Tag Archive for NWO

Welcome to the NEW (and old) HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER

“As I see it: Thoughts from an Underground Insider”


THIS IS THE MEDIA  OUTLET of our website, www.thehollowearthinsider.com. Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected in the “Deeper” research area of the site and are meant to be combined with information from there to give more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                    

Dennis Crenshaw Editorwww.thehollowearthinsider.com



Howdy everyone.  And that’s right.  I’m back to doing what I was meant to do, research and reporting. As Popeye the Sailor often said, “I yam what I yam.”

I really enjoyed working with my good friend Rick Osmon in developing and hosting our internet radio show, “Unraveling the Secrets.”  Of course after I decided to return to my research Rick took up the slack. The show can still be heard with two of our friends WM. Michael Mott & Brian Kannard joining Rick as co-hosts. Unraveling the Secrets can still be heard at the same Insiders URL, Saturdays at midnight from home base – the Soup Media Network.

The two and a half years I spent as host of the show was one of the highlights of my life and fulfilled a bunch of dreams – I was able to pick the brains of some of the most knowledgeable people in the world – what researcher/reporter would pass up that opportunity? … Certainly not I.

I will not try to list all these great folks that I met and interviewed during my time at Unraveling the Secrets out of fear that I would leave someone off the list, but in the future I’ll be writing articles on them and their individual areas of expertise.   [Many of the interviews are stored at, and can be heard from the Unraveling the Secrets archives.]

One of the benefits of going “into” internet radio was all the great people I met.  I wanna give a shout out to one of them. A great guy I would not otherwise have met, my new “A” list amigo, Angel Espino. He’s better known as “Tha Jackal” and is host of “Tha Jackals Head” radio show heard over PSN-radio (internet radio) every Saturday and Sunday at 10: 00 pm Eastern time. Check him out – he’s a blast! . . . But more on my “radio years” another time, right now I gotta get to work.


The “New” Old Hollow Earth Insider

When I finally decided to go back to work and give up the prestigious job of hosting “Unraveling the Secrets” I spent some time deciding on a new format for the Hollow Earth Insider site…  After much thought and experiment I decided to return to the look and the “feel” of the original publication from the ’90s;  At least as close as I could using this newfangled electronic media and with my computer-savvy younger keepers looking over my shoulder.

In rebuilding the old THEI site I started with my writings which had already been published on the web, not only on the THEI site but including a few of my writings that were scattered on other sites as well.  After spell checking and rewriting a bit, I changed the font to be one that’s easier to read (12 pt. Arial); at the same time I added click able links directing the reader to sources and sites to enable further research.  To each report I also added a sprinkling of photos, illustrations and videos.

I put up a new section “THEI Website Additions” and a bunch of other goodies. One of my dreams was to make this site a place where folks like to go for information; a depositary of as much of my personal research from over the years as I could locate along with loads of source material and research of others who would like to contribute.  The site is a work in progress so I will be adding new information often. I also realized that some of our guests only want to keep up with what’s going on today in the areas we look into rather than “old” research. With that in mind we also feature the “New” Hollow Earth Insider… that’s the part you are reading now. Both sections have different Tables of contents. Hope it isn’t too confusing.

In the main “Deeper” research area I added pages of links to articles, groups, videos and sites that share the same interests. I have even added a chat room. You can help us flesh out the site by sending your ideas to improve the site – favorite underground material, source or link – suggestions, comments, howdy-dos (or whatever) by way of our Guest Book or E-mail. It’s only through your input that I can continue to upgrade and improve The Hollow Earth Insider. Even if you only want to let me know what you think of the new site please leave a comment in the guest book. Thanks for your support.  Oh, and one more thing … I urge you to read “Letter to a Skeptic”, located on the top task bar first. It contains scientific fact which might surprise even the “hard core” believer. (No pun intended … well, maybe a little.)


Don’t miss our new video room.  We will be featuring full length documentaries and movies for your enjoyment.  Check back often for new videos.  In fact if you join the list in the top right corner on the research side you’ll be notified when we change the video or when I put up a new blog or make any changes to the site.  Because the New Hollow Earth Insider is going to be, (ripping off a slogan from my good friend Jim Moseley publisher of the longest running UFO magazine in the world, “Saucer Smear”) an “Unscheduled-Scheduled, Publication”  joining our Insiders list will be the best way to keep up with any additions or changes here at THEI … after all I am retired and to tell the truth I’ve had enough scheduling in my life.

Here are a couple of the new features on the site you might be interested in.

Now showing in the Insider’s Video Room

A limited Premiere Engagement: The Mena Connection, “An insider’s documentary of the real Mena Arkansas story – CIA, Bush, Clinton, Money, Drugs, Guns and more.”  (2 hrs. 21½ mins.)  Presented by THEI so we will never forget the government’s policy towards the CIA’s drug smuggling … “Don’t Just Say No – Fly Low.”   Note:  Feature Videos changed often.


THEI Video 101   THEI Eyeballin’ the New World Order


From the vaults of YouTube: Warnings of the Controllers Plans for All of Us.

Give me 54 minutes of your time and I’ll prove to you in easy to understand video just how far the controllers have progressed in my lifetime (I am 67) towards completing their controlled world society by lowering the United States standards of living and chipping away at our country’s sovereignty. If you find this information useful and easy to follow please pass the URL along to your “doubting Thomas’” family and friends.

We must make others realize that we will never get out of this mess by continuing to send members of the one party with two heads, the Republic-rats,  to Washington to change our direction because, after all is said and done, history has proven that their agenda is the same. . .  The destruction of the freedoms our forefathers passed on to us and the complete dis-establishment of our way of life.

You enter the  research area of the site by clicking on  “Deeper” on the top task bar.

I hope you like the site… let me know either way by taking a second to post your thoughts in the guest book over in the research area. While there you might want to join the Insiders list so you will not miss out. Thanks.

Enjoy your visit here at THEI, your source for information regarding ”underground” mysteries be they deep beneath the world we live on or hidden in plain sight right here on the surface.

Just in Time for the Revolution I’m Back!

“As I see it: Thoughts from an Underground Insider”


THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, www.thehollowearthinsider.com. Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                     Dennis Crenshaw Editor www.thehollowearthinsider.com

NEW NEWS EDITORIAL Let The Revolution Begin!

After watching different groups of Americans protest the actions of our controlled government since the 1960s I believe that the protests that started in Wall Street with just a handful of people and has now grown to thousands spreading to other cities could be “the real deal.”  (I’ll be actively attending the protest scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 8/2011 in Hemming Park in downtown Jacksonville, Florida) One of the reasons for believing that finally a peoples movement might grow legs is the fact it seems to have quickly grabbed the establishment Controllers attention

The first “talking heads” who have come out against this movement is the (Weak) Tea Party, which I have come to believe to be a stooge organization happily protected by the Controllers. Notice how the (Weak Tea Party) has become the Controlled media’s favorite “peoples movement” to report on, and those they run to for answers when trying to judge the mood of the people.

If the (Weak) Tea Party is REALLY out to change the direction of our Country by the will of the people they would have instantly supported a real movement of  the people, this unplanned and spontaneous gatherings of people from all walks of life that started small in Wall Street and seems to be growing at an amazing rate..  Instead they immediately appear on the number one conservative worldwide news outlet, Fox News, with the (Weak) Tea Party’s opinion of these pissed off Americans.   How can the teabaggers have such a great  access to the media and conservative Politicians who we know are opposed to ANY change in direction towards a One World Order?

Those of us who realize the extent of the Controllers total censoring of the “news” spoon-fed us by the propaganda machine laughingly called the “free” press know one thing from experience.  If the Controllers thought the (Weak) Tea Party was any threat to the one world plans of the Controllers they would only get this kind of news access and coverage when their compound was raided by the ATF and FBI SWAT teams (with the CIA in the background giving orders).

So when major news outlets immediately hit the airwaves in prime time asking the (Weak) Tea Party’s leader’s their opinions concerning the Wall Street Movement we wonder, why ask them?  The answer is obvious. The (Weak) Tea Party is nothing but another part of the  Controllers plans to control the people. The (Weak) Tea Party is actually composed of those   conservatives from the Republican Party and moderate   “Independents” who think the answer to solving our country’s problems is still possible by leaving our destiny in the hands of the beltway establishment controllers.  Actually those who believe the (Weak) Tea Party “is the Answer” have been hitting the Cool-Aid, or I should say … the weak tea, a bit too much. It’s all part of the dumbing down process that has been going on in our country. since its foundation.

The (Weak) Tea Party official stand on this new Wall Street Movement came from one of the (Weak) Tea Party’s top jocks.. He said the (Weak) Tea Party had “nothing to do with these”  know-nothings and that the Wall Street Movement was organized by “Leftist radicals and communist groups” who had no money and no organization, and no message.”

Where have we heard that before? Sounds like someone brushed off the old play book of Richard Daley during a previous heating-up political circus, The Detroit Republican Convention of 1988. Guess no-one told the teabaggers we stopped blaming that kind of stuff on Communist several wars ago.

Tea Party supporters read my lips “this protest was not planned.  It never figured to grow. Nor is it  a leftist ploy …It is a series of spontaneous happenings by the masses.   it is the unconnected-by-politics angry  American Citizens who are rising up. And of course they have no money. Nether personally, nor do they have access to the deep pockets that SOME organizations supported by the controllers have;  and their  message is they are mad as hell at the system that the you teabaggers support and they are not going to take it no-more!”

Thoughts #1

Bet you thought I’d found me an entrance to the underground?  Naw. Just been working on the new HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER site.  Adding lots of goodies takes lots of time. But I will be taking you along with me on just such a quest in  coming issues of this THEI publication..   I’ve decided to take a 21st century look at what’s being planned, going on, and how much its costing us as taxpayers as the government secretly moves more of their “Invisible Government” underground, literately.. I’ve heard rumors over the last few years of massive goings on underground.  It’s time we took a look see, We’ll also be looking into starting to explore the possibility of moving at least some of mankind underground. … We’ll pick up where I left off 14 years ago …. (See Volume 1 # 6)…. Well, let me get back to it. . . .  stuff to do, stuff that involves a lot of head-scratching and staring at the keyboard. Sure am glad that I’m retired.  Good word “retired.” You can get ahead of the crowd that will be running to my site once I get it back up by going to www.thehollowearthinsider.com and joining  the Insiders list in the top right hand corner.  That’s where any info about the site, etc, is posted first. And if you would please leave your comments on our guestbook page,  Thanks!