Tag Archive for San Francisco

Is UFO Disclosure Near? Maybe Out of Necessity? Or is This the Beginning of the Long Rumored “Outer Space” Black Flag Attack?

With today’s technology its hard to tell truth from fiction especially when it comes to photographic or video presentation. However after following the UFO revelations closely since seeing one myself in 1962 I feel that one day we will have disclosure.  

I am sure that some of the reports in the following videos is are man made craft, phony or mislabeled.  But there is so much here I feel at least some, if not all are truly “unexplained’.  If I am right then I feel that by the mere fact that these crashes have slipped by the Controllers secret files that full disclosure could be near.  But then it could not. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Finally 100% Real UFO FBI Proof – Alive Aliens UFO Crash Filmed By Cops – Extraterrestrials Are Here

YouTube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Mar 16, 2017

For the best results watch on big HD screen, mobile phone screen will not show all the incredible details
All these things fell on earth from space – some were stranger than the others
But UFO that fell March 7, 2017 shattered all doubts about reality of Intelligent Aliens.

Real UFO Crashes Alive Aliens Recovered Filmed & Tell What Extraterrestrials Want. Ovnis.

Go to Page 2 For the Rest of The Story. . .

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Feds shut down Silk Road 2.0, arrest San Francisco man

USA Today Donna Leinwand Leger, USA TODAY4:04 p.m. EST November 6, 2014

Federal agents arrested a San Francisco man they say resurrected and operated the dark Web online drug bazaar “Silk Road” that generated $8 million in monthly sales and attracted 150,000 vendors and customers. . . . Read Complete Report


Featured Image: computer user. SOURCE: wpclipart.com (Public Domain).

youtube by GEEKBLOGTV

The Hidden Internet – Exploring The Deep Web

Published on Nov 17, 2012

Let’s take a journey into what experts are calling “The Deep Web”. In this episode, I will show you what that term means, and how to get there, and I give a bit of a description of what you might find.