a tell all first hand account of his faith and patriotism which ended up resulting in a court-martial, imprisonment and the stripping of all military rank and privileges, including his Army pension all because he challenged Barack Obama’s eligibility. In reading this one has to ask the question, why would Barack Obama allow a fine military man like this to go to jail, when he could have simply provided the documentation and that soldier would have done his duty.

Lakin refused to obey deployment orders, arguing that Obama had not documented his eligibility for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. . . . Read Complete Report


from The Western Center for Journalism 

A Message For Mr. Kenneth Bennet-Investigate ForgeryGate!

AUGUST 11, 2012 BY 

Mr. Bennet, if you found any time to watch Sheriff Joe’s most recent press conference on July 17, 2012, you would have noticed the critical information that Detective Mike Zullo presented.  He uncovered that since 1955, when Hawaii changed many of their laws as it pertained to birth-certificate validation requirements, anyone that paid a utility bill for twelve months could come and claim that a child was born in Hawaii. And within twelve months of that birth, they would be granted a valid Hawaii birth-certificate.

As you can appreciate, their lax birth certificate laws resulted in Hawaii birth certificates, on their own, being nothing more than Prima Facie (in other words, worthless, unable to stand on their own without additional supporting documentation.) This provides you with an ideal unique opportunity to demand that Hawaii provide you with additional verifiable supporting documentation, since it matters not what Hawaii has in their vaults as it pertains to the birth certificate that the White House posted on their website.

Once again, Mr. Bennet, Detective Mike Zullo has re-opened the door for you to demand that Hawaii provide additional supportive documentation as their own laws require in order to validate anyone’s Hawaii birth certificate.  The truth is that few people are ever given a second chance in such a critically important situation as you yourself have been given. Hopefully, you will take this opportunity and help to change the direction that America will be taken should Obama win a second term. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube

BREAKING NEWS! July 17th 2012, OBAMA to be exposed as Fraudulent President!

ublished on Jul 9, 2012 by 

On July 17th a press conference is scheduled to be held in Arizona. Literally, piles and piles of evidence will be presented exposing the Fraud of the ObamaNation “presidency!”
STAY TUNED! . . . Text wilh video


Ongoing: Florida court hears questions about President Obama eligibility as a “natural born citizen”

from The Washington Times

It seems to me that all Obama has to do is release his REAL birth certificate to end this probe. Instead he hires lawyers to fight it or ignores all calls for him to prove he is who he says he is. Something to hide? Or just arrogance? Either way he is ignoring those American voters who want the truth BEFORE the election – if he is capable of telling the truth. . . . EDITOR

Monday, June 18, 2012

by Alan Jones

WASHINGTON, Monday, June 18, 2012 — A lawyer for President Barack Obama argued today in Florida that a lawsuit claiming his client “is not eligible to appear on the November ballot because he is not a ‘natural born citizen,’” should be dismissed on the grounds that the Democratic Party has not yet nominated a candidate.

In Tallahasse, Florida, Attorney Mark Herron, representing President Obama, told Leon County, Florida Circuit Judge Terry Lewis that the January 31, 2012 Florida Presidential Preference Primary “did not result in nomination or election” and that “federal law precludes this court from determining whether a candidate for the office of President of the United States is qualified under Article Two Section Five of the United States Constitution.”

“There has been no nomination to office, there has been no election to office,” Herron told Judge Lewis. . . . Read Complete Report

Hawaii Senior Elections Clerk: “Barack Obama Was Not Born In Hawaii”

Continuing to cover the story the MSM refuses to even mention . . . EDITOR

from The Western Center for Journalism

May 29, 2012 By

“For starters, just because there is no long form birth certificate on file in Hawaii, that doesn’t rule out President Obama being born elsewhere in the United States, or even in Hawaii,” states Hawaii’s former Senior Election Clerk Timothy Lee Adams in his Masters Thesis that was signed off on by four English Department Deans at Western Kentucky University in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Master of Arts, on June 13, 2011.

Adams was the Chief Elections Clerk (Pg. 30) for the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii.  “On a temporary contract, I ran an office that verified voter eligibility that had a staff of about fifty people,” he also told radio  host James Edwards of the Liberty Radio Network.  “Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii,” the former elections clerk continued. “It (Pg. 31) was openly admitted by everyone in the office who was above me, at least my immediate supervisors, that there is no documentation.”  . . . Read Complete Report

ForgeryGate: A Simple Guide To Obama’s Fraud

Continuing to cover stories that the mainstream media has decided not to follow, but we here at THEI think you should know. . . . EDITOR

from the Western Center for Journalism 

April 28, 2012 By

Many experts have weighed in on the analysis of Obama’s “certificate of live birth” and concluded that it is a forgery culminating in a probable cause finding of forgery and fraudulent document(s) by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office on March 1st of this year.  All of these methods used complicated computer software and other forensic methods to establish that the document Obama’s Administration posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 was a forgery.

Through all of this, we have not heard one peep out of Obama or his handlers and agents about this matter; they believe that if they ignore this issue, the media will bury the story along with yesterday’s garbage.

This is a serious Constitutional crisis and breach of federal law; however, all we get from the media, the press corps, attorney general, and legislators is a “let them eat cake” and the “devil may care” attitude. In the first instance. . . . Read Complete Report


Here’s a story you would think every one of the main stream news sources would be all over. . . the President of the United States refusing to answering a lawful subpoena to appear in court regarding his mysterious background. . . entered into evidence . . . a phoney social security number. . . experts testifying that his so-called “birth certificate” a product of Photo Shop. All of this and more. . . and the establishment press completely ignoring the Georgia court case. Do you wonder why? I don’t. And Obama. This is an election year think of all the free press this trial would give him and how popular he would become when he showed up in court with the proof of his claims in his hand. . . unless he has something to hide. . . . EDITOR

from Huffington Riposte


By Craig Andresen on January 26, 2012 at 9:25 am

Given the testimony from today’s court case in Georgia, Obama has a lot of explaining to do. His attorney, Jablonski, was a NO SHOW as of course, was Obama.
The following is a nutshell account of the proceedings.
Promptly at 9am  EST, all attorneys involved in the Obama Georgia eligibility case were called to the Judge’s chambers. This was indeed a very interesting beginning to this long awaited and important case.
The case revolved around the Natural Born clause of the Constitution and whether or not Obama qualifies under it to serve. More to the point, if found ineligible, Obama’s name would not appear on the 2012 ballot in Georgia.
With the small courtroom crowded, several in attendance could be seen fanning themselves with pamphlets as they waited for the return of the attorneys and the appearance of the judge.
Obama himself, who had been subpoenaed to appear, of course was nowhere near Georgia. Instead, Obama was on a campaign swing appearing in Las Vegas and in Colorado ignoring the court in Georgia.
Over the last several weeks, Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, had attempted several tactics to keep this case from moving forward. He first tried to have it dismissed, then argued that it was irrelevant to Obama. After that, Jablonski argued that a state could not, under the law, determine who would or would not be on a ballot and later, that Obama was simply too busy with the duties of office to appear.
After all these arguments were dispatched by the Georgia Court, Jablonski, in desperation, wrote to the Georgia Secretary of State attempting to place Obama above the law and declared that the case was not to he heard and neither he nor his client would participate. . .

Read more:

Certfi-Gate: the major story the mainstream media is ignoring (w/video & PDF Preliminary Report)

Except for when Obama refused to honor a legal subpoena  to appear in a Georgia court [see links at end of this posting]  I have kept THEI out of the “birthers” quest to find the truth about whether President Obama meets the qualification of being an American born citizen or not because I felt in the end the answer would come out in the normal course of judicial examination and be extensively covered by the  MSM (Main Stream Media).

But I now find that, once again, the Controller’s media chooses to ignore a lawful investigation. This kind of information control is the very reason I added this “NEW Hollow Earth Insider” section to the website as an alternative news source for those who would like to know what is going on around us that, more and more, the MSM ignores. 

Whether you believe that Obama is truly a legal President or not you should still be concerned that the MSM seems to decide what to report and what not to report to its viewers and readers.  Win, loose, or draw on this issue I feel any national story as important as this one should be reported. With that in mind here is an overview of the whole story.  Starting with this overview of the Certifi-Gate investigation, unlike the obviously “keep your mouth shut” ordered MSM, we will  continue to follow this inquiry in the pages of THEI until the conclusion. . . EDITOR

Barack Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate released by the White House


Politically incorrect but funny: from Barack Obama Jokes (about Certfi-Gate:)

(A few snickers before we get serious)

Q. Why did Obama wait so long to release his birth certificate?

A. He didn’t have a registered copy of PhotoShop.
It was recently reported in the news that the President had been accidentally locked out of the White House. For that one panicked moment Obama thought that they must have found his real birth certificate.
President Barack Hussein Obama has finally released his actual birth certificate, proving that he really was born in Hawaii, our 57th state.
Now we get serious:

Investigating the President


from The Western Center for Journalism

America’s Biggest Political Crisis: CertifiGate

March 5, 2012 By

America now must face its biggest political crisis in history because she has a sitting President whose credentials to hold office can not and will not be verified by the very institutions charged with protecting her, and her media are covering up Certifigate.   ”The document failed every test we put it through,” said lead investigator Mike Zullo who told Sheriff Joe Arpaio “We had a forgery” referring to the document released last year by the White House as being President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.  Speaking at a Maricopa County, AZ press conference in front of a very hostile media scrum on Thursday, March 1, Zullo revealed, “In fact, absent the authentication of Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other proof he was born anywhere within the United States.” (1)

Based on their meticulous examination and precise analysis, Zullo and his Cold Case Posse “believe a criminal investigation is needed because fraud has been committed (and) the document is fake!”  The media present shrugged off the very detailed explanation of computer generated forgery Zullo objectively explained, attempting instead to portray Sheriff Joe and his investigators as being driven by politics. . . . Read complete Report


from The Western Center for Journalism

Joe Arpaio: Biased Media Belittled Obama Inquiry

March 5, 2012 By

Over the past several weeks, members of the local media continuously asked me what our preliminary findings, which were released on Thursday, would show in the investigation of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

They were practically salivating at the opportunity to embarrass me, my highly capable group of volunteer investigators and literally anyone else who would dare show an interest in the possibility that this investigation could lead to any real credible evidence into what they claim has already been “looked into” or “widely debunked.”

During our news conference, my investigators and I laid out a large array of technical information, demonstrations and evidence that no other law-enforcement agency in the country has even considered looking into.

We have produced experts in the creation of electronic documents who will attest that the document in question is a forgery, evidence that the president’s Selective Service registration card is highly suspect and looked far different from any other card we examined from the same exact post office in the same exact month in which his was filed. . . . Read complete report


from The Intel Hub

Arpaio’s Posse Investigators: Obama’s Birth Certificate ‘is Built, Manufactured by Layers’

March 2, 2012

Editors Note: As reported on April 27, 2011 by The Intel Hub the documents are likely fake. We will see how this scenario plays out as the Sheriff pushes the pot belly demons further behind the curtain.

PHOENIX — Sheriff Joe Arpaio is engaging the POTUS (President of the United States) in the public domain with brute force.

Arpaio’s Posse claims that Obama (if that’s who he really is), has released a forged birth certificate and fraudulent selective service card on a governmental website.

Few in the media chose to cover the real deal, as others spin it.

The fact is the the Sheriff is controversial, the other fact is that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery.

We give ABC Action News credit for publishing the following;

Arpaio scheduled the news conference Thursday to unveil preliminary results of an investigation, conducted by members of his volunteer cold-case posse, into the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate, a controversy that has been widely debunked but which remains alive in the eyes of some conservatives.

Mike Zullo, lead investigator with the department’s cold case posse presented detailed evidence backing up the sheriff’s claim.

“We do not have a single document that proves Mr. Obama’s birth in Hawaii or anywhere in the United States for that matter,” Zullo said. “The document is fake, the representation is fake.

“We believe this should be a full blown investigation,” Zullo said.

Authorities have an investigative lead into the forgery, he said, but would not elaborate.

“It is built, manufactured by layers,” Zullo said. “We would like to find the person who pushed the upload button.”

“If nothing else comes out of the investigation …what we have learned, we need a better process to vet people running for president of the United States of America,” Arpaio added. . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Complete PDF file: The Preliminary Findings on Obama Birth Certificate


from The Western Center for Journalism

Obama Birth Certificate: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Investigation Suspects Forgery

by David Badash on March 1, 2012

in News

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, under federal investigation, has just released the “findings” of his six-month long “five-page investigation” into President Barack Obama‘s birth certificate, announcing he “suspects forgery.” Arpaio, who is not a certified documents specialist, just released a statement that questions President Barack Obama’s “eligibility to be president.” President Obama released his long-form birth certificate to the public on April 27, 2011.

. . Read complete report


Past Posts: Related THEI Obama Media Blackout

1/29/12 Continuing Coverage: Media Blackout in Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Case

1/28/12 Continuing Coverage: Obama Eligibility Hearing In Georgia Part 1 (video)

1/22/12 Judge Refuse to squelch subpoena for Obama to appear at a hearing to determine Eligibility to Run in 2012


Thoughts from an Underground Insider: Fake News: How Can we tell?

In these trying times of political unrest and the two political parties at each others throats,  combined with many of our citizens reaching the point of no trust in the MSM and with so many “alternative” news sites on the internet (like THEI) “fake news” has become as common as lying politicians.  How can we know what is true?

While digging into which stories I feel are of concern to you and the others who read THEI I have almost been sucked into reporting these lies myself.

Because of this I have started to check my facts more than I use to. The latest one being “Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead.

“Just days after being summoned to appear before Trey Gowdy’s congressional committee to testify about Hillary Clinton’s email server, one of her aides was found dead at home of “natural causes.” . . . Complete “report”

A couple of other recent reports making the
“alternative” news sites with no truth in recently were:

BREAKING: Investigators Make A Gruesome Discovery While Re-Burying Vince Foster

After learning everything possible from Vince Foster’s exhumed body before it was stolen and burned, investigators gave the OK to have him reinterred. On inspection of the grave, it was discovered that the exhumation crew had cracked the concrete vault that held Foster’s casket, requiring it to be replaced. . . Complete “Report”

Obama’s family release his real birth certificate – obama born in mombasa kenya


My first step when finding what I suspect is one of these Fake News Reports is to make a search for who is reporting this particular story on the internet. For instance, on the story of the Clinton Aid found dead I found the following:

  1. Laura DeGonia – Johnston Wilson McGill, 34 Very strange …

    Johnston Wilson McGill, 34 Very strange. BREAKING: Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead…

  2. Johnston Wilson McGill. Tag: Johnston Wilson McGill. Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead. readconservatives-March 31, 2017. 0. Follow US !

  3. Top Clinton Aide Johnston Wilson McGill Summoned By Congress ……Apr 01, 2017 · Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, was pronounced dead on his sofa by a private specialist subsequent to affliction a clear heart attack. A representative for …
  4. Top Clinton Aide Johnston Wilson McGill Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead (
  5. CLINTON BODY COUNT +1 !!!! BREAKING: Top Clinton Aide …

    Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, who was one of her former aides, was pronounced dead yesterday, after he was found by a friend at his home. Medical sources has reported …

  6. /pol/ – Politically Incorrect » Thread #119202653

    >Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, was pronounced dead on his couch by a private doctor after suffering an apparent heart attack. A spokesman for Clinton’s former …

  7. Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead …


    First Red Flag:  Not a single MSM or tried and true alternative news source, such as  Drudge Report, Info Wars, was reporting this, only relative unknowns.

    Second Red Flag: Most of these lesser know “alternative news” sites file the same report, useing the same – usually small short reports with the same wording.

    The next step is to make a Public Records Search on the person mentioned as the main character in the report.  One site I have found very useful in this is:

    One good source for fact or fiction facts is to check a great site that traces the truth of such reports,

    In today’s instant world of getting information it is just as important that we seek out and expose` the untruth as it is to distribute the truth no matter what our personal beliefs are.  Hope this helps you shift through the clutter. . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw