I felt that to be fair to those presenting the different theories that it should be brought to the main body of our research.
Also represented are links to other studies THEI has presented from the past of the same study as to curvature. We do not present many comments in the pages of THEI (although we read every one) because we have too many trolls trying to cause confusion as regards to our controversial subject matter. THEI is designed to present different ideas not argue them, however in this case we are opening this subject, the curvature of the earth, to anyone who wants to respond. Looking forward to your comments. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.
P.S. If you do not want to comment, but you have a video or link to send us on the subject you can send it to my e-mail address;denniscrenshaw@gmail.com.
Sphere Earth Model & Flat Earth Model where created by Cara Dianns: ‘Modeling Earths curvature with Soundly and friends.’ https://youtu.be/n02OvYODFyg –Feel free to redistribute the picture: http://imgur.com/tOJnCU4
The original shot was taken from Soundlys: ‘Lake Pontchartrain Transmission Lines Nikon P900 (3/3)’ https://youtu.be/kADO7nkt-rk
This is a close look at the Firmament, vault, dome over God’s Flat Earth which was believed by the ancient Hebrews as well as other ancient civilizations to be a solid structure. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation speaks loudly of a fixed, stationary Flat Earth.
Scientists Found a Dome Over The Earth! By Rob Skiba
“The essence of the story, as usually told, goes something like this. In the fall of 1901 J.B. Watson, Chief Engineer at the Tamarack copper mine (S. of Calumet, Mich.) suspended 4250 foot long plumb lines down mine shafts. Measurements showed that the plumb lines were farther apart at the bottom than at the top, contrary to expectations. Thus arose one of the long-standing mysteries of science.” . . . Read Complete Report
Earth’s Center of “Gravity” – UP or Down (Tamarack Mine Shaft plumb lines DIVERGE)
Cyrus Teed, Koreshanity and Living inside the Earth
Wikipedia: The main beliefs of Koreshanity, or Koreshan Universalogy, are put forth in the many writings of Cyrus Teed and his followers. They are:
Cellular Cosmogony, which is Teed’s unique form of Hollow Earth theory which puts forth the idea that the Earth and universe are contained within a concave sphere, or ‘cell’. The Koreshans even conducted several experiments, similar to those conducted by believers in a Flat Earth. The most well known was conducted on the beach of Naples, Florida (the Koreshan Geodetic Survey of 1897), a town south of the Koreshan Unity commune at Estero, Florida. Here is the description of the earth from Cellular Cosmogony: . . . Read Complete Report
A LINE HAS BEEN DRAWN! The Rectilineator Documentary
A documentary about the Rectilineator experiment conducted by Cyrus Teed and U.G.Morrow that proved the true curvature of Earth to be concave and not convex like most people believe. This is the time when the true shape of the world is revealed after centuries of lies and deceit. This documentary is made by Steven Joseph Christopher a.k.a. Lord Steven Christ. Music by Andreas Taraldsen. Please open your eyes and hearts, It is time
Image: The Original Recilineator being installed on the beach.
International Flat Earth Research Society President Eric Dubay presents the complete history of Flat Earth from the beginning of recorded history to today. Please help share this most important presentation with as many as you can. Also please be sure to download and re-upload this and my other videos so they cannot censor us all. Thanks so much to all my subscribers. For more information about our flat, motionless Earth visit: http://www.EricDubay.comhttp://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.comhttp://www.IFERS.123.st
The globe model was debunked by the Michelson-Morley Experiment which failed to prove the earth moved. Einstein was forced to come up with his Theory of Relativity to handle this experiment because it decimated the scientific community with its results. Einstein’s theory required the elimination of the aether, since his psuedo-science didn’t work without it. The Sagnac Experiment then proved the aether did in fact exist, debunking Relativity. Still, the globe deception was pushed into the school system to brainwash our youth. That’s why there is any debate today on the nature of our world. The scientific community debunked the globe model a century ago using the scientific method, and their experiments are still valid today – being observable, testable, repeatable…but the deception lives on because of pseudo-science propagated in schools to influence those too young to think critically for themselves. Wake up, people. It’s flat. Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT47N… Subscribe to Flat Earth Science’s Channel here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXBe…
As with many things we eyeball here at THEI the elitist financed establishment scientific community knows little if anything about the so called “scientific” force know as gravity. But as with other scientific explanations about our universe they pretend to know stuff. Most of it is conjecture or theory. Yet they never admit these facts. When you read of their “findings” thy never use the words” it is believed” or “the theory is”. Instead they present their presumptions as fact. The following “accepted” videos about gravity proves my point. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
New space documentary 2016 about gravity and other laws of physics. Force of gravity explained by newton and einsten is mystery of universe and is a part of many hypothesis such as simulation hypothesis theory and other physics hypothesis. Galaxies, planets and blacks holes are part of law of gravity. Is gravity only a result of simulated reality and space time warp. Watch this superb universe documentary 2016. Gravity waves may be our best chance to look… very, very close to the beginning of the universe. after the Big Bang… the universe was so dense, it was actually opaque to light. Light could not travel through it. So if light can’t travel through the universe, what can? A gravity wave. The problem is a miniscule signal from a gravitywave… has yet to be caught. lt’s clearly hard. ln fact, when Einstein predicted them, he thought it was a nice idea… but no one would ever be able to detect them. lt’s only the advances of technology that give us a chance. Einstein not only determined that mass warps space… it warps time, too. So, henceforth, Einstein proclaimed physicists should not speak of space and time separately but of space-time as one unified object. All objects particles, people, planets, produce gravity. Omnipotent and omnipresent gravity attracts, governs, warps, shapes, makes… and takes all matter and mass in the universe. So it’s pervasive. lt acts on all things through extremely large distances and nothing escapes its pull. lt is gravity that holds our solar system together. The force of gravity is basically that thing that holds us on the planet.
Enough bullshit! While NASA is not really known for telling us the truth even they realize that the truth of our so-called knowledge of gravity is easy to disprove and admits. . .
From the official NASA site:
StarChild Question of the Month for February 2001
What is gravity?
“We don’t really know.
We can define what it is as a field of influence, because we know how it operates in the universe. And some scientists think that it is made up of particles called gravitons which travel at the speed of light. However, if we are to be honest, we do not know what gravity “is” in any fundamental way – we only know how it behaves.” What is Gravity? – NASA
Of course if “we don’t know” what gravity is then the last sentence in NASA’s answer, “we only know how it behaves” is bullshit too. As usual we here at THEI MUST take a Deeper look-see.
As anyone who has been following my research into the makeup of our Earth for the past 50 years knows my findings point towards a Hollow Earth.
In fact the study of first, the search for the origin of UFOs, led me to the study and research of The Hollow Earth Theory, which in turn led me to the study into the Secret Societies and the secretive Controllers and their control of knowledge and false education which eventually led me to the research of their plan to destroy mankind’s “magnificent experiment” of our Country; the experiment of liberty and freedom.
In 1776 the creation by the united States of America by our founding fathers, most of them members of the Secret Society we know as the Free Masons, begun. That experiment was called a Democratic Republic. Unfortunately I also found out that in the same year three of the fledgling countries elitist family’s who owed alliance to England sent their sons to Germany to study under Adam Wteishaup (1748–1830), founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Secret Societies goal, stated simply, was to create a One World Government. They started with gaining control of our higher institutions of education. The next step was gaining complete control of our monetary system.
Feeling that their plans of turning our world into what has become known as the New World Order or, a one world fascist state completely controlled by the elitist Controllers, with them as the bosses and all of us as slaves to their system, or worst yet their newer idea of killing us off and using robots to do their bidding was the most important information I had to concentrate on reporting.
With that in mind the Hollow Earth Insider evolved into THEI; a journal of information and reports on the ILLUMINATI and their pals nefarious secret steps in slowly creating that New World Order. The original goal – the study of the make-up of our planet wasn’t ignored but it was placed on a back burner. in fact, I have almost completely moved away from the study of the makeup of our world. I believe we will never solve that science until we wrench the information from the secret societies who today control all there is to know about the ancient knowledge including the REAL makeup of our planet…
I had never given the “Flat Earth Theory” any more than a glance. But with today’s internet chatter about the theory I decided to give it a look-see.
To be truthful I am positive that at least part of the Hollow Earth Theory is fact. I am 99.99% sure that the Subterranean Worlds are there; The ancient tunnels and the present creation of a modern world under the crust. I am also positive that this ancient world INSIDE our planet is the source of most of the UFOs seen in our skies today. Although I have found a lot of accepted scientific findings over the recent years to fit equally BOTH the Hollow Earth theory and the establishment theory The actual Hollow Earth Theory itself I still have a little trouble with.
I decided it was time we here at THEI needed to look into other possibilities. Of course I’ll need to do a lot of research into the other theories, but one thing struck me as I watched one video on the subject, much of the science I have found that fits into the Hollow Earth Theory would also “fit” the Flat Earth Theory. So join us as we once again return to the search for the REAL shape of our planet. Remember everything is theory, INCLUDED the Solid Earth Theory. The fact is that until we reach the center of the world, if at all possible, it’s all theory. But is is fun to speculate. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Let Us Begin
Image: Sipapu, a Hopiword, is a small hole or indentation in the floor of kivasused by the Ancient Pueblo Peoplesand modern-dayPuebloans. It symbolizes the portal through which their ancient ancestors first emergedto enter the present world. —Wikipedia
Ancient Races and Subterranean Worlds of Inner Earth
Have you ever wondered why every planet we know about is shaped like a sphere? Why not a cube, or an hourglass? While those—and let’s be honest, most other shapes—would definitely break the laws of physics, there’s one odd planet form that wouldn’t: a donut. . . . Continue
What if planets were not (nearly) spherical but rather torus/donut shaped? Topics discussed: types of tori, stability of torus planets, gravity vs centrifugal force, curvature, tidal forces, seasons and day/night cycles, climate, hurricanes, coriolis forces, tectonics, internal heating, moons, and the four color theorem.
“We’re still trying to figure out what’s going on.”
A hole as large as Lake Superior or the state of Maine has opened up in Antarctica, and scientists aren’t sure why it’s there.
The gigantic, mysterious hole “is quite remarkable,” atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus, told me over the phone. “It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice.”. . . Read Complete Report
Venezuela’s 24-hour strike includes sporadic violence
Source USA Today Mariana Zuñiga, Special for USA TODAY
Published 5:11 p.m. ET July 20, 2017 | Updated 6:52 p.m. ET July 20, 2017
CARACAS, Venezuela — A 24-hour national strike shut down large parts of Venezuela’s capital Thursday to protest President Nicolás Maduro’s plan to rewrite the constitution and gain more power.
Protesters clashed with riot police in some areas, after masked young men set fire to a handful of blockades and hurled stones. Police fired back with tear gas. . . . Read Full Report
This video is on how the Illuminati Central Bankers used finance to destroy Venezuela’s sovereignty and economy. Now turning Venezuela into a colony for extraction of Gold and Oil at half price. Using NGO’s and letting Venezuela destroy itself with Socialism and a Gold Standard.
Featured Image: (From Article Below) A screen shot from an animated video shows how the robot could be used to perform ultrasound scans. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers. (Fair Use)
Football-size robot can skim discreetly along a ship’s hull to seek hollow compartments concealing contraband.
Last week, at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, MIT researchers unveiled an oval-shaped submersible robot, a little smaller than a football, with a flattened panel on one side that it can slide along an underwater surface to perform ultrasound scans. . . . Read Complete Report