Tag Archive for ancient

Andrew Collins: Biggest Discovery of Ancient Egypt – Hall of Records Found [FULL VIDEO]

Biggest Discovery of Ancient Egypt – Hall of Records Found [FULL VIDEO]

Published on Aug 27, 2017

Many people believe that the key to understanding human civilization and history is hidden in the Hall of Records. There are a number of references to this mysterious hall, which has possibly been rediscovered buried in Egypt, one possibility including the undergrounds of the enigmatic Sphinx of Giza, which oversees the Giza Pyramids. Providing this huge underground library has been discovered, it could change history and the origin of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization forever. Complete Video Description 

Dig a Little DEEPER: Egypt

MUST SEE: Ancient Artifacts that are Impossible According to Historians [FULL VIDEO]

This is one of the most common sense answers to the visitation to our planet by advanced civilizations in the past yet.  If after watching this presentation you are still unsure of past visitation you need to check out your reasoning power. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

Ancient Artifacts that are Impossible According to Historians [FULL VIDEO]

YouTube ~

Published on May 8, 2017

An advanced alien civilization visited the Earth in times long past. Proof of their presence in rock-carvings, religious artifacts, ancient myths, and, of course, megalithic monuments such as the Giza pyramids are littered all over the world. This video examines ancient ruins, lost cities, spaceports, and a myriad of hard scientific facts that point to extraterrestrial intervention in human history. Most incredible of all, however, is the theory that we are the descendants of these galactic pioneers—and the video reveals the archaeological discoveries that prove it. Includes remarkable photos that document mankind’s first contact with aliens at the dawn of civilization. Analysis of the evidence used by mainstream science anchor theology to explain the presence of artifacts, writings and other materials, coupled with his alternative explanations and proofs were not only plausible, but also down right convincing.

Dig a Little DEEPER:

UFO Enclosure  

“THEI Returns to the Subterranean World Part 2: Hidden Tunnel Found Under Mayan Pyramid in Mexico

The Great Pyramid of Gaza

The Nazca Plains


CONGRESSMAN TO NASA: Ancient Alien Cities On Mars? 7/19/17

  secureteam10n Published on Jul 19, 2017

Dig A Little DEEPER: Mysterious Planet Mars

Photos of Structures on Mars

Mayan calendar similar to ancient Chinese Zodiac calendar?

Early contact? Mayan calendar similar to ancient Chinese

Tara MacIsaac
Epoch Times
Thu, 07 Sep 2017 16:17 UTC

th[7]Ancient Mayan and Chinese calendar systems share so many similarities, it is unlikely they developed independently, according to the late David H. Kelley, whose paper on the subject was published posthumously in August.

Kelley was a Harvard-educated archaeologist and epigrapher at the University of Calgary in Canada. He earned fame in the 1960s for major contributions toward deciphering the Mayan script. His article, titled “Asian Components in the Invention of the Mayan Calendar,” was written 30 years ago, but was only recently unearthed and published for the first time in the journal Pre-Columbiana.

In 1980, a major science journal had solicited the article, said Pre-Columbiana’s editor Dr. Stephen Jett. But, Jett said, “the editors rejected it as being overly documented for the journal’s spare format; understandably for so revolutionary an effort, Dave did not wish to weaken the documentation, and he never published the piece elsewhere.” Jett obtained Kelley’s permission to publish it before he died.  Read Complete Report


This video is part of The Alignment Within and explains how The Mayan Calendar Works.
If you’ve ever wondered how The Mayan Calendar Works, this is the film to watch

Source: YouTube  mayancalendarnow  Published on Nov 7, 2012

The Chinese Zodiac is a 12 year cycle symbolized by the 12 animals. Each animal has a different personality and characteristics that influence a person’s personality, success, and happiness.

Source: YouTube  videosvibes   Uploaded on Aug 3, 2009

Dig a little Deeper: Mayan , Ancient Chinese


Greenpeace damages ancient Site in Peru (Nazca Lines)

Featured Image: Nazca lines. CREDIT: NASA. Source Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).

youtube by RT

Published on Dec 11, 2014

Peru is to press charges against Greenpeace activists after damage caused to a UN World Heritage site – the Nazca lines – during mass action to raise the profile of the group. READ MORE:http://on.rt.com/b6mk0p

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “NAZCA Lines”

THEI Headline of the Century! Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

Featured Image: Hollow Earth diagram. Credit: Max Fyfield. Used with permission. 

Submitted by long time Hollow Earth Insider ‘Jeff’

Over the past 25 years I, along with many other researchers from around the world, have been investigating the centuries old belief that INSIDE our earth was an ancient world. The two underworld theories we have been looking at for a possible answer are known as the Hollow Earth Theory (THEI) and passed down from generation to generation oral legends of Subterranean Worlds and the giants and small people that come to the surface from time to time….

As we here at THEI have been noticing and posting for a long time; there have been scientific findings that have caused the corporate funded establishment scientists to have to make drastic changes to wiggle any new scientific information to “fit” the accepted theory of the makeup of our earth.

The belief that the deeper you go the hotter it gets. . .  or the one that the pressure will crush you. Both of these beliefs can be scientifically challenged. And as we learn more and more about our strange, mysterious planet and the underground that exist right below our feet, the information causes the establishment scientists, to struggle to try to make the new findings fit into the accepted theory of the make-up of our planet.

volii-6-a.jpgImage: Cover of Vol. 2 #6 The Hollow Earth Insider. Credit: Max Fyfield. Source: THEI Archive. 

Yet, strangely, these same new findings seen to fit right into the Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds

An example is the report we published just 3 days ago, Hollow Earth Theory MAJOR UPDATE: Inner Ocean Found! in which we reported on the finding of an Ocean, “a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over”, inside our Earth.

Now, just 3 days later, this piece of amazing info which should add validity to the ancient worlds theories . . . or at least change the direction of scientific study about the makeup of earth. . . or, probably not.

Maybe we can watch as the controllers zombie’s try some kind of smoke and mirrors like they did when they tried to  turn the inner sun into a planet . a “planet within a planet” they called the core.  I still Shake my head when I think of that. The damn core gives off heat and light and its spinning freely of the earth.  Look in any dictionary. The core is actually a small inner sun. It’s really a “Sun within the planet”. Why wan’t the controllers yes men Admit it. . .Anyway, enough ranting.

But I will say that to us here at The NEW Hollow Earth Insider this will be the headline of the 21st.Century. It’s been a long time coming.  Rejoice Dear Hearts! . .  EDITOR


From The Mind Unleashed by  on 24 June, 2014 at 21:52

Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth

A team of Harvard scientists may have found an indication that a portion of an ancient Earth exists inside our planet’s mantle.

A study presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Sacramento, California, claims that the previously inexplicable isotope ratio from the depths of the Earth may be an “echo” of the ancient Earth that existed before the collision with another celestial body, which is estimated to have led to the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive: A different Theory “Expanding Planet”

 “Science”  “Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds”


The Ancient Paths: Discovering the Lost Map of Celtic Europe, review

Submitted by ‘TAL’

Featured Image: Book Cover of The Ancient Paths: Discovering the Lost Map of Celtic Europe, by Graham Robb (Picador, RRP £20, Ebook £6.02), is available to order from Telegraph Books at £26 + £1.35p&p. Call 0844 871 1515 or visit books.telegraph.co.uk

From The Telegraph By

7:00AM BST 12 Oct 2013

Tim Martin has his eyes opened by an enthralling new history that argues that Druids created a sophisticated ancient society to rival the Romans.

‘Important if true” was the phrase that the 19th-century writer and historian Alexander Kinglake wanted to see engraved above church doors. It rings loud in the ears as one reads the latest book by Graham Robb, a biographer and historian of distinction whose new work, if everything in it proves to be correct, will blow apart two millennia of thinking about Iron Age Britain and Europe and put several scientific discoveries back by centuries. . . . Read Complete Report


Why Iceland Should Be In The News, But Is Not

Why Iceland Should Be In The News, But Is Not

Iceland, once home to fiercely independent ancient Norsemen such as Erik the Red, is still fiercely independent. It is now spawning a trend of financial independence from the world’s banksters, those we call the controllers.


Original sacsis, story, republished at  Collectively Conscious, story written by Deena Stryker

As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example.

Read the full story HERE

Ancient Ohio Valley Copper Conference

A dozen of the best field researchers in the world looking into pre-conquest America, all gathered in one place.

Did the people of ancient North America have a communications system that allowed messages to travel from the east coast to the middle of the continent in an afternoon?
Were there giants in those days?
You mean there were numerous stone fortresses in America before Columbus?
There were how many different writing systems?
How much copper was extracted before the historical era? Millions of pounds? Billions of pounds?
Are there new discoveries, new treasures out there

All these questions are on the table (and podium and screen) November 1 & 2 in Washington, IN

Documentary – ANCIENT MAN MADE TUNNELS – Underground Civilizations

Featured Image: Derinkuyu, Underground winery. SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain) 

youtube from History Channel via Documentoslim Published on Jun 10, 2013

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Underground” “Dulce” “Mayan Underground”