Archive for rickosmon

Thank You, yes, You

THEI had over 2 million visits in 2014. We’re very glad you enjoyed our posts and look forward to providing much more to inform and entertain.

Nothing fancy, just a thank you

The Aliens have Landed – Battle Star Struck Trek Wars Gate in Indianapolis!

The Aliens Have Landed in Indianapolis!   This will mark the fourth year in a row that this author has attended StarBase Indy. And it is always a fun time. Hanging out with the stars (and fans) of Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, or Star Wars, is an interesting conflagration of weird make up, costumes, (currently) impossible technological gadgets and gizmos, maybe a little magic and time travel for good measure. And it’s an escapist dream come true. Last year I went in my character of Jabez Cain, time-travelling mercenary slash troubadour.

Oz emerges from the Stargate at Starbase Indy 2013 . Image (c) Tuff Shake

As  a truly unique experience, Starbase Indy is right up there with a tenth row seat at a Weird Al Yankovik stage production: Amazing fun, amazing costumes, amazing organization and coordination. It all leaves you wondering just what the hell happened and when can we do it again?   This year, in addition to promoting my books and magazines, we’re there showcasing our newly incorporated enterprise, Possum Holler Entertainment, LLC. Video and audio capture, editing, mixing, reproduction, and performance support, event coordination and promotion. Stop by our table to hear or view some sample pieces and discuss what we can do for you.

Why Iceland Should Be In The News, But Is Not

Why Iceland Should Be In The News, But Is Not

Iceland, once home to fiercely independent ancient Norsemen such as Erik the Red, is still fiercely independent. It is now spawning a trend of financial independence from the world’s banksters, those we call the controllers.


Original sacsis, story, republished at  Collectively Conscious, story written by Deena Stryker

As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example.

Read the full story HERE

Possum Holler Prepping: Rocket Motors

From Possum Holler:
When a SHTF event happens, the FAA rules may not apply, until then, pay close attention the Grant’s advice at the end of this video! Other than that, very cool project stuff. These can be used for a number of practical applications besides aerial surveillance photography. They were once used to deploy large nets for animal capture, signalling, line throwing, and, of course, ordnance delivery. Just remember, you can’t “unlight” a solid rocket motor fuse.

Ancient Ohio Valley Copper Conference

A dozen of the best field researchers in the world looking into pre-conquest America, all gathered in one place.

Did the people of ancient North America have a communications system that allowed messages to travel from the east coast to the middle of the continent in an afternoon?
Were there giants in those days?
You mean there were numerous stone fortresses in America before Columbus?
There were how many different writing systems?
How much copper was extracted before the historical era? Millions of pounds? Billions of pounds?
Are there new discoveries, new treasures out there

All these questions are on the table (and podium and screen) November 1 & 2 in Washington, IN

“Bless You” Banned in Classroom

“The 1st Amendment doesn’t work here”

Remind me not sneeze in Memphis.
A list of banned words. I want to replace it with a list banned idiots.

FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX 13

Prepping at Possum Holler, Part one

Stuck out in the sticks as our place is, should a real disaster happen, we are on our own with regard to utilities. While it is possible to live completely off the grid and even somewhat rewarding and gratifying to do so, it’s also a real pain in the ass. But there will come a day (or a week or an eternity) when there is no other choice.

Yes, we have generators and a few used photo-voltaic panels (which are near the far end of the useless scale by the time somebody gets rid of them), but we also need something that will generate enough heat to melt steel without eating all our every day living energy. So, we found a couple “free to a good home” rear projection TV’s that don’t work right or don’t use the digital signal or for some reason don’t suit the persons parting with said TV’s. Well, rather than expend many hours making a documentary video about how to use a rear projection TV as a steel mill, here’s one already made by Grant Thompson “The King of Random”. I think maybe he’s also the King of Life Hacks

The Damn Few

A good friend of mine brought this Youtube channel to my attention. Watch it to the end, please. WARNING: graphic animated violence, expletives of all kinds, and concepts unsuited to a sheeple.

This episode is about gun control and how the controllers slowly and gradually bend the will of people, including Americans, to the idea that “government” will take care of all of us, all our needs, and all our security.

Thanks to all our veterans, even if this portrayal is a bit over the top…

Video of the Day: Teens are baffled by ’90s Internet

Video of the Day: Teens are baffled by ’90s Internet

The Fine Brothers (TheFineBros) recently put up this Youtube video in which teens react to 1990’s internet technology. The video is worth watching, yes, and the 4.8 million views seems to indicate some level of success for the production. But I got stuck reading through the nearly 18,000 comments. I’m sure the NSA controllers have a robot app for that.


Engineers create circuit boards that mimic human brain

Engineers create circuit boards that mimic human brain

Even though scientists have made leaps and bounds in computer innovations, we may be able to admit that no computer is equivalent to the human brain.

So, engineers from Stanford University decided to use the human brain as a starting point when developing a new type of circuit board.


Not only are PCs slower than human brains, but it also takes 40,000 times more power to run one.

“From a pure energy perspective, the brain is hard to match,” says Associate Professor Kwabena Boahen.

Read the rest of this Electronic Products story HERE