Featured Image: WASR 10 rifle. Credit: – Transferred from en.wikipedia Uploaded by Sanandros Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).
youtube by NeverEnuffAmmo Published on Mar 3, 2015
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Guns” “Fighting Back” “BugOut”
Featured Image: WASR 10 rifle. Credit: – Transferred from en.wikipedia Uploaded by Sanandros Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).
youtube by NeverEnuffAmmo Published on Mar 3, 2015
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Guns” “Fighting Back” “BugOut”
Featured Image: Another one of the millions of uses of the hemp plant. Hempcrete CREDIT: Olivier Dupont SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
From gizmag
August 20, 2014
Source: American Chemical Society
Using waste hemp fibers as the starting material, researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have developed a high-performance electrode material for supercapacitors at one thousandth the cost of the more commonly used graphene. The advance could lead to supercapacitors that are both cheaper and able to operate under harsh environmental conditions.
Despite a bad reputation, hemp is a truly remarkable plant. It can be grown on the cheap, requiring very little care even in very cold and dry environments, and has many uses, ranging from construction material to clothing, bioplastics, and even biofuel creation. . . . Read Complete Report
Bonus Video:
Hemp For Victory (1942)
Hemp For Victory is a 1942 film documentary made to encourage farmers to grow hemp during World War 2 because other industrial fibers, often imported from overseas, were in short supply. The film shows a history of hemp and hemp products, how hemp is grown, and how hemp is processed into rope, cloth, cordage, and other products.
From youtube posted by TheBlueBijou
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Weed for Victory”
Featured Image:Various doctoral regalia shown during Worcester Polytechnic Institute Graduation May 2008. CREDIT: Alex Zozulya. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
Hi Dennis,
My name is Kimberly and I came across thehollowearthinsider.com after searching for people that have referenced or mentioned the cost of college tuition. I am part of a team of designers and researchers that put together an infographic highlighting how college tuition is growing faster than the incomes of most families. I thought you might be interested, so I wanted to reach out.
Thank you,
Kimberly Hayes
Thank you for sending this important information to THEI. We love to pass along information to our readers that might actually help some of them. Funding for collage and paying it back has become ridiculous.
Just as with many of the other things that past generations of American’s have worked hard to leave for their future ancestors, the Controllers seem to be using THIS PRESENT generation of young Americans to extend their “Dummy Down Education” program into HIGHER education by pricing the middle and lower-middle class out of the institutions.
We applaud you and your group for putting this information in an easy to read, easy to understand format. Please keep us informed about any future presentations of importance you might work on or hear of.
Thanks again,
Dennis Crenshaw EDITOR
“This is one of the best put-together, easily understood presentations we have been asked to bring to our readers in a while. I am proud to present it and hope it helps some kid get a higher education. Things are going to be hard enough as it is over the next couple of generations and possibly beyond” “*****” . . . EDITOR
From Affordable Schools on Line by Jason (Frugal Dad)
There are dozens of benefits that justify earning a higher education, including–but by no means limited to–better employment prospects, access to jobs with higher pay and the broadening of a college student’s social and mental horizons. Even so, approximately one in two high school graduates choose to forgo these potential benefits because they cannot reconcile the cost of the college experience with the bleak reality of the financial situation in which many new college grads find themselves.
There’s no denying that college is outrageously expensive. And, unfortunately, it is only getting worse; while the average family income in the United States grew 147% in the years between 1982 and 2007, the cost of college grew by a staggering 440% in that same period. What that means in terms of real numbers is that the average cost of a four-year degree from a state school is now $30,000. Most American families do not have that kind of money up front, which necessitates that they borrow it from private or government programs that issue student loans. Unfortunately, student loans leave college graduates an average of $20,000 in debt when they finish school. And approximately 10% of graduates will have twice that debt to repay. Collectively, American students owe more than one trillion dollars.
(Image: Source)
Figures like these, in combination with the fact that only half of all college graduate obtained a full-time job in 2011, are why more than six million graduates cannot pay back their student loans. The economic recession that began in 2008 has made it exceptionally difficult for college graduates to find jobs in their field. The upshot is that students take on lower-paying jobs that do not require degrees in order to make ends meet. Even so, that limited income is, in many cases, not enough to pay back their debt.
One in six default on their loans and a whopping 85% of 2011 college graduates were forced to move back in with their parents after school because they could not afford their own living space. To keep your children from contributing from that statistic, there are several ways to start saving well ahead of the day they move into the dorms:. . . . Read Complete Report with photos/graphs/statistics.
Featured Image: Skysweeper Robot.SOURCE: gizmag.com accompanying article below.
From GizMag By David Szondy April 21, 2013
If you look up at a power line in a few years and see something skittering along the wires, it (hopefully) won’t be a mutant crab monster, but a powerline inspection robot costing less than US$1,000. A prototype of such a robot, called SkySweeper, was presented this month at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Jacobs School of Engineering’s Research Expo. The robot was built with off-the-shelf electronics and plastic parts printed on an inexpensive 3D printer. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by JacobsSchoolNews on Apr 16, 2013
SkySweeper Robot Makes Inspecting Power Lines Simple and Inexpensive