Except for Friday night when both sides got a little antsy last weekends Occupy Chicago – NATO demonstrations was all and all a peaceful show of force. We patched into those brave alternative press video-journalists who, mostly at their own expense and the donations of other patriots, bravely took to the streets so that those of us unable to attend could participate virtually by watching it live streamed all across the world. I feel this new wave of alternative media was an amazing success and THEI will continue to bring you live reports as the coming summer of lively people “demonstrations” continues.
The stories I am hearing about the so-called “NATO 3” is that they are being held in solitary confinement. . . . EDITOR
According to one reported in Green Wave May 23rd, 2012;
“Defense attorney Thomas Anthony Durkin questions whether the police had legal justification to initiate the investigation. “Was there really a serious threat coming from these people that they were aware of?” he said. “I haven’t heard any evidence to support that. My client did not come here from Florida in order to do violence.”
“The defendants were among those arrested May 16 in a raid of a Bridgeport apartment by police that defense attorneys say was illegal. They were also in a car that was stopped by Chicago police last week. Video of that incident alleges police tried to intimidate and harass the men. The Sun-Times reports law enforcement officials asked a judge for the “no-knock” warrant because they were preparing to move the explosives to another location and feared they’d lose track. Authorities maintain the raid was just an effort to stop an “imminent threat.” . . . Read Complete Report
from media.nbcchicago.com
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