Tag Archive for Washington

Eric Garner protests erupt in New York, Washington

Featured Image: Cops in Times Square. New York explodes in protests for
Eric Garner. Photo by ​Pete Voelker Source: Vice (Fair Use).

Although the mainstream media are using Eric Garner in conjunction with the Michael Brown case they are completely different. And the differences are perfectly clear.

Michael Brown was a punk and a bully who was running from a strong-arm robber he had commented a few minutes before. Michael Brown was killed because he had commented a crimes and did not want to be arrested.

Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes.  He was fighting back against an unjust tax on cigarettes.  A tax which created the black-market Mr. Garner was serving. 

 While we at THEI disagree with the protests against the Michael Brown grand jury findings. We just as strongly join with the peaceful protesters in the Eric Garner case and take up the war cry “I Can’t Breathe”. 

Over the years we have featured many stories on the merging police state, the militarization of our police departments and the growing police brutality in our country. It’s not just a problem in the black communities it’s also happening in poor white neighborhoods and on our nations highways. These cases are usually only reported by local media.  By careful selection of which stories to “report” the mainstream media helps in the Controllers divide and conquer plans. By hooking the Brown and Garner cases together it adds to the civil unrest needed to help create the smokescreen the Controllers need at this time. Smoke, Baby, Smoke. . . EDITOR

youtube by RT America

Published on Dec 3, 2014

Demonstrators took to the streets of New York City and Washington, DC on Wednesday, protesting the non-indictment of a police officer who killed unarmed African-American man Eric Garner. The 43-year-old father of six was selling loose cigarettes when confronted by the New York City Police Department and placed in a chokehold that ultimately killed him. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky is in on the ground in New York while Manuel Rapalo is in Washington.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive

12/1/14  Dennis Crenshaw “Smoke, Baby, Smoke” (The Ferguson Smokescreen)

“Police Militarization” police brutality “Merging Police State”


Obama: Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol

Obama: Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol

Posted: Jan 19, 2014 3:36 PMUpdated: Jan 19, 2014 7:36 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama said he doesn’t think marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol, “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer.”

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol,” the president said an interview with “The New Yorker” magazine. READ MORE

Smoking marijuana is “not something I encourage, and I’ve told my daughters I think it’s a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy,” Obama said.

2nd American Revolution Begins – Attorney Larry Klayman – LaFayette Park Washington DC

Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by MaxOneMedia

Published on Nov 19, 2013

Source: http://maxonemedia.com/media/2013/11/…

2nd American Revolution Begins – Attorney Larry Klayman – LaFayette Park Washington DC

Passionate Attorney Larry Klayman is at LaFayette Park in Washington DC across from the White House saying that we as a citizenry have been dis-served by the leaders of this country for generations. It is time for the government to listen to US, the people of this great nation; not for us to listen to them. Learn more at http://reclaimamericanow.net

Max One Media: http://maxonemedia.com/media/?p=7272

Event Date: November 19, 2013 – Raw Streamed Video Sourced From: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zee-spot

Let the Information Revolution begin . . . Reclaim America Now

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Revolution” 

Protest in Washington – People Against NSA Spying – Back Off Big Brother (With Video Reports)

Featured image: Stop Watching Us logo. SOURCE: Stopwatching.us

From The Guardian

Thousands gather in Washington for anti-NSA ‘Stop Watching Us’ rally

Thousands gathered by the Capitol reflection pool in Washington on Saturday to march, chant, and listen to speakers and performers as part of Stop Watching Us, a gathering to protest “mass surveillance” underNSA programs first disclosed by the whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Billed by organizers as “the largest rally yet to protest mass surveillance”, Stop Watching Us was sponsored by an unusually broad coalition of left- and right-wing groups, including everything from the American Civil Liberties Union, the Green Party, Color of Change and Daily Kos to the Libertarian Party, FreedomWorks and Young Americans for Liberty. . . . Read Complete Report


From youtube uploaded by zaKTECH1  on Oct 25, 2013

Background: Stop Watching Us Eyes Big Rally Against NSA Surveillance (Q&A)

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M  October 26, 2013 NBC News



From youtube uploaded by ganaBs

Protesters rally in Washington against NSA surveillance

Published on Oct 26, 2013

Protesters critical of the US National Security Agency’s surveillance activity demonstrate in Washington DC on Saturday to demand a stop to government spying. The demonstration, which is expected to culminate with a march on the Capital, was organised by a diverse coalition called Stop Watching US. The NSA spying controversy has been growing amid revelations that the US monitored the phones of several world leaders, including German chancellor Angela Merkel.

From youtube uploaded by hacker95242

Protest in Washington – People Against NSA Spying – Back Off Big Brother

Published on Oct 26, 2013

NSA Backlash – Anti-Surveillance Rally Held In Washington

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Protest”

Thousands Of Vets March On Washington, Demanding End To Government Shutdown (Video Report)


From youtube uploaded by Mass Tea Party

Published on Oct 14, 2013

Thousands Of Vets March On Washington, Demanding End To Government Shutdown

How Monsanto Runs Washington, Wal-Mart’s War on Wages, & Ending the TPP (Video Report)

Featured Images: Thanks to David Dees

dd395-Wal-Mart 50s-site David Dees


from youtube uploaded by  breakingtheset

Published on Sep 18, 2013

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Brazil’s Response to NSA Spying, Monsanto’s Revolving Door, Nestle’s Lawless Water Exploits, Wal-Mart’s War Against Livable Wages and How to Stop the TPP.


From youtube uploaded by Gary Null

Seeds Of Death – Full Movie

Published on May 24, 2013

The leaders of Big Agriculture–Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta–are determined that world’s populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.

This award-winning documentary, Seeds of Death, exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet’s future if Big Agriculture’s new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.

A Question and Answer fact sheet deconstructing Monsanto’s GM claims and Big Agriculture’s propaganda to accompany the film is available online:


 Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive “Monsanto”

Smoke Down Prohibition ~ Whitehouse in Washington D.C. 6/8/ 2013 (Video Reports)

From youtube uploaded by newishvidz

Smoke Down Prohibitation

Published on May 19, 2013

Adam Kokesh, the veteran who has been planning an armed march on Washington, D.C. has been arrested for another act of civil disobedience.
Earlier today, a post was made on Adam Kokesh’s official Facebook page that he had been arrested in Philadelphia during a “Smoke Down Prohibition” event. Kokesh has attended all four previous “Smoke Down Prohibition” events and was continuing this trend by participating in the fifth today.

From youtube uploaded by Darren Wolfe·

Adam Kokesh Arrested at Smoke Down Prohibition in Washington, DC

Published on Jun 8, 2013

During the Smoke Down Prohibition civil disobedience event Joint Summit with President Choom Adam Kokesh was arrested. This happened in Washington, DC on June 8, 2013.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive: “Border Wars, Drug Wars & Pot Prohibition”

“Adam Kokesh”

Breaking the Washington Dictatorship with Free and Equal Elections (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by TheLipTV

Published on May 3, 2013

Speaking about the need to break the two-party system and opening elections to more third party candidates, Christina Tobin joins Tyrel Ventura to share her work with the Free and Equal Elections Foundation. . . Part of Description published with video.

More Information: Free and Equal  ~  United We Stand


From podomatic uploaded by Christina Tobin

Sheriff Richard Mack to speak at the United We Stand Festival

Police ordered to return marijuana to Washington man for a second time

Featured Image: hanging cannabis SOURCE: NORML UK.org

From Toke of the Town

By William Breathes in News

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 1:20 pm
Last May, a Tacoma, Wash. cop pulled over Joseph Robertson for speeding. The cop said he smelled marijuana in the car, and after a search police ticketed Robertson for marijuana possession and took his stash in addition to a driving without a valid license charge. Since then Robertson, who is a medical marijuana patient, had the pot charge dropped says he should get his bag of meds back – and the municipal court has agreed. Twice.”Appeal or comply,” Municipal Court Judge Jack Emery ordered police and the Tacoma City Attorney last Thursday. Emery isn’t joking around either, adding “Or next week, show up, and I would advise you to bring counsel.” . . . Read Complete Report

UFO: Citizen Hearing On Disclosure – April 29 To May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC (W/Video Report)

Featured Photo: Alien Head. SOURCE: www.wpclipart.com (Public-Domain)

From Citizens Hearing on Disclosure

UFO Citizen Hearing On Disclosure – April 29 To May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC

An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013.  At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. . . . Go to Site

From youtube uploaded by CitizenHearing on Feb 13, 2013

Roswell Original Press Release SOURCE Roswell Daily Record


Roswell Daily Record Broke the story of the now-famous Flying S Saucer Crash in July 1947. . . . SOURCE: Roswell Daily Record.



From youtube uploaded by ParadigmNews

Published on Apr 13, 2013

Racheal Maddow – “Congress Pressed On UFOs” – Citizen’s Hearing – April 29th 2013

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/#5…

Front page of The Washington Daily News, July 28, 1952  (The Washington Daily News)Front page of The Washington Daily News, July 28, 1952  (The Washington Daily News)