This is a Major Alert EVERYTHING Is About To Change TPP & Sustainable Development
Published on Oct 6, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: TPP
This is a Major Alert EVERYTHING Is About To Change TPP & Sustainable Development
Published on Oct 6, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: TPP
Featured Image: TPP political map. dark green – currently in negotiations; light green – announced interest. CREDIT:Japinderum. SOURCE: Wikipedia (This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.)
youtube by Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks
What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
You may not have heard of the biggest trade deal in recent US history — and that’s the way world governments like it. So what is this thing? Why should it matter to you?
youtube by Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks
Five Scary Things About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is set to be one of the biggest trade agreements in recent US history. So why are so many people furious about it?
Featured Image: TPP political map. dark green – currently in negotiations; light green – announced interest. CREDIT:Japinderum. SOURCE: Wikipedia (This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.)
From youtube uploaded by RT America
Published on Nov 19, 2013
Image: A summit with leaders of the member states of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). CREDIT: Gobierno de Chile SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.)
The lead negotiators for 12 countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership began meeting today in Salt Lake City, Utah. The TPP is a potential new trade deal that would open up markets among nations along the Pacific Rim. The negotiations have largely been secretive so far, but the agreement is expected to impact jobs, the environment, consumer safety and more. Last week, transparency organization WikiLeaks published leaked chapters of the TPP covering intellectual patents, and the organization’s co-founder, Julian Assange, slammed the deal. Ameera David speaks with RT’s Ramon Galindo, who is in Salt Lake City and attended demonstrations today against the TPP agreement.
Featured Images: Thanks to David Dees
from youtube uploaded by breakingtheset
Published on Sep 18, 2013
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Brazil’s Response to NSA Spying, Monsanto’s Revolving Door, Nestle’s Lawless Water Exploits, Wal-Mart’s War Against Livable Wages and How to Stop the TPP.
From youtube uploaded by Gary Null
Seeds Of Death – Full Movie
Published on May 24, 2013
The leaders of Big Agriculture–Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta–are determined that world’s populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.
This award-winning documentary, Seeds of Death, exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet’s future if Big Agriculture’s new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.
A Question and Answer fact sheet deconstructing Monsanto’s GM claims and Big Agriculture’s propaganda to accompany the film is available online:
Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations
from disclose.TV
Description: A draft agreement leaked Wednesday shows the Obama administration is pushing a secretive trade agreement that could vastly expand corporate power and directly contradict a 2008 campaign promise by President Obama. A U.S. proposal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact between the United States and eight Pacific nations would allow foreign corporations operating in the U.S. to appeal key regulations to an international tribunal. The body would have the power to override U.S. law and issue penalties for failure to comply with its ruling. We speak to Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, a fair trade group that posted the leaked documents on its website. “This isn’t just a bad trade agreement,” Wallach says. “This is a ‘one-percenter’ power tool that could rip up our basic needs and rights.” . . . Read Complete Post