Tag Archive for Controllers

Global Control Matrix Revealed

from Pakalert Press

Posted by on May 10, 2012

Who really runs the world? Part II

Isn’t it amazing that in 2012 the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Rothchilds have literally become household words?! Virtually any website that is not considered mainstream media (MSM) may have at least one reference to one of these mysterious entities which comprise the Global Control Matrix.

Truly, the internet has encouraged the widespread and rapid dissemination of what was once considered either secret or highly privileged information. Even the US Federal Government is now known to be completely subservient to and under the command of an international crime syndicate and ultra-secret cabal which functions as a Shadow Government.

Let’s revisit Law #7 from Part I of this series:

Law #7
At its very core, life on planet Earth is nothing more than a test. The Global Control Matrix, which is directed by those at the peak of worldly power, assists in maintaining a system of planetary control whereby no one can ever get away with anything. This highly controlled system has its own rules and regulations, some of which seem to be totally unreasonable, irrational, and downright crazy. Others seem purposefully destructive, divisive and self-defeating. Still others appear to be completely unjust, discriminatory and unfair.

Welcome to the Global Control Matrix!

In our lifelong quest to identify just who-it-is (TPTB) that is running the show down here, many do seem to lose sight of the most important laws of all. True worldly power never reveals itself, and it always acts in absolute secrecy. In light of these two inviolable laws, let’s consider the following.

Secret Societies, Secret Orders and Rich & Powerful Controllers . . . Read Complete Report

MUST SEE – The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class (video)

This is the best explanation of the Controllers on-going plans to disassemble the middle class that I’ve seen. It’s Easy to follow, and the presenter has the highest credentials.  Hope you’ll take time to listen. . . . EDITOR

Robots: The Tomorrow Times: March 9, 2022

from jumpthecurve.net

The future issue of “The Tomorrow Times” comes from the web page of futurist Jack Uldrich. It seems that others see the coming importance of the advances in robotics as much as yours truly.  It is my belief that the Controllers future plans contain the idea that robots will replace the “baby boomers” who have been the workers of the not-to-distant past.  Where that leaves the human race as the “worker ants” of choice  for the elitists remains to be seen. . EDITOR


















EXCLUSIVE: OUR ELECTIONS HAVE BEEN FIXED FOR YEARS… so I Ask… Is there a Conspiracy to stop Ron Paul?

Exclusive Report for THEI

by Dennis Crenshaw

Editor – the Hollow Earth Insider


The Truth Hurts 

This report should never have had to be written.  We  believe that the people we choose  will be taking  care of the business of Government. Yet for some reason we seem to end up with people who have other agenda in their filing cabinets than the welfare of their bosses, we the people.  

The information I use in this report of election fixing, controlled media exposure, and everything else used to fix the vote has been around for years.  It’s so well know that when one reporter used the Ron Paul Presidential run to raise the question of the media coverage on his race it made for a lot of laughs. So we’ll pass along the laughs first, if you promise to stick around for the sickening  part that comes after. . .

Tricky Dick & Vote Scam

During the re-election of “Tricky Dick” Nixon I was really into stopping it. I had just joined the fledgling Libertarian Party and was trying to recruit every one I met, friend, foe or stranger and I’m proud to say I recruited many.

The one thing that stood out in my mind was the fact that when questioned few were “for” Nixon. Yet the media reported that he won “by a historical number of votes”.

Then after the election I conducted my own poll asking people who they had voted for. Surprisingly I could find few people who actually admitted voting for the crook. It seemed as though I was getting one story from  the controlled media and yet another from the people I was talking to. What was that all about?

Then in 1992, after 23 years of research the Collins Brothers published an explosive book documenting and exposing the vote manipulation by the Controllers of the United States national elections that has been going on for years. That book is Votescam: The Stealing of America , a book that MUST be read by every American who cares.

Of course the mainstream never brought the Collins brothers expose’ to the public in the way they would have if they were not entirely under the velvet glove of the controllers...

So if the elections are fixed why would the Controllers have to have a conspiracy against Ron Paul?

Because his popularity is scaring the controlling elitist to death!  If the truth about Ron Paul’s agenda and popularity were known someone might start to ask the question, How can he be so popular at “town hall” meetings yet when the votes are cast Paul gets few.

In a couple of cases where they didn’t get in the “fix” Paul comes in near the top of the heap. In that case the main stream press simply skims over that fact. But what is really scaring the elitist is . . .

And then there is this . . .

Although Mitt Romney has obviously  already been tapped as the Controller’s choice to be the next President of the United States,  They are afraid that the popularity of Ron Paul might start people questioning our predetermining “fixed” voting system. They can’t have that at any cost. Hence a separate program to remove Ron Paul from the collective sheeple minds.

And the Ron Paul exclusion conspiracy is already underway. . .

and it continues . . .

Solders for Truth on the March

This is going to be an interesting “presidential election”. BUT… Ron Paul is not out of the picture yet. The next incident that will scare the elitist who would rather Ron Paul and his people disappear is coming up on February 20, 2012, President’s Day, when the Veterans for Ron Paul march on Washington . . . stay tuned.

Have you ever listened to what Ron Paul has to say or is your concept of Ron Paul from the controlled main stream media?  Here’s you chance to hear what the Controllers do not want you to hear.  Take the time to watch this last video presentation.  It’s Ron Paul explaining why we need him now.


Bye, bye, privacy. Canada introduces online-spying bill

In all the headlines and stories being passed around about our neighbors to the south and the border with Mexico, we sometimes forget about our neighbors to the north, Canada. The citizens of that great country are also fighting the same battle against the Controllers  Trilateral Commission  plans of a North American Union in their steps towards World Denomination and control as the citizens of the World. . . EDITOR

from pakalert

Posted on on February 17, 2012

The Investigative Powers for the 21st Century Act (Bill C-51) is legislation that isn’t new to Canadian Parliament, but after a series of additions and other changes, lawmakers there are expected to begin discussion on it this week. If passed, law enforcement there will be able to monitor all Internet and telephone activity from anyone, anywhere in the country, without having to obtain a warrant.

According to the Calgary Herald out of the province of Alberta, a Conservative-majority government is likely to pass the bill.

Vic Toews, Canada’s minister of public safety, thinks the bill is necessary for the welfare of the nation. “We are proposing to bring to measure, to bring laws into the twenty-first century and provide police with the lawful tools that they need,” he pleads

Opponents of Toews, however, say that the bill will do far more harm than good. . . . Read Complete Report

Border Wars Extending into United States. First Move – Decapitations

As we have said all along the trouble along our border with Mexico is all part of the Controllers plan to create their North American Union. Although Obama says that there is no problem on the border, most Americans and ALL Mexicans know that to be untrue. We also have said that if  something isn’t done about the violence along the Mexican border it will spread into the United States. Well it has and in the worst way. . . . EDITOR

from KRVG.com

Expert Says Beheadings in U.S. Look Like Work of Cartels

Three beheadings in two different states and they happened here in the United States, not Mexico.

Former DEA supervisor Phil Jordan says all three beheadings have cartel written all over them. They happened in Arizona and Oklahoma in the past year.

A murder mystery is now unraveling on a stretch of North Reservation Road in Tucson, Ariz. County workers found a headless man lying on the side of the road Jan. 6. The man’s hands and feet were reportedly missing, too.

“It would lead me to believe the message wanted to be sent. This is one of the ways they do it in Mexico, Colombia and other places,” says Jordan.

Jordan says the cartels are getting bolder in carrying out their beheadings across the border. He says we only used to see these crimes in Mexico.

“They don’t have any borders,” says Jordan. . . . Read complete report w/video


We’ll see what SCOTUS says soon

Court to Weigh Arizona Statute on Immigration

Published: December 12, 2011

WASHINGTON — In the space of a month, the Supreme Court has thrust itself into the center of American political life, agreeing to hear three major cases that could help determine which party controls the House of Representatives and whether President Obama wins a second term.

Philip Scott Andrews/The New York Times

The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether Arizona may impose its tough anti-immigration law.

Jim Wilson/The New York Times

A demonstration in Phoenix in May 2010 against Arizona’s strict immigration law, which the Supreme Court will consider.

The court announced Monday that it would decide whether Arizona was entitled to impose tough anti-immigration measures over the Obama administration’s objections. The case joined a crowded docket that already included challenges to Mr. Obama’s signature legislative achievement, the 2010 health care overhaul law, and a momentous case on how Texas will conduct its elections.

READ MORE of this New York Times story

Get Ready, Get Set, Duck!

Time to Trade in Your Tinfoil Hat for a Crash Helmet?


CONGESTED INTERSECTION: Ranging in size from microscopic space dust to mountainous asteroids, trillions of meteoroids zing through the inner solar system on a daily basis. What are the odds that five of them would cross the same point in space? Pretty good, actually. In fact, it happened just last night. Regard the following orbit diagram, then read on for an expanation:

These are the orbits of five objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 7/8. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball. Note how all the orbits converge on a single point–our planet.

Every night the network’s cameras scan the skies over the United States, forming an inventory of what hits the atmosphere. Combining images from multiple cameras, network software rapidly calculates the basic parameters of each interloper: orbit, speed, disintegration height, and more. At the moment, cameras are located in only four states (New Mexico, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee), but the network is expanding to provide even better coverage. Soon we’ll see just how congested our intersection in space really is. Stay tuned.

And now a word from…well, me.

Space stuff falls into our atmosphere all the time. I mean ALL the time. These five objects were different in that they were much bigger than the average mote of dust that makes a “normal” shooting star. However, none of them were large enough to actually survive the trip to the surface of our planet. It typically takes something at least the weight of a five gallon bucket full of water to stand a chance of making a crater after fully traversing the atmosphere. And there are plenty of those out there. I was fortunate enough to witness such an awesome event in 1979.


(Exitmundi) Actually, it literally rained Big One’s on our little planet. As recently as January 2002, geologists discovered a huge impact crater out of the Australian coast: no less than 120 kilometers wide. The meteor that carved out the crater slammed into our planet 360 million years ago, wiping out 85 percent of all species.

And in 2001, Norwegian researchers suddenly realized that their coast had once been the scene of a similar event. A huge meteor went kaboom over Norway 150 million years ago – speaking in geological terms, right before the Great Exterminator. The explosion slammed a 40-kilometer wide bump in the seabed of the Barents Sea, the so-called `Mjoelnir Crater’. Researchers still wonder how it was possible that anything survived.

Oh, and even when humanity was around, the meteors kept hitting us. For example, according to some researchers, the legendary floods of Deucalion, the Sumerian Gilgamesh-epos and the biblical Deluge may very well have been caused by a big comet plunging into sea somewhere.

More recent, in the year 1490 A.D., the city of Ch’ing Yang in Central China was the scene of a weird disaster. The event was recorded in at least ten ancient textbooks, all claiming that the event killed many thousands of people as it `rained stones and fire’. Likely cause: an asteroid as big as a modest sky scraper, going kaboom high up in the Earth’s atmosphere.


On June 30th of 1908, a loud explosion shook the village of Tunguska in Middle-Siberia. Local inhabitants saw a huge blast of fire in the sky. There was a sudden temperature rise, and a blazing forest fire, lighting up the horizon. No less than two thousand square miles of forest were devastated. As we know now, a twelve story building sized piece of rock hit the atmosphere over Siberia and exploded at a height of some eight kilometers. The energy set free at the event was equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT — a thousand atomic bombs!

Tunguska, Siberia, 1908

So, it’s no pessimistic estimate that our planet can bounce into a freaky piece of space rock again. Cosmologists estimate an extinction type comet hits the earth once every 20 million years. The odds for a smaller, Tunguska-type impact are much higher. On average, this kind of thing happens once in every 300 years.

Of course, the effect of a meteor impact depends on the place where it hits the Earth. The meteor that killed the dinosaurs, for example, hit a soil loaded with sulfuric rock, which enormously boosted the comet’s devastating effect. Had it hit the planet several hundreds of miles westwards, it would have plunged into the ocean — and the dinosaurs probably would have survived. On the other hand, if a Tunguska-type meteor happens to hit an inhabited area, it will definitely wipe it off the face of the Earth entirely. Considering that some 10 percent of our planet is inhabited, you could assume that once in every 3,000 years a meteorite will destroy an inhabited area.

Meanwhile, the people at Nasa try to reassure us, by claiming they keep an open eye to the sky. The message they propagate is that a meteor that wants to hit our planet surely will be spotted in time and destroyed — whether it is by a nuclear bomb or by a team of Bruce Willis-like he-men going out in a space shuttle. Errrrr, Russian rocket, since we no linger have a real launch capability. Which is another part of the bigger problem.

Dr Michjo Kaiku, cosmologist and author, once said that in order to survive long term, mankind must either fid another suitable planet and go there or we must go inside this one. We can’t go either way at this point. Only the “elite”, that is, the “controllers”, can buy those tickets. Big Brother is not going to let you or me in on that deal. When the big one hits, we’re goners.

Talking about Big One’s: in 2039, another HUGE comet will pass us by `only’ some millions of Kilometers. However, this estimate is not completely fireproof, for one thing because comets are very sensitive to variations in their trajectory. This has the potential to be a planet killer, not just an extinctor.

Here’s what to do. Put on your best helmet — and keep your fingers crossed.

Actually, I think I’ll choose the tinfoil lined crash helmet, a deep hole, and lots of dried food. Can’t be too safe…

Rick Osmon


Get Rick’s book, The Graves of the Golden Bear, Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley

Stars n Bars Confederate Flag Flies in Black Student’s USC Dorm Room

Black Student Defends His Confederate Flag

Byron Thomas Says He Doesn’t See Racism, Just Southern Pride

Byron Thomas is 19, black, a freshman at the University of South Carolina Beaufort and a proud Southerner. He hung a Confederate flag in his dorm room window until the university asked him to take it down because several people had complained about it. (The university later stepped back from the request, saying all students have the right to free speech.)”I know it’s kinda weird because I’m black,” Thomas said in an iReport he submitted. “When I look at this flag, I just don’t see racism. I see pride, respect. Southern pride, that’s what I see.”

(for the rest of this CNN story, CLICK HERE)

Byron is not the only black man to realize he has been force fed a badly bent set of “facts” about the Confederacy and Southern Heritage. Mr H. K. Edgerton, former president of the Asheville, NC NAACP, has been a vocal and tireless advocate of teaching the true history of the Confederacy,  the circumstances, and conspiracies that led to the War between the States for nearly two decades. Edgerton marched from Asheville to Austin, Texas wearing a Confederate uniform and carrying a Confederate battle flag. These days, he mostly wears the attire and carries his flag at events that either commemorate fallen Confederate soldiers or to speaking engagements intended to educate about the real reasons that led to the war; States rights, imbalanced economic laws (Corwin Amendment), disproportionate allocations of Federal expenditures, and other political shenanigans.

Edgerton cites historical documents, newspaper accounts, diaries, and other period literature to show that hundreds, perhaps thousands of blacks, both free and indentured, fought for the Confederacy voluntarily. Many didn’t or couldn’t enter battle, but instead worked to provide southern soldiers with food and equipment, also voluntarily. Edgerton’s main message is that southerners, even then, acted as one big family faced with annihilation by a foreign invader.

So what exactly is the purpose of the National (Federal) focus on portraying the Stars and Bars as a racist symbol? Are they afraid the South will indeed rise again? Or is it merely an easy and convenient means to distract us from the current political shenanigans?

Before we take offense with each others’ beliefs or view points, before we denigrate someone’s sense of heritage, we need to make sure we have the security of a valid and viable culture. We are being distracted from the fact that each and every American has been put into debt by our Federal government to the tune of more than $5 Million each. That’s right, you are on the hook for more than $5 Million in loans somebody else (Congress) took out in you name.

Before we belittle another person or group for their rhetoric, whether it’s the conservatives, liberals, Occupiers of Wall Street, the Tea Party, the NAACP, or the Fraternal Order of Police, we need to get control of our own governmental waste and its inherent greed. We cannot continue to allow the Controllers to shape our belief systems. We have a right and a duty to be informed in every aspect, including the true history of the War of Northern Aggression.

Carrier IQ – the Controllers are Eyeballin’ . . . YOU, YOU, YOU!! (and me to).

Giving, getting, or hoping to find a new digital communications device under your Christmas tree at the end of the month? Please do yourself a favor and watch this video and do more research on this subject before spending any money.  If this information bothers you don’t buy..  – EDITOR

From Youtube

Uploaded by  on Nov 28, 2010


In all fairness here is Carrier Official Disclaimer, “Media Alert” as posted on their homepage. I’m sure the designers of the application are true blue Americans and are being careful with the information they receive, but, and it’s a big but… what happens if “for our own good” the internet comes under the control of Homeland Security, or as globalist have been pushing for … a takeover of the control of the internet by the United Nations or some other nefarious group the Controllers want in charge.   And what about hackers? . . . EDITOR