Archive for rickosmon

Coats: Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Reaffirms President’s Role is to Execute, not Alter, Law

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today issued the following statement regarding a ruling by the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals that rejects President Obama’s executive amnesty:

“The Fifth Circuit’s ruling reaffirms that President Obama’s role is to faithfully execute the law, not alter or ignore it as he sees fit. I applaud the court’s ruling to halt President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, and I will closely watch this case as it continues. In the meantime, I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to conclusively stop the president’s blatant disregard for our nation’s system of checks and balances.”



As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.

In the following pages we have set forth our basic principles and enumerated various policy stands derived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however. Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these stands.



SEP 2015

Monday, Gallup published a new poll showing that 49% of Americans think that “the federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.”

This is up from 30% in 2003.

Gallup also asked participants, “In what ways do you see the government posing an immediate threat to rights and freedoms of its citizens?”

Top responses were: too many laws/big government (19%); violations of civil liberties (15%); and violations of 2nd Amendment rights (12%).

Now, not all candidates who espouse the same principles as the Libertarian Party are actually registered as party members. However, one of the current crop of presidential candidates has repeatedly supported both the principles and goals described in the platform preamble. That candidate is Rand Paul.

Senator Paul is consistent (and prolific) in the art of being a peoples’ representative rather than a DC insider. Doctor Paul describes his political leanings as being in the “liberty wing’ of the Republican Party. He is not alone in that, but did you ever hear of that? No. MSM will not air that phrase.

And, as a high point for us at THEI, he wants to make the Federal Reserve accountable. Fully accountable.

Russia Making Play to Control Arctic

Russia Making Play to Control Arctic


Military Dot Com and Fox News are running with a story proclaiming that Russia is making a subtle play for control of Arctic shipping and resources. How does that play into Hollow Earth claims? Feel free to comment

Russia has re-established Soviet-era military bases across the Arctic and begun building a string of search-and-rescue stations along its Arctic shores


Full Story HERE


Five Million

Sometime later today, someone will visit a page at The Hollow Earth Insider making five million times that has been repeated since December 15th, 2012. We hope it’s because you like our content. Granted, about a hundred visits a day are robots skimming through our stuff, but most are real people with real interest in these topics. We also accept comments, you know!? Please feel free to leave a comment if you are a biological entity and not a robot.

Thank you! Very much! And we’ll look forward to providing interesting fare for another five million visits!

Dad shoots down Drone Spying on His Sunbathing Daughter: UPDATED

A Louisville, Kentucky father is facing felony charges for shooting down a drone.

“I didn’t shoot across the road, I didn’t shoot across my neighbor’s fences, I shot directly into the air,” William Merideth said.

Shortly afterwards, police showed up and took Merideth into custody.

WRTV Channel 6 in Indianapolis has MORE


UPDATE! Dad Goes Free!

NSA Bulk Phone Metadata Collection Ruled Illegal

US Court of Appeals rules NSA bulk phone metadata collection illegal

From Electronic Products

“At the same time, new legislation seeks to reengineer and reintroduce the expiring provision under the guise that surveillance should continue for the good of national security sans the bulk data collection enabled by Section 215. The proposal will still permit the collection of metadata from every call made by anyone in the US, but it will now be stored by the phone companies themselves, and only be made available to the government if issued a warrant by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court.”

Read the rest of this story HERE

Guns Equal Safety? Yes!

Guns Equal Safety? YES!


Cold Dead Hands recently posted a video to their Facebook page that needs sharing. This explains very clearly how and why the Small Arms Survey used by the One World Order is fundamentally flawed.

So – you think America has a gun problem? Please watch this video from Bill Whittle @ Truth Revolt and allow yourself to be enlightened. There is no monopoly on knowledge in Washington, leftists recognize that guns are not the problem – an unarmed populace is easier to control. –Support our advocacy!

Posted by Cold Dead Hands on Friday, January 23, 2015

The Crime Prevention Research Center also examined the data and came up with very similar results

UPDATE: Chemical Weapons Use By ISIS

UPDATE: Chemical Weapons Use By ISIS



Rick Osmon and Associated Press are reporting use of chlorine gas bombs by Islamic State fighters against government troops and civilians in Kurdish Iraq.

The Kurds allege at least three such attacks in the past six months. Twenty seven years ago, an entire town, some 5,000 Kurdish men, women, and children, were killed and another 10,000 injured by Iraqi chemical warheads in Halabja.

Weapons of Mass Distraction in Iraq

magnifying-glass-wood-handle Free Clipart Public DomainWeapons of Mass Distraction in Iraq


by Rick Osmon

Rick Osmon 2

According to the New York Times, documents obtained under Freedom of Information Act indicate that some 5,100 munitions containing chemical and nerve agent compounds were destroyed by coalition troops during the occupation. But Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed on the order of 50,000 such munitions which it received in deals with Russia between about 1979 and 1991. Many of these “Munitions are unaccounted for in areas of Iraq now under control of ISIS”, says the NYT (in a sidebar).

As you will see below, both sides of the aisles in both Houses of Congress had the same info (provided by CIA, NSA, and MI6) before voting to invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein. And that info existed before the first Iraqi war.

Iraq used chemical and nerve agents at least ten times between 1979 and 1991, including against Iraqi citizens in Kurdish territories and against Iranian soldiers. They may have used a few mustard gas munitions in Kuwait as well.

In Kurdistan, they used Russian made “yellow rain” nerve agents on entire small cities of their own citizens, killing thousands, including women and children. They were preparing giant chemical artillery shells for launch from the Bull gun (Project Babylon) that could reach Israel from western Iraq.

What about Iraqi “bio-weapons”?
(from Wikipedia)

Rihab Rashid Taha al-Azawi (born 1957) is an Iraqi microbiologist, dubbed Dr. Germ by United Nations weapons inspectors, who worked in Saddam Hussein‘s biological weapons program. A 1999 report commissioned by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) named her as one of the world’s most dangerous women. Dr Taha admitted producing germ warfare agents but said they had been destroyed.

Dr. Rihab Rashida Taha ranks among the most important of a new breed of Third World weapons designers who were highly nationalistic, western-educated and willing to violate any international norms or scientific ethics. Taha worked hard to contribute to Iraqi weapons program although she was not a gifted student as Dr. John Turner, the head of the university’s biology department in England, recalls. As a result of Taha’s hard work she became known as the mother of all third world biological weapons programs. It was Taha who sold the idea of an Iraqi biological weapons program to Saddam Hussein and was given an award for her work in biological weapons, specifically the development of anthrax and botulinum weapons by Saddam Hussein. Moreover, she has been held up as an example to Iraqi women interested in science.

Taha first rose to prominence in the Western media after being named in a 2003 British intelligence dossier, released to the public by Prime Minister Tony Blair, on Iraq’s biological, chemical and nuclear capability. The dossier alleged that Taha had played a leading role in the manufacture of anthrax and other biological agents. It was this dossier that triggered the chain of events that led to the death of British UN weapons inspector David Kelly, who was accused of telling a BBC reporter that some of the intelligence had been manipulated.

What of other microbiologists who might have had both qualifications and connections to weaponization efforts?

From (What Really Happened?)  As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list.”

David Kelly would be added to the list in 2004. Since then, another 21 prominent scientists, researchers, and administrators in the field have suffered similar circumstances or strange deaths or disappearances.
Dead Scientists and Microbiologists Master List (Rense). And that is just up to January, 2005

And what of “Doctor Germ”, Rihab Rashid Taha? She is free. But we won’t have to worry much about her supporting ISIS. Women with an education are an abomination in the eyes of ISIS.

There are other, more worrisome facts than Taha, though. And closer to home.
9,000 Virus Vials Missing from US Army Lab at Fort Detrick, MD

Another Type of Bio Weapon

The so-called “Ethnic Bomb” has been a goal in biological warfare labs since at least WWII. It was also the central theme of several science fiction and thriller novels, including one by Dune author, Frank Herbert

From “Signs Of The Times” (

“But the scientist who was working to make this possible, microbiologist Ri, has vanished after leaving his lab complex deep underground in the Chuba-ri Chemical Corp. in the city of Anbyon. The site is heavily guarded.

“Ri was last seen in his lab late in June(2003). On the last weekend of that month, he said he was going to visit what is believed to be the nerve center of North Korea’s biological warfare research program. It is concealed under a mountain near Sukho, close to the Chinese border. It is there that the “whites-only” ethnic bomb is being developed.

“It is where Ri developed other biological weapons. Just as Iraq’s notorious “Dr. Germ,” Dr. Rihad Taha, used prisoners to test out her biological weapons, similar experiments are conducted at Sukho. It is these experiments that could lay him open to charges of war crimes—if he has fallen into the hands of the West.

“But at least one person who knew Ri—Dr. Norbert Vollersten, who worked in North Korea and now leads international demonstrations against the Kim regime—believes that Ri would have anticipated the possibility of facing trial.

“There is every possibility that he would have brought with him important documents listing the stage of the research he was engaged upon,” Vollersten said. “He would trade them for a new life in the United States.”

“There is a precedent. After World War II, top Japanese scientists who had conducted germ experiments on U.S. and British prisoners were granted immunity from prosecution if they agreed to reveal their work to scientists at Fort Detrick. Many of those scientists were later granted U.S. citizenship and new identities.”

What are the chances these chemical and nerve agent warheads could be used on American cities? Too high to ignore is the only correct answer.

“When three journalists from The [New York] Times visited Al Muthanna in 2013, a knot of Iraqi police officers and soldiers guarded the entrance. Two contaminated bunkers — one containing cyanide precursors and old sarin rockets — loomed behind. The area where Marines had found mustard shells in 2008 was out of sight, shielded by scrub and shimmering heat.

“The Iraqi troops who stood at that entrance are no longer there. The compound, never entombed, is now controlled by the Islamic State.”

Did a Little DEEPER: Shadow Government, Conspiracy Boogie , Eyeballin’ The One World Order

THEI EXCLUSIVE: Prepping Possum Holler, Part Two: Biogas Generator Systems

Exclusive “Off the Grid” Report

Prepping Possum Holler
Part Two: Bio-gas Generator Systems

Prepping Possum Holler, Part one

by Rick Osmon Web Master/Writer

In the event of a total societal and industrial breakdown, the local gas station has about 6 hours of stock. After that, you’ll either be burning stored gasoline or making your own fuel. Most people would be clueless where to start on the latter. I sure was, and then I spent time and money to get educated on it. So now I have a clue, but I haven’t yet solved the case.

Bio-gas is one form of fuel that your stationary small engines (like generators) can be adapted to use. Burning it is actually easy, but manufacturing it and storing it are not so much. Almost any vegetable matter, including manure, can be turned into biogas and solid byproducts (fertilizer), but, as you may imagine, it can be a dirty and dangerous business.

Another source of gas is lake water, well sort of. The bubbles that come up through a lake are methane and quite combustible.

So, I’m working on a system to collect that gas and run it into a generator. On my scale, it will require at least a quarter acre to an acre of heavy plastic sheeting, a bunch of plastic pipe, some metal pipe, valves, some weights, a couple thousand zip ties, a thousand feet of heavy buried electrical cable, a small generator house, and will require a decent size jon boat and a few hundred feet of rope for the installation process. In order to maintain the gas pressure I will need to run the engine(s), the highest point of the collector will have to be at least 17 feet beneath the lake surface.

I have several advantages in this scheme: (1) I own the lake and it’s of appropriate form and size, (2) I already own a generator capable of powering the all electric farmstead, (3) it’s rural, so the noise, code, and zoning restrictions are not insurmountable, (4) there are several interested private parties willing to help with construction and installation.

There are also some disadvantages: (1) I have no way of actually measuring the amount of methane this lake produces, so I can’t know for sure the production is adequate for this plan; (2) The plastic sheeting could be subject to damage during certain recreational activities and fishing in this lake could end up being a primary source of protein in a true SHTF scenario; (3) One level or another of government is going to figure out a way to tax it.

There are also some modifications required to make the generator run on biogas. I’ll be using the research already done by others as a starting point, but I still need to get it right the first time if I don’t want to buy expensive replacement parts. Some of the best work has been done by B. T. Nijaguna

If I get everything right, I should be able to produce 6.375 kW continuously – on free fuel – using a generator I already own, generally available materials, and comparatively easy construction.

That would generally be more electrical power than this place would consume and, in theory, I would be able to sell some back to the grid. But right now, my home State of Indiana is entertaining a move to allow the grid operators (DUKE) to only pay wholesale AND to charge fees for hooking up as a seller. This will kill most wannabe small producers’ plans. I’ll forego the net metering and lose the revenue from sales in exchange for not paying their exorbitant rates.

Dig a little Deeper ~ “Prepping Possum Holler”  “Off the Grid”  “BugOut”