Benghazi Hero: We Are Ready To Fight Deep State Coup Against Trump
Dig a little DEEPER: Benghazi
Benghazi Hero: We Are Ready To Fight Deep State Coup Against Trump
Dig a little DEEPER: Benghazi
Featured Map: Location of Washington, D.C., in the contiguous United States and in relation to the U.S. states of Maryland and Virginia. This is a map of the location of Washington, D.C. showing the borders of states and counties around it. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
Published on Sept 16, 2014
A Senate panel is taking a look at the possibility of turning Washington, DC into the 51st state. Over 630,000 people currently reside in the federal district, but have no representation in Congress. Residents have long fought for the right to have a say in the government that taxes them, but politics is a perpetual roadblock in their quest. DC Shadow Senator Paul Strauss joins RT’s Ameera David to discuss the fight and its implications.
Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
Holder investigating himself. He has to do it, anyone else would find him as the major problem at Justice and probably send him packing. . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Published on May 28, 2013
First Associated Press, then Fox News: as the days progress as of late, the Obama administration has been linked to investigating more and more American journalists. President Obama campaigned on a promise of transparency, but is that possible for the country when journalists can’t report without risking arrest? Obama has touted a proposed s media shield law, but some say it might hurt instead of help. RT’s Margaret Howell speaks with Michael Brooks of The Majority Report to discuss the latest on the war against leaks and how the White House, Congress and Attorney General Eric Holder are handling increased scrutiny from the media during this fight over the First Amendment.
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from youtube uploaded by NEWSDELL
Highway Protest Causes Traffic Jam
Published on Mar 11, 2013
protesters cause massive traffic jam (01:05). Protesters slow to a crawl on a Detroit freeway to raise awareness about the city’s need for an emergency …
from youtube uploaded by LeeCamp2
PROOF That Media Opinions Are Bought And How To Creatively Fight Back
Published on Mar 27, 2013
Detroit has undergone a coup. PLUS new proof comes out that far right-wing front groups are purchasing the opinions of media talking heads. AND I go over ways to fight back. Here are the sources for the info:
Monday – 12/31/2012, 3:33am ET
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) – On the eve of a new year, a libertarian strain pulses through America _ a get-government-out-of-my-personal-life sensibility that cuts across ideologies and is driven by a younger generation’s cultural attitudes.
We’ve seen it in gay-marriage legalization and marijuana decriminalization. And in the fact that, four decades after Roe v. Wade allowed abortion, there’s little appetite among most for overturning it. Perhaps we’ve also seen this play out with guns, with a more limited role for government in regulating firearms. . . . Read Complete Report
from Fox News
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