Weekly Underground Report #6
‘TAL’ is a prolific researcher and has filled my in-box with far more information and leads than one guy could investigate in years.
This week I decided to go through much of the information I’ve been getting from ‘TAL’ lately but have been unable to get to and just make up an “odds and ends” page.. Maybe something here will spark your interest and start you on an information quest.. If it does you can send us your research and maybe we’ll work it into a report. . . . EDITOR
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The ‘TAL’ Zone
Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”
UPDATES: Comet Ison
NASA Comet ISON Observing Campaign
In ISON’s Wake, a Trail of Questions
Submitted by Karl Battams on Fri, 11/29/2013 – 23:18
Image: Hubble snaps icy Comet ISON CREDIT NASA/ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team-STScI AURA SOURCE-Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
- What happened to comet ISON? Is it still alive?
- Great question, and we recommend you find a comet expert to answer that. … [crickets] … Sigh, OK I guess that’s us. Well we don’t have a very clear answer yet but there are a couple of things we can say for sure. First, during its passage through the Sun’s million-degree corona, its dusty/gassy coma got very much burned away, though clearly some fine dust survived (which is the fine cloudy stuff you see being pushed away from the Sun). Second, something did emerge from the corona. It could be a comet, or just the remains of what once was. We can’t tell right now.Certainly there’s lots of dust, and Matthew and I hesitantly lean towards thinking that there’s something there producing dust, but that could be a small nucleus, or it could be a pile of rubble and comet chunks that will dissipate in the coming days. The key thing we need to find out — and as yet we have no data about this as ISON is too faint and close to the Sun — is whether there is any gas being produced. If there’s gas, there’s almost certainly an active nucleus; if there’s almost no gas then probably no nucleus. . . . Read Complete Report
“New Year’s Eve, and 2-4 January 2014, you can expect an intensification of meteor activity
Image: 1999 Leonid storm as seen from Leonid MAC with 50 mm camera. Photo: Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano, ISAS. CREDIT: NASA (Public Domain)
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 29 ноября. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Наталия Михальченко/. Яркие метеорные потоки и даже новый метеорит на головы землян под Новый год обещает “подарить” комета ISON после прохождения вблизи Солнца, когда она мгновенно изменилась, как “Снегурочка, прыгнувшая через костер”.
According to this just released report from the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) which is translated here, the remnants of Comet ISON are slowing down and have changed direction. An intensification of meteor showers is expected as a ‘Christmas gift’ and a ‘meteorite falling to Earth’ cannot be excluded due to the slowing down of the comet and a general scattering of the comets’ prior composition. The very interesting video report below is alarming.
“Christmas gift” from the comet
Such a transformation at the Pulkovo Observatory compared with “Maiden jump over the fire,” and it threatens to become a surprise for earthlings. According to Smirnov, the destruction of the comet led to a sharp drop in speed and change direction of movement of its parts. Whether Comet ISON unharmed, she crossed to the Earth’s orbit on December 24 at 65 million miles from Earth, without causing us any concern. But due to a general slowdown cloud movement compared with the nucleus and the backlog separate debris from the head of it crosses the path of the earth around the sun a week later, just before the New Year, and meet with our planet.
“New Year’s Eve, and 2-4 January 2014, you can expect an intensification of meteor activity.
This may seem like a bright flash in the sky tiny meteors, they will burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere as a farewell smile our” Maiden. “But we can not exclude more formidable phenomena such as meteor shower, “- said Smirnov
The World’s Highest Ranking Alien Believer from MotherboardTV
13 mile long Crop Circle in the Desert from goforitrandy
Published on May 4, 2013
13.3 miles of lines were carved into a dry-lake bed in Oregon. What was discovered looked like a Crop Circle in the middle of the Desert…This Geoglyph was a perfect “Sri Yantra Mandala Formation”. This ancient symbol was so precise it was flawless.. . . . From Description
“If you saw this stuff in a movie you would think it is all made up,” says Corbi,
whose fortress-like abode doubles as the demonstration house for his firm,
Billionaire Bunkers:
Beyond the Panic Room, Home Security Goes Sci-Fi
This story appears in the December 16, 2013 issue of Forbes.
And finally for now . . .
What ? You don’t have one of these Yet ?
More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone.
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