Search results for 9/11

Rise of Drones Poses Dangers for US Homeland (w/Video)

Photo: Predator Drone and Pilot at Airshow in Arizona on Luke Airforce Base. CREDIT  Brian Wendt SOURCE 

from yahoo News

Who watches the watchers circling overhead in U.S. skies? Acongressional hearing on the possible risks of domestic drones lamented the absence of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its failure to step up to take responsibility.

Homeland Security officials told Congress that their duties don’t cover the domestic use of drones in the U.S., according to U.S. Rep.Michael McCaul, a Republican from Texas and chairman of the subcommittee hearing of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security. But McCaul worried that the agency was “reverting back to a pre-9/11 mindset” with a “lack of imagination in identifying threats.”

“It should not take a 9/11 style attack by a terrorist organization such as Hezbollah or a lone wolf- inspired event to cause DHS (Department of Homeland Security) to develop guidance addressing the security implications of domestic drones,” McCaul said in his opening remarks on July 19.

Today’s usage of drones in the U.S. remains limited to the law enforcement, border patrol, firefighting and weather or scientific research. But the Federal Aviation Administration plans to allow non-government drones to fly nationwide by 2015, starting with the selection of six test sites this year. . . . Read complete Report

from youtube

VIDEO REPORT: Congress: Domestic drones pose potential threats

Thu, Jul 19, 2012 – AP 3:00

The House Homeland Security Subcommittee held a hearing Thursday about the domestic use of drones. Rep. Michael McCaul expressed concern that drones not only could be hijacked and flown against a target, but also pose other safety issues. (July 19)

Retro – 1988 PBS Bill Moyers “The Secret Government” (video 1hr 26 min)

Although the Controllers have virtually full control over the mainstream press and entertainment outlets a few informative presentations slip through.  This special investigating the Controllers made it.  As you watch this 1 hr 26 minute report, compare it with today’s problems.  With a few name and place changes it can easily be seen that its the same-oh-same oh.

Also while you watch this most important informative presentation keep in mind what Dr. Ron Paul is trying to get across when he said we caused the 9/11 attack by our actions in the that area of the world starting in 1953 Why? Control of Oil supply . . . . EDITOR

from PBS via youtube

For more background Go Deeper.  What was barely touched on in this special was the drug connection to the Iran-Contra Conspiracy. For that most important part of the story watch “The Mena Connection”( 2 hrs 35 mins) now posted in our viewing room.

Wanna go even Deeper?  Watch the series of videos (58 mins total), THEI Video 101.



NASA ADMITS UFOs EXIST… but where’s the media?

THE NEW Hollow Earth Insider

THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                      Dennis Crenshaw Editor



Editor & Commentary: Dennis Crenshaw

NASA: States they Have No Idea What these Orbs of Light UFOs Are From

Fox News video Report Posted to youtube Sept 10, 2011

Transcript of the tape.

“The object was detected under the space craft yesterday. It  was detected shortly after a routine check of the shuttles steering jets.  After Columbia NASA has developed several procedures and tools to protect the shuttle while in space.  NASA Admits  they may never know what the objects are.

“Space Shuttle Program Director Wayne Hale: Over the years we have chased many, many, many of these things but not with the visibility that this one has gotten, and uh, rarely have we been able to pinpoint exactly where they came from and always finding out that it didn’t pose us any hazard.  . . .”

Well here… hear it for yourself.

Now that is news!  Where are the “Day the World Ended” headlines or the “We interrupt this program for a special report..”.  I think It appears as though I’ve been right for a while.  WE have all been listening to the talking heads so long we miss the importance of some of the reports that come across the boob tube, especially if it is reported only one time in the wee hours of the morning where any decent soul is home in bed or passed out in the Denny’s parking lot in his ride .. . .

Oh excuse me. Didn’t mean to interrupt you evening of watching “All in the Family” reruns… or were you going to watch the debate to see who’s going to be head flunkey next  time? . . .   and you’d think those guys running around shouting “disclosure any day now” all the time would have jumped  on this. . . . shame, shame.

The questions I have for Mr. Hale is …(1) What did you mean by “rarely” have we been able to pinpoint exactly where they came from?”  Tell us about those rare occasions when you WERE  able to pinpoint exactly where they came from… same old smoke and mirrors if you ask me. (2) How did you FIND OUT they “pose no hazard?”  Where William Moore when you need him…..


New NEWS on the JFK Hit & the UFO Connection

JFK Assignation – add UFOs to the list of reasons he was murdered

Even before the sun set over the killing field of the grassy knoll in Dallas Texas back on October 22th 1963 folks were speculating on where the blame should go.  The “lone nut Oswald theory” was in vogue within hours of the coup.    Since then I’ve read books and articles putting the blame on the CIA, the Mafia, J. Edger Hoover, Castro, Lyndon Johnson, the Military-Industry complex (for JFK’s plans to pull the military out of the profiteers cash cow, Viet Nam), International Bankers (for issuing legal interest-free Treasury Notes in place of interest baring Federal Reserve Notes with the eventual aim of closing down the FED); even Joe DiMaggio is on the list of suspects because of Kennedy’s dilly-dallying with Marylyn  Monroe. Then again it could be a combination of any of the above.  Hell, I guess it could have been the whole bunch together!  A super- conspiracy.

For years there have been rumors and innuendos whispered about a UFO Connection to JFK’s Assassination.

This from the Daily Mail Posted April 19, 2011

Was JFK Killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret Memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death.

Read the entire article and decide for yourself…

So, let me get this straight.  The President demands to be briefed on UFOs and 10 days later he’s killed? Humm, I hate to say it because I’m known I’m going to make a lot of people out there upset with me, but here goes…. could the “lone nut” shooter have been … Paul The Alien?  I know, corny. But they never did explain what he seemed to be running from when he met up with his two road buddies.

But let’s get serious.  Maybe it’s time we all read Kenn Thomas’ book, JFK & UFO: Military-Industrial Conspiracy and Cover-Up from Maury Island to Dallas


The Truth is Somewhere

I don’t know why I’ve been waiting all these years for the promised UFO disclosure from our Government that some people in the UFO community have been telling us is “just around the corner” for the last 20 years; after all, Jack Nicholson gave it all away back in 1969 in the movie Easy Rider.

Of course he wasn’t visited by the Men in Black or assassinated to shut him up or anything.  After all it was obvious he was under the influence of the “killer weed” and who the hell is going to believe a pothead?.

Blast from the Past: Jack Nicholson explains UFOS – From Easy Rider


Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?

Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?


                                                                    Phobos – The Hollow Moon of Mars

THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                      Dennis Crenshaw Editor

Hollow Earth News

Hollow Earth Update

Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?

(2011) by Dennis Crenshaw

I was really surprised when the establishment scientific community finally admitted on the record, after years of speculation, that yes, Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, is indeed hollow. What surprised me even more was that even though the story was extensively covered, as in this story from the  Daily Galaxy story filed under the heading “You Can’t Make this Up Dept: Why is Phobos Moon Hollow?” ,   it seemed the Hollow Earth Community took a “ho-hum” attitude towards the revelation.  If the scientific community had let something like this out back in-the-day those early true Ufologist would have been shouting it from the rooftops.  After all it has been the contention of hollow earth proponents that all earthly bodies are hollow.  Now some REAL  proof and what’s our reaction? Yawn, ho -hum…who won the latest gimmick “reality” show.  Oh well.

There was a little chatter in the hollow earth groups for a couple of days and then they all returned to regurgitating the same hollow earth information they’ve been discussing for years. WAKE UP PEOPLE! THIS IS PROOF POSITIVE THAT AT LEAST SOME HEAVENLY BODIES ARE HOLLOW!! It seems for some reason we can’t seem to take the possibility of naturally hollow earthly bodies forward into the 21st century.

Of course the fact that at least some heavenly bodies are hollow is not new news. Just as with the belief by certain scientists who have claimed for at least the last 50 years that our own moon is hollow [See “For Whom the Bells Toll” – THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER Vol. 1 #2] the spin Doctors jump in and say that if it’s hollow then it “must be artificial because heavenly bodies are not naturally hollow” Even President Eisenhower had his say on the subject of Phobos hollowness way back when I was a child, and I’m now 67.   Of course if the people were paying attention this “new” information would cause a “Catch 22” for the controllers.  If  Phobos and our own moon ARE artificially build – not naturally formed – then who put them there?  You can’t have it both ways.

Ancient Underground Dwellers

According to a National Geographic story I reported on back in 1999 dinosaurs once burrowed underground. Now new dinosaur underground habitats have been discovered in Southern Australia.  Paleontologist Anthony Martin, the discoverer of the “Antarctica Dinosaurs” burrow in Southern Australia stated, “They probably burrow underground to escape extreme weather.”  Mr. Martin was with a group who also discovered the first known dinosaur tunnel, “an underground den in Montana holding [the remains of] a 95-million-year-old dinosaur family.”   Now we have an update to that report:

According to Jennifer Viegas reporting in Discovery News dateline 9/11/2011;

Long before dinosaurs, something was digging intricate homes and roads underground

“While life on Earth 240 million years ago flourished in the seas and on land, the underground worlds discovered in Morocco are the oldest example of such communal subterranean structures from a low-latitude area. . . ”

Should humans follow suit?

Both stories mentioned burrowing to escape extreme weather. Bet the digging was to better defend against predators also.  Both reasons make sense.  Which reminds me, didn’t some military or suit from the district of criminals (DC) recently tell us we should start to think about moving underground?  I’ll have to check that out.  In fact, I think I’ll spend some time looking into that … moving underground.  Look for a couple of reports in the coming issues on just that subject. . .