Tag Archive for scanners

New Police Body Cameras Will Be Facial Recognition Scanners

Featured Image: A computer generated rendering of a typical body-worn camera. Credit: ThrowawaysixtynineOwn work. Source: Wikipedia. (CC BY 4.0).

youtube by Mark Dice Published on Dec 12, 2014

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Cops on THEI”

Automatic license plate scanners keeping tabs on millions of cars

Featured Image: Traffic jamSOURCE:Victor art (Public Domain)

youtube by RT America

Published on Sept 23, 2014

Automated license plate readers are quickly spreading across the US, with nearly 70 percent of US police departments using the systems. Los Angeles in particular is a heavy user, adding three million scans to a shared database every week, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Activists fear information repositories such as these add to the possibility of abuse and the erosion of civil liberties. RT’s Lindsay France is in Los Angeles and takes a look at the debate.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Government Spying

Ricin Suspect Was Tracked Via Mail Scanners : Feds: Postal Service photographs every piece of mail it processes

Featured Photo: U.S. Mail Delivery, 1900’s. SOURCE: Jannette Fuller (Public Domain).

I’m glad they caught her, but the method used is just another peek at our ever  increasing government’s “Big Bro” system of spying on American’s. Scary stuff. . . . EDITOR

From the Smoking Gun JUNE 7, 2013

JUNE 7–A high-tech computer system that captures images of  “every mail piece that is processed” by the United State Postal Service was critical in helping federal agents track the Texas woman arrested today for allegedly sending ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

In a U.S. District Court complaint filed today against Shannon Guess Richardson, an FBI agent details how investigators traced the ricin letters back to NewBoston, Texas, where the 35-year-old Richardson (seen below) lives with her husband. . . .  Read Complete Report

NYPD places full body scanners on the streets (Video Report)

from youtube

Uploaded by RTAmerica

Published on Jan 24, 2013

‘Mark of the Beast’ in School Lunch Scanners? (BONUS PRESENTATION: George Orwell’s classic 1984 – Full Movie)

from Godfather Politics

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Biometrics, the science of using machines to identify people by the features of their own bodies, is intruding further into families’ lives.

Some parents in Lake Charles, Louisiana, have been upset by a letter sent home with Moss Bluff Elementary School children about plans for a new school lunch program that will require children to have their hands scanned in the lunch line.

The scanners would identify the child and the lunch payment plan. . . .Read Complete Report

from youtube

1984 – George Orwell (Full Movie)

Uploaded by  on Dec 6, 2011