Featured Image: Cops in Times Square. New York explodes in protests for
Eric Garner. Photo by Pete Voelker Source: Vice (Fair Use).
Although the mainstream media are using Eric Garner in conjunction with the Michael Brown case they are completely different. And the differences are perfectly clear.
Michael Brown was a punk and a bully who was running from a strong-arm robber he had commented a few minutes before. Michael Brown was killed because he had commented a crimes and did not want to be arrested.
Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes. He was fighting back against an unjust tax on cigarettes. A tax which created the black-market Mr. Garner was serving.
While we at THEI disagree with the protests against the Michael Brown grand jury findings. We just as strongly join with the peaceful protesters in the Eric Garner case and take up the war cry “I Can’t Breathe”.
Over the years we have featured many stories on the merging police state, the militarization of our police departments and the growing police brutality in our country. It’s not just a problem in the black communities it’s also happening in poor white neighborhoods and on our nations highways. These cases are usually only reported by local media. By careful selection of which stories to “report” the mainstream media helps in the Controllers divide and conquer plans. By hooking the Brown and Garner cases together it adds to the civil unrest needed to help create the smokescreen the Controllers need at this time. Smoke, Baby, Smoke. . . EDITOR
Demonstrators took to the streets of New York City and Washington, DC on Wednesday, protesting the non-indictment of a police officer who killed unarmed African-American man Eric Garner. The 43-year-old father of six was selling loose cigarettes when confronted by the New York City Police Department and placed in a chokehold that ultimately killed him. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky is in on the ground in New York while Manuel Rapalo is in Washington.
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive
12/1/14 Dennis Crenshaw “Smoke, Baby, Smoke” (The Ferguson Smokescreen)
“Police Militarization” police brutality “Merging Police State”
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