Tag Archive for U.S

Guns Equal Safety? Yes!

Guns Equal Safety? YES!


Cold Dead Hands recently posted a video to their Facebook page that needs sharing. This explains very clearly how and why the Small Arms Survey used by the One World Order is fundamentally flawed.

So – you think America has a gun problem? Please watch this video from Bill Whittle @ Truth Revolt and allow yourself to be enlightened. There is no monopoly on knowledge in Washington, leftists recognize that guns are not the problem – an unarmed populace is easier to control. –Support our advocacy! http://store.colddeadhands.us/

Posted by Cold Dead Hands on Friday, January 23, 2015

The Crime Prevention Research Center also examined the data and came up with very similar results

U S Border Patrol, Texas

youtube by MrRocksolid1974

Published on Aug 3, 2014

I was driving through the U.S. Border Patrol with my Icam glasses on and got this on Video. I asked the question and got the truth!

Dig a Little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive  “Border Patrol”

Moving swiftly, US eases travel and trade rules on Cuba ~ Cuban cigar ban ends in US

Featured Image: Cuba, Holguín Street. CREDIT: Photo Anton Zelenov. SOURCE:Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).

Yahoo News

Moving swiftly, US eases travel and trade rules on Cuba


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration, following through on its declaration of warming ties with Cuba, has eased travel restrictions and opened a wide range of new export opportunities with the communist island.

The series of executive branch moves, taken together, have had the effect of punching a large hole in America’s half-century-old embargo, although only Congress has the authority to fully end the 54-year embargo. President Barack Obama announced last month that he would soften the restrictions, and a new set of government regulations took effect Friday. . . . Read Complete Report


Cuban cigar ban ends in US

Published: Updated:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is putting a large dent in the U.S. embargo against Cuba as of Friday, significantly loosening restrictions on American trade and investment.

The new rules also open up the communist island to greater American travel and allow U.S. citizens to start bringing home small amounts of Cuban cigars after more than a half-century ban. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Cuba”


China surpasses U.S. to become largest world economy

Featured Image: The renminbi is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China. The name (simplified Chinese: 人民币; traditional Chinese: 人民幣; pinyin:rénmínbì) literally means “people’s currency”. Renminbi banknotes 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1 yuan (2005 series). Credit: Uploaded by Heilme Source: Wikipedia (Fair Use).

Fox News Published December 06, 2014

For the first time in decades, the U.S. is no longer the largest economy in the world, and China has become number one, the International Monetary Fund says.

The IMF recently released the latest numbers for the world economy, stating that China will produce $17.6 trillion in terms of goods and services–  compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.

Just 14 years ago, the U.S. produced nearly three times as much as the Chinese, Dow Jones’ MarketWatch reported. . . . Read Complete Report

China,_Mao_ Wikipedia Public DomainImage: Mao Zedong founding the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Source: Wikipedia. CreditUploaded by Matanya (usurped) (Public Domain).



Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “China”

U.S. Deeply Involved in Climate Change Treaty

Featured Image: Tropical Storm ISSIC CREDIT: National Weather Service. (Public Domain).

Eagle Forum December 5, 2014

By Cathie Adams
President, Texas Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum UN Issues Chairman

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty has been profoundly important to Americans ever since it was signed by former President George H.W. Bush and ratified by the Senate in 1992.

Under the UNFCCC, a new treaty is being negotiated in Lima, Peru to cap and tax greenhouse gas emissions that are emitted when fossil fuels are burned to produce America’s energy that maintains our enviable standard of living. The Lima draft is to be completed at the UNFCCC’s meeting in Paris, France late next year. The plan is for a new legally binding treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol that was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. . . . Read Complete Report

False Flag Coming To The U.S. And The Government Is Now Putting Out Warnings – Episode 504

Featured Image: upside down American flag. America in trouble. flag: CREDIT-David Wagmer. SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain)

youtube by X22Report

Published on Oct 29, 2014

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com
More news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.com
Report date: 10.29.2014

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive: “False Flag”

Report Reveals Wider Tracking of Mail in U.S.

Featured Image: U.S. Postal Service Emblem. Source: Wikipedia (Fair Use)

From The New York Times 

WASHINGTON — In a rare public accounting of its mass surveillance program, the United States Postal Service reported that it approved nearly 50,000 requests last year from law enforcement agencies and its own internal inspection unit to secretly monitor the mail of Americans for use in criminal and national security investigations.

The number of requests, contained in a 2014 audit of the surveillance program by the Postal Service’s inspector general, shows that the surveillance program is more extensive than previously disclosed and that oversight protecting Americans from potential abuses is lax. . . . Read Complete Report

Ancient Ohio Valley Copper Conference

A dozen of the best field researchers in the world looking into pre-conquest America, all gathered in one place.

Did the people of ancient North America have a communications system that allowed messages to travel from the east coast to the middle of the continent in an afternoon?
Were there giants in those days?
You mean there were numerous stone fortresses in America before Columbus?
There were how many different writing systems?
How much copper was extracted before the historical era? Millions of pounds? Billions of pounds?
Are there new discoveries, new treasures out there

All these questions are on the table (and podium and screen) November 1 & 2 in Washington, IN

The Damn Few

A good friend of mine brought this Youtube channel to my attention. Watch it to the end, please. WARNING: graphic animated violence, expletives of all kinds, and concepts unsuited to a sheeple.

This episode is about gun control and how the controllers slowly and gradually bend the will of people, including Americans, to the idea that “government” will take care of all of us, all our needs, and all our security.

Thanks to all our veterans, even if this portrayal is a bit over the top…

US stores old nukes…to fight off asteroid threats

Featured Image: Large astronoid crashing into Earth. SOURCE: wpclipart. (Public Domain)

youtube by RT America

Published on Oct 4, 2014

The US government is stockpiling nuclear warhead components so that they can be used to destroy asteroids if need be, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Looming Disaster”