Featured Image: “Map showing the location of the pirate ship Whydah Gally, captained by the famous “Black Sam” Bellamy, which wrecked off the coast of in Cape Cod on April 26, 1717, killing Bellamy and all but 2 of his 145 men, and taking over 4.5 short tons (4.1 tonnes) of gold, silver, and other pirate treasure down with it. Hearing of the shipwreck, then-governor Samuel Shute dispatched Captain Cyprian Southack, a local salvager and cartographer, to recover “Money, Bullion, Treasure, Goods and Merchandizes taken out of the said Ship.”
By May 3, when Southack reached the location of the wreck, he found that a part of the ship was still visible breaching the water’s surface and much of the ship’s wreckage were scattered along more than four miles (6 km) of shoreline. He created this map (Whydah-map.jpg) of the wreck site, and reported that he had buried 102 of the Whydah crew and captives that had washed ashore. They had not found any significant treasure, but he wrote, “The riches and the guns would be buried in the sand.”
The sunken treasure remained little more than a local legend until the wreck was discovered in 1984, the first pirate ship wreck ever discovered in North America”. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).

Image: “Real pirate treasure at the Houston Museum of Natural Science This is part of a special exhibit – “Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah Gally from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship.” . . . SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license).
From Mail Online (UK) PUBLISHED: 04:57 EST, 9 September 2013 | UPDATED: 10:19 EST, 9 September 2013
Treasure hunter finds gold coins on 18th century pirate ship off Cape Cod
Undersea explorers have discovered a trove of buried treasure that may lead to the discovery of more than 400,000 gold coins.
Barry Clifford and his team of archaeologists also found a musket and thousands of lead balls in the 18th century pirate ship they found off the coast of Cape Cod.
Clifford told ABCNews.com the coins were found stacked up ‘like poker chips’ in clumps known as concretions. . . . Read Complete Report
THEI Feature Film
National Geographic presents;
The Prince of Pirates – Black Sam Bellamy: Documentary
From youtube uploaded by SouthSaturnDelta1 on May 25, 2011
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