Photo: Eric-Holder-Caricature. By DonkeyHotey. SOURCE Flickr (Public Domain).
Fox Hosts Tear Into ‘Misleading’ Eric Holder, Question If He Lied Under Oath About Going After Press
Published on May 28, 2013
5/28/13 – In light of the matter involving the Justice Department and Fox News reporter James Rosen, the Fox & Friends crew went after Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday morning, questioning whether he may have been dishonest under oath when asked about DOJ targeting. Despite what he said, the hosts argued, it’s clear he was involved.
From the IntelTel uploaded by By JG Vibes May 21, 2013
Activist Kidnapped by Police in Philadelphia After Attending Kokesh Hearing
Welcome to the Nazi police state ladies and gentlemen, and if you think that my use of the word “Nazi” is sensationalist, then you haven’t been paying close enough attention.
As we reported earlier this week, Adam Kokesh, and organizer N.A. Poe were arrested at the fifth edition of the “Smokedown Prohibition” in Philadelphia. Yesterday we confirmed that they are both being held in a federal detention center on trumped up charges of assaulting a police officer, when video evidence clearly shows otherwise.
Activists everywhere are rightfully outraged, and many have made efforts in the Philadelphia area to support these political prisoners. As expected, the police state is not taking this lightly, and yesterday they even arrested and innocent person simply for attending a court hearing. . . . Read Complete Report
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Five members of The Panic Hour were followed into the City Hall rail station in Center City Philadelphia. Kyle Prouty was illegally searched and detained by SEPTA police officer Nicole Lawson at 3:20pm on 5/20/13. Kyle was charged with “disorderly conduct” “obstructing a highway and other public passage” and “resisting arrest”. The people in this video had just left an arraignment hearing for Adam Kokesh and Nikki Allen Poe who were kidnapped from a peaceful marijuana rally on 5/18/13. They are currently being held illegally in Federal Detention at the Federal Detention Center 700 arch street Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Thanks for all your great entries.
YouTube finally has enough videos to begin selecting a winner.
What do you think is the #bestvideo on YouTube?
We’ve been thrilled with all of the diverse, creative entries we’ve seen so far, and we can’t wait to begin the process of selecting the best video. We’ll be announcing the winner in 10 years.
NaturalNews) What you are about to read is astonishing. I’m not even sure what’s the right conclusion to draw from it. But here’s what we know so far:
John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware ever created. (I own one of his rifles, and it’s a masterpiece of a machine that just keeps on running.) Sadly, John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash just a few days ago, on January 4, 2013. . . . Read Complete Report
Photo: “Twisted Gun” Monument in front of the United Nations Building New York City, N.Y. U.S.A. SOURCE Wikipedia (Public domain)
Many of us think that most, if not all, of the public mass shootings (there was 1 for every month all across America during 2012) are all perpetrated by mind controlled ‘Manchurian Candidates’ being used just for the purpose of helping the lefties change beliefs about civilian gun ownership. These misguided fools think that guns kill people and want to sway a majority of the population into that belief. The truth is that as long as American’s have guns the Controllers are afraid to start installing the heaviest measures of control to our society.
The fact of the matter is that some of these high-profile middle America tragedies would probably have different outcomes if more private citizens and teachers had concealed weapons.
Then there is the new chatter coming from those who are pushing the agenda of controlling the internet. Now they are starting to blame the ‘radicals’ on both the far left and far right of inciting these ‘lone nuts’ to commit high-profile mass murder because of the sites and videos they are placing on the internet that target the government. (Websites like THEI) According to the left wing of the do-nothing 1 party-acting-as-a-two-party system, something MUST be done to control these ‘conspiracy nuts’ by keeping their anti-government accusations off the web. Of course, those sites pushing the Controllers agendas will not be affected. . EDITOR
Never trust a liberal who wants to have a “conversation.”
At least when they’re screaming at conservatives to shut up, they’re being honest.
But when they say they want to talk to you, watch out, there’s an agenda. And after Friday’s school shootings in Connecticut, liberals are feeling very chatty on the topic of guns.
It’s the same script we’ve lived through before. Some madman kills a bunch of people, then before the country can even process the details of what happened, the Left is all over the media and the social networks blaming guns and conservatives, and calling for more gun control laws.
For the ruling Left, it’s not a tragedy, it’s an opportunity to once again exploit Americans’ fears about guns and about their children’s lives so that they can push their dogmatic anti-gun agenda. . . . Read Complete Report
At least 27 people were murdered (including 18 children) at Newton Elementary in Connecticut Friday during a staged false flag attack against our guns when multiple shooters were initially reported opening up fire in an elementary school resulting in one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. This comes after a series of shooting rampages spreading across the country taking place in mostly white, suburban areas. . . . Read Complete