Tag Archive for Wall Street

THEI Eyeballs Puerto Rico: Remain a Territory, Become the 52nd State or become an Independent Country?


Source: The Hill


Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly in favor of statehood on Sunday in a referendum that begins the steps toward sending representatives to Washington, D.C.

According to The Wall Street Journal, 97 percent of voters chose statehood, though turnout was only about 23 percent. One-and-a-half percent voted for independence from the United States, according to Decision Desk HQ, while 1.3 percent voted to keep the current status of a territory of the United States. . . Read Complete Report

Puerto Rico Votes to Become a State

David Pakman Show

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Why is Puerto Rico not part of the United States of America?

Published on Mar 31, 2017

Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States of America? She sits in an in-between limbo, neither a state or an independent nation. So how did Puerto Rico become owned by, but not part of America?

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Soft coup success? Wall Street and military-industrial complex run US Presidency

Soft coup success? Wall Street and military-industrial complex run US Presidency

Source: The Duran


Business as usual at the office of the US Presidency.

Now that Steve Bannon is out, and Trump’s non-interventionist, America first advisors have been picked off one by one, a Goldman Sachs/Military Generals US run White House is gearing up for more war, starting with Afghanistan.

Neocons like Lindsey Graham and John McCain are ecstatic…

The mainstream liberal media is so happy with the Afghanistan ramp up they refused to lay down any criticism of a “Trump decision”…which is rare indeed,considering the liberal media finds fault in just about anything Trump says or does.

To get a better understanding of what is really going on in Washington DC, Mike Krieger from Liberty Blitzkrieg pulls back the curtain, and deep state misdirection taking place…pointing out three key points lost in the translation, but spoken clearly by POTUS Trump during his Afghanistan speech. . . . Read Complete Report



President Trump’s full address on Afghanistan


Published on Aug 21, 2017

President Donald Trump laid out goals for the war in Afghanistan, saying he will not announce dates or troop levels but “from now on victory will have a clear definition.”

Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy: What To Expect. With Jacob Hornberger


Streamed live on Aug 21, 2017

Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger joins the Liberty Report to preview President Trump’s Afghanistan strategy that will be unveiled tonight. Should we expect a radical departure from the last 16 unsuccessful years? Get your tickets to the RPI Conference discussed in this video! RonPaulInstitute.org

Trump’s ‘New’ Afghan Strategy: Protect The Empire!

RonPaulLibertyReport Streamed live on Aug 22, 2017

Dig a Little Deeper: Afghanistan

THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State Series:

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

Wall Street Whistleblower Reveals Subliminals Added to TV (Video Report)

Featured image: TV Family 1951. Source: Library of Congress (Public Domain)

TV- watching Chart SOURCE Libary of Congress

Image: TV watching Chart.  SOURCE: Library of Congress (Public Domain).
From youtube uploaded by TRUTHstreammedia·

Published on Aug 31, 2013

(Truthstream Media.com) Television is mass mind control, and the Internet and cell phones are using the technology, too.

Former managing director and member of the board of directors of Wall Street investment firm Dillon, Read & Co, as well as former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner in the Dept. of H.U.D. during the Bush 41 administration, Catherine Austin Fitts relays a chilling conversation she overheard circa 1984 while working on Wall Street, where executives discussed how subliminals and entrainment technology was about to be deployed through the television waves. From Description published with video.

dd395-Tentacles (s)

Image: Thanx to David Dees.
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Mind Control”

Impeach Eric Holder – Repeat Offender (Video Report)

From youtube uploaded by BdeanSonsofLiberty on Apr 10, 2013

Occupy: August 26th Day of Action – Women’s Equality Day (w/videos)

from Occupy Wall Street

Posted 2 days ago on Aug. 23, 2012, 7:52 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: dncfeminismnycrnc

Call to Action via Women Organized to Resist and Defend. Occupiers across the country are organizing in solidarity; we encourage everyone who can to attend! In NYC, we will gather at 47th St & 6th Ave at 1pm.

On Women’s Equality Day, August 26 – on the eve of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, which will be immediately followed by the Democratic National Convention – women and their allies will take to the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago and other cities across the country in defense of women’s rights.

August 26th – Women’s Equality Day – commemorates the 1920 passage of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote. Winning the right to vote was an important victory, but the struggle for full equality continues. . . . Read complete Report

from youtube

Join us on August 26th to Defend Women’s Rights

Published on Aug 7, 2012 by 


Women’s rights are under severe attack. Access to healthcare — including contraception and abortion — childcare, housing, welfare and other benefits are being slashed across the country. We are tired of politicians playing political football with our lives. It’s time we take action. It’s time we organize and fight back.

On Women’s Equality Day, August 26 — on the eve of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, which will be immediately followed by the Democratic National Convention – women and their allies will take to the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago and other cities across the country in defense of women’s rights. . . . Text posted with video at youtube.

from youtube

NHD Documentary The Fight for Women’s Rights

Uploaded by  on May 27, 2011

This is our documentary for the National History Day Competition 2011.
We got first place in our school and regionals.
we then got honorable mention in our state wide compition.

Maggie, Julia, Madeleine and Anna . . . Text posted with youtube

Libertarian Freedom Fest hits the streets of Vegas (Video Report)

I have been a card carrying Libertairan since they first started. Wish I could attend this function. . . EDITOR

from youtube

Published on Jul 12, 2012 by    

Libertarians will be flooding the streets of Las Vegas. Thousands are expected to attend Freedom Fest which features forums, debates and freedom lover speakers. The agenda will cover anything and everything from Wall Street to the 2012 election. Matt Welch, editor in chief for Reason Magazine, joins us with more about the event and the Libertarian movement.

Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other

from Wake Up World

By David DeGraw – ampedstatus.org

Finally, after trillions in fraudulent activity, trillions in bailouts, trillions in printed money, billions in political bribing and billions in bonuses, the criminal cartel members on Wall Street are beginning to get what they deserve. As the Eurozone is coming apart at the seams and as the US economy grinds to a halt, the financial elite are starting to turn on each other. The lawsuits are piling up fast. Here’s an extensive roundup:

Time to put your Big Bank shorts on! Get ready for a run… The chickens are coming home to roost… The Global Banking Cartel’s crimes are being exposed left & right… Prepare for Shock & Awe

Well, well… here’s your Shock & Awe: . . . complete report

If anyone can not see that the Controllers plans call for stripping the baby boomers of all they have gained in their lives watch the following video to see what the FED has been doing with all of that money in their own brand of “laundering” . . .EDITOR

Mystery Company Buying Up U.S. Gun Manufacturers

Freedom Group is the most powerful and mysterious force in the U.S. commercial gun industry



With commentary by Rick Osmon

Is it a conspiracy, a cabal, or a corporation?


From NYT

Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers

By Natasha Singer, New York Times

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scarborough, Maine — Lined up in a gun rack beneath mounted deer heads is a Bushmaster Carbon 15, a matte-black semiautomatic rifle that looks as if it belongs to a SWAT team. On another rack rests a Teflon-coated Prairie Panther from DPMS Firearms, a supplier to the U.S. Border Patrol and security agencies in Iraq. On a third is a Remington 750 Woodsmaster, a popular hunting rifle. Read more

Just in Time for the Revolution I’m Back!

“As I see it: Thoughts from an Underground Insider”


THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, www.thehollowearthinsider.com. Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                     Dennis Crenshaw Editor www.thehollowearthinsider.com

NEW NEWS EDITORIAL Let The Revolution Begin!

After watching different groups of Americans protest the actions of our controlled government since the 1960s I believe that the protests that started in Wall Street with just a handful of people and has now grown to thousands spreading to other cities could be “the real deal.”  (I’ll be actively attending the protest scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 8/2011 in Hemming Park in downtown Jacksonville, Florida) One of the reasons for believing that finally a peoples movement might grow legs is the fact it seems to have quickly grabbed the establishment Controllers attention

The first “talking heads” who have come out against this movement is the (Weak) Tea Party, which I have come to believe to be a stooge organization happily protected by the Controllers. Notice how the (Weak Tea Party) has become the Controlled media’s favorite “peoples movement” to report on, and those they run to for answers when trying to judge the mood of the people.

If the (Weak) Tea Party is REALLY out to change the direction of our Country by the will of the people they would have instantly supported a real movement of  the people, this unplanned and spontaneous gatherings of people from all walks of life that started small in Wall Street and seems to be growing at an amazing rate..  Instead they immediately appear on the number one conservative worldwide news outlet, Fox News, with the (Weak) Tea Party’s opinion of these pissed off Americans.   How can the teabaggers have such a great  access to the media and conservative Politicians who we know are opposed to ANY change in direction towards a One World Order?

Those of us who realize the extent of the Controllers total censoring of the “news” spoon-fed us by the propaganda machine laughingly called the “free” press know one thing from experience.  If the Controllers thought the (Weak) Tea Party was any threat to the one world plans of the Controllers they would only get this kind of news access and coverage when their compound was raided by the ATF and FBI SWAT teams (with the CIA in the background giving orders).

So when major news outlets immediately hit the airwaves in prime time asking the (Weak) Tea Party’s leader’s their opinions concerning the Wall Street Movement we wonder, why ask them?  The answer is obvious. The (Weak) Tea Party is nothing but another part of the  Controllers plans to control the people. The (Weak) Tea Party is actually composed of those   conservatives from the Republican Party and moderate   “Independents” who think the answer to solving our country’s problems is still possible by leaving our destiny in the hands of the beltway establishment controllers.  Actually those who believe the (Weak) Tea Party “is the Answer” have been hitting the Cool-Aid, or I should say … the weak tea, a bit too much. It’s all part of the dumbing down process that has been going on in our country. since its foundation.

The (Weak) Tea Party official stand on this new Wall Street Movement came from one of the (Weak) Tea Party’s top jocks.. He said the (Weak) Tea Party had “nothing to do with these”  know-nothings and that the Wall Street Movement was organized by “Leftist radicals and communist groups” who had no money and no organization, and no message.”

Where have we heard that before? Sounds like someone brushed off the old play book of Richard Daley during a previous heating-up political circus, The Detroit Republican Convention of 1988. Guess no-one told the teabaggers we stopped blaming that kind of stuff on Communist several wars ago.

Tea Party supporters read my lips “this protest was not planned.  It never figured to grow. Nor is it  a leftist ploy …It is a series of spontaneous happenings by the masses.   it is the unconnected-by-politics angry  American Citizens who are rising up. And of course they have no money. Nether personally, nor do they have access to the deep pockets that SOME organizations supported by the controllers have;  and their  message is they are mad as hell at the system that the you teabaggers support and they are not going to take it no-more!”

Thoughts #1

Bet you thought I’d found me an entrance to the underground?  Naw. Just been working on the new HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER site.  Adding lots of goodies takes lots of time. But I will be taking you along with me on just such a quest in  coming issues of this THEI publication..   I’ve decided to take a 21st century look at what’s being planned, going on, and how much its costing us as taxpayers as the government secretly moves more of their “Invisible Government” underground, literately.. I’ve heard rumors over the last few years of massive goings on underground.  It’s time we took a look see, We’ll also be looking into starting to explore the possibility of moving at least some of mankind underground. … We’ll pick up where I left off 14 years ago …. (See Volume 1 # 6)…. Well, let me get back to it. . . .  stuff to do, stuff that involves a lot of head-scratching and staring at the keyboard. Sure am glad that I’m retired.  Good word “retired.” You can get ahead of the crowd that will be running to my site once I get it back up by going to www.thehollowearthinsider.com and joining  the Insiders list in the top right hand corner.  That’s where any info about the site, etc, is posted first. And if you would please leave your comments on our guestbook page,  Thanks!