Search results for hollow earth

Dennis Crenshaw on The Hollow Earth and the NAZI Connection (video)

While the cuts left on the floor would have explained my statements better – The most confusing was that after I said I did not believe the earth was hollow, they cut. What I said after was that was my first thought, but after further study I found compelling evidence to the contrary – That was cut along with a couple of other statements – but other than that its pretty good. Enjoy! . . . EDITOR


Editor’s DVD GIFT FOR ANY Hollow Earther’s Christmas STOCKING: A Suterranean Sleeper

“The City of Ember is the best Underground based Movie so far this Century” . . . Dennis Crenshaw



Can’t find anything for you Hollow Earth enthusiast?  (If that’s YOU I Urge you … spend your Christmas  money). Here it is!

A great subterranean movie I bet they never saw….

In the future after being sent underground after the surface world is destroyed the lights are about to go out and the knowledge of what to do is lost to them.   Also being kept from them is the existence of the outside word.  What to do?

A MUST SEE! And it’s only $8.99


Retired USAF Col. Claims he Came from Inside the Earth & the Hollow Earth Network

Hollow Earth Network with Col. Billie F. Woodard(ret) & co.

We have never met nor talked to Col Billie Faye Woodard. We are featuring him her for the time being because we feel that this is “Hollow Earth” information we should pass on.  He has a blogtalkradio show callled The Hollow Earth Network, (Link Below . . . EDITOR


According to information on his web site:

“Billie was born in Hollow Earth living many centuries before coming to the surface to carry out a mission.

His body was changed from a 5th Dimensional being into a 3-D one so as to “fit in” with his new surface world.

He has come forward now to complete his mission with a message for humanity here on the surface.”

To find out more on Billie please visit his website and read his story at

I am your host Dale Benadum and welcome you to another episode of Hollow Earth Network.

For much of the 40 yeas of my personal research into the Hollow Earth Enigma go DEEPER into this site. . . Dennis

Welcome to the NEW (and old) HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER

“As I see it: Thoughts from an Underground Insider”


THIS IS THE MEDIA  OUTLET of our website, Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected in the “Deeper” research area of the site and are meant to be combined with information from there to give more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                    

Dennis Crenshaw



Howdy everyone.  And that’s right.  I’m back to doing what I was meant to do, research and reporting. As Popeye the Sailor often said, “I yam what I yam.”

I really enjoyed working with my good friend Rick Osmon in developing and hosting our internet radio show, “Unraveling the Secrets.”  Of course after I decided to return to my research Rick took up the slack. The show can still be heard with two of our friends WM. Michael Mott & Brian Kannard joining Rick as co-hosts. Unraveling the Secrets can still be heard at the same Insiders URL, Saturdays at midnight from home base – the Soup Media Network.

The two and a half years I spent as host of the show was one of the highlights of my life and fulfilled a bunch of dreams – I was able to pick the brains of some of the most knowledgeable people in the world – what researcher/reporter would pass up that opportunity? … Certainly not I.

I will not try to list all these great folks that I met and interviewed during my time at Unraveling the Secrets out of fear that I would leave someone off the list, but in the future I’ll be writing articles on them and their individual areas of expertise.   [Many of the interviews are stored at, and can be heard from the Unraveling the Secrets archives.]

One of the benefits of going “into” internet radio was all the great people I met.  I wanna give a shout out to one of them. A great guy I would not otherwise have met, my new “A” list amigo, Angel Espino. He’s better known as “Tha Jackal” and is host of “Tha Jackals Head” radio show heard over PSN-radio (internet radio) every Saturday and Sunday at 10: 00 pm Eastern time. Check him out – he’s a blast! . . . But more on my “radio years” another time, right now I gotta get to work.


The “New” Old Hollow Earth Insider

When I finally decided to go back to work and give up the prestigious job of hosting “Unraveling the Secrets” I spent some time deciding on a new format for the Hollow Earth Insider site…  After much thought and experiment I decided to return to the look and the “feel” of the original publication from the ’90s;  At least as close as I could using this newfangled electronic media and with my computer-savvy younger keepers looking over my shoulder.

In rebuilding the old THEI site I started with my writings which had already been published on the web, not only on the THEI site but including a few of my writings that were scattered on other sites as well.  After spell checking and rewriting a bit, I changed the font to be one that’s easier to read (12 pt. Arial); at the same time I added click able links directing the reader to sources and sites to enable further research.  To each report I also added a sprinkling of photos, illustrations and videos.

I put up a new section “THEI Website Additions” and a bunch of other goodies. One of my dreams was to make this site a place where folks like to go for information; a depositary of as much of my personal research from over the years as I could locate along with loads of source material and research of others who would like to contribute.  The site is a work in progress so I will be adding new information often. I also realized that some of our guests only want to keep up with what’s going on today in the areas we look into rather than “old” research. With that in mind we also feature the “New” Hollow Earth Insider… that’s the part you are reading now. Both sections have different Tables of contents. Hope it isn’t too confusing.

In the main “Deeper” research area I added pages of links to articles, groups, videos and sites that share the same interests. I have even added a chat room. You can help us flesh out the site by sending your ideas to improve the site – favorite underground material, source or link – suggestions, comments, howdy-dos (or whatever) by way of our Guest Book or E-mail. It’s only through your input that I can continue to upgrade and improve The Hollow Earth Insider. Even if you only want to let me know what you think of the new site please leave a comment in the guest book. Thanks for your support.  Oh, and one more thing … I urge you to read “Letter to a Skeptic”, located on the top task bar first. It contains scientific fact which might surprise even the “hard core” believer. (No pun intended … well, maybe a little.)


Don’t miss our new video room.  We will be featuring full length documentaries and movies for your enjoyment.  Check back often for new videos.  In fact if you join the list in the top right corner on the research side you’ll be notified when we change the video or when I put up a new blog or make any changes to the site.  Because the New Hollow Earth Insider is going to be, (ripping off a slogan from my good friend Jim Moseley publisher of the longest running UFO magazine in the world, “Saucer Smear”) an “Unscheduled-Scheduled, Publication”  joining our Insiders list will be the best way to keep up with any additions or changes here at THEI … after all I am retired and to tell the truth I’ve had enough scheduling in my life.

Here are a couple of the new features on the site you might be interested in.

Now showing in the Insider’s Video Room

A limited Premiere Engagement: The Mena Connection, “An insider’s documentary of the real Mena Arkansas story – CIA, Bush, Clinton, Money, Drugs, Guns and more.”  (2 hrs. 21½ mins.)  Presented by THEI so we will never forget the government’s policy towards the CIA’s drug smuggling … “Don’t Just Say No – Fly Low.”   Note:  Feature Videos changed often.


THEI Video 101   THEI Eyeballin’ the New World Order


From the vaults of YouTube: Warnings of the Controllers Plans for All of Us.

Give me 54 minutes of your time and I’ll prove to you in easy to understand video just how far the controllers have progressed in my lifetime (I am 67) towards completing their controlled world society by lowering the United States standards of living and chipping away at our country’s sovereignty. If you find this information useful and easy to follow please pass the URL along to your “doubting Thomas’” family and friends.

We must make others realize that we will never get out of this mess by continuing to send members of the one party with two heads, the Republic-rats,  to Washington to change our direction because, after all is said and done, history has proven that their agenda is the same. . .  The destruction of the freedoms our forefathers passed on to us and the complete dis-establishment of our way of life.

You enter the  research area of the site by clicking on  “Deeper” on the top task bar.

I hope you like the site… let me know either way by taking a second to post your thoughts in the guest book over in the research area. While there you might want to join the Insiders list so you will not miss out. Thanks.

Enjoy your visit here at THEI, your source for information regarding ”underground” mysteries be they deep beneath the world we live on or hidden in plain sight right here on the surface.

Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?

Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?


                                                                    Phobos – The Hollow Moon of Mars

THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                      Dennis Crenshaw Editor

Hollow Earth News

Hollow Earth Update

Are Hollow Earth Proponents Missing the Boat?

(2011) by Dennis Crenshaw

I was really surprised when the establishment scientific community finally admitted on the record, after years of speculation, that yes, Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, is indeed hollow. What surprised me even more was that even though the story was extensively covered, as in this story from the  Daily Galaxy story filed under the heading “You Can’t Make this Up Dept: Why is Phobos Moon Hollow?” ,   it seemed the Hollow Earth Community took a “ho-hum” attitude towards the revelation.  If the scientific community had let something like this out back in-the-day those early true Ufologist would have been shouting it from the rooftops.  After all it has been the contention of hollow earth proponents that all earthly bodies are hollow.  Now some REAL  proof and what’s our reaction? Yawn, ho -hum…who won the latest gimmick “reality” show.  Oh well.

There was a little chatter in the hollow earth groups for a couple of days and then they all returned to regurgitating the same hollow earth information they’ve been discussing for years. WAKE UP PEOPLE! THIS IS PROOF POSITIVE THAT AT LEAST SOME HEAVENLY BODIES ARE HOLLOW!! It seems for some reason we can’t seem to take the possibility of naturally hollow earthly bodies forward into the 21st century.

Of course the fact that at least some heavenly bodies are hollow is not new news. Just as with the belief by certain scientists who have claimed for at least the last 50 years that our own moon is hollow [See “For Whom the Bells Toll” – THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER Vol. 1 #2] the spin Doctors jump in and say that if it’s hollow then it “must be artificial because heavenly bodies are not naturally hollow” Even President Eisenhower had his say on the subject of Phobos hollowness way back when I was a child, and I’m now 67.   Of course if the people were paying attention this “new” information would cause a “Catch 22” for the controllers.  If  Phobos and our own moon ARE artificially build – not naturally formed – then who put them there?  You can’t have it both ways.

Ancient Underground Dwellers

According to a National Geographic story I reported on back in 1999 dinosaurs once burrowed underground. Now new dinosaur underground habitats have been discovered in Southern Australia.  Paleontologist Anthony Martin, the discoverer of the “Antarctica Dinosaurs” burrow in Southern Australia stated, “They probably burrow underground to escape extreme weather.”  Mr. Martin was with a group who also discovered the first known dinosaur tunnel, “an underground den in Montana holding [the remains of] a 95-million-year-old dinosaur family.”   Now we have an update to that report:

According to Jennifer Viegas reporting in Discovery News dateline 9/11/2011;

Long before dinosaurs, something was digging intricate homes and roads underground

“While life on Earth 240 million years ago flourished in the seas and on land, the underground worlds discovered in Morocco are the oldest example of such communal subterranean structures from a low-latitude area. . . ”

Should humans follow suit?

Both stories mentioned burrowing to escape extreme weather. Bet the digging was to better defend against predators also.  Both reasons make sense.  Which reminds me, didn’t some military or suit from the district of criminals (DC) recently tell us we should start to think about moving underground?  I’ll have to check that out.  In fact, I think I’ll spend some time looking into that … moving underground.  Look for a couple of reports in the coming issues on just that subject. . .


HOLLOWEARTH RESEARCHERS: The U.S. Army’s Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice! “Camp Century” Restored Declassified Film


From youtube uploade by Bright Enlightenment

Published on Feb 27, 2013

The U.S. Army’s Top Secret Arctic City Under the Ice – Camp Century – In the late 1950s, during the height of the Cold War, the US military constructed a secret base in the Arctic for “research” purposes. Some theorists claim that it was actually used as a covert nuclear weapons storage &/or testing facility. Others have made even grander claims – that Camp Century was actually a weather manipulation experiment … or a U.S. Military administered Alien / UFO base! The whole truth might never be known. This is the actual declassified US ARMY FILM documenting the construction process.

Go a LITTLE DEEPER THEI Archive: “Arctic”

Is Earth Hollow?

Is the Earth Hollow? . . . And if so, What Waits Below?

by Dennis Crenshaw

This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages.

The most ancient stories of modern mankind can be found written on the clay tablets of Mesopotamia . Two, Gilgamesh” (Table XII) and The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld, are about adventures among different kinds of creatures inside the earth. (1)


Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley , of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated, beneath the crust of the Earth, which is 500 feet thick, is a hollow void.

Then there was Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), noted mathematician and one of the founders of higher mathematics. He stated that, mathematically the Earth has to be hollow. He also believed there was a center sun inside the Earth’s interior, which provided daylight to a splendid subterranean civilization. (2)

Next to carry the Hollow Earth banner was Captain John Cleves Symmes Jr. war hero of the War of 1812.
[Hollow Earth writings of John Symmes].
Once his studies led him to believe in a Hollow Earth, he used his knowledge to convince James McBride , a Miami Ohio millionaire. Mr. McBride used his political connections to Rep. Richard M. Johnson (D) of Kentucky [later vice-president under Van Buren 1837-18411] to petition congress to finance an expedition to claim the lands inside the earth for the U.S. The petition, by a vote of 56-46 was tabled and the minutes of this petition and vote are still archived in the Congressional Record . (3) * Watch the BONUS Video at end of report.

The Hollow Earth was next theorized by William Reed in his 1906 book The Phantom of The Poles . Based on his studies of early Arctic explorations and scientific evidence, he wrote that the Earth is not solid as widely believed, but hollow with openings at both ends. In the summary of his revolutionary theory, Reed states: The Earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth’s surface. (4) . . . Read Complete Article

Laseria Map Collection: Is the Earth hollow? (video)

Here is a well put together tour of the Laseria Map Collection. The question, Is the Earth Hollow? Great video even if you don’t care about the make-up of our earth, looking at the map’s and the information presented are worth your time . . . EDITOR

Drive-In Saturday Night Double Feature “This Island Earth” Starring Jeff Morrow + Second Feature + Selected Short Subjects

This Island Earth / 1955


Drive in intermission films

Published on Dec 20, 2007

Classic 9 minutes of Drive-in intermission films on a Drive-in movie screen. ” You now have 9 minutes till showtime”

Continue on Page 2 Read more

THEI Eyeballs The Earth ~ Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 6: Flat Earth Theory: Rebuttal

The Following Rebuttal to the the curvature of the earth question in the Flat Earth Theory was posted as a comment to our ongoing series: THEI Eyeballs The Earth ~ Has the True Shape of the Planet Been Discovered? Part 5: Flat Earth Theory: Under the Dome  by our own webpage maintainer Rick Osmon.

I felt that to be fair to those presenting the different theories that it should be brought to the main body of our research.

Also  represented are links to other studies THEI has presented from the past of the same study as to curvature.  We do not present many comments in the pages of THEI (although we read every one) because we have too many trolls trying to cause confusion as regards to our controversial subject matter.  THEI is designed to present different ideas not argue them, however in this case we are opening this subject, the curvature of the earth, to anyone who wants to respond.  Looking forward to your comments. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

P.S. If you do not want to comment, but you have a video or link to send us on the subject you can send it to my e-mail address;

First a quick look:

Show me the curvature [X] Done 2

Published on Jul 16, 2017

The original shot was taken from Soundlys: ‘Lake Pontchartrain Transmission Lines Nikon P900 (3/3)’

Continue on Page 2>>>

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