Tag Archive for New World Order

The REAL Leaders Of The World (Must See Documentary)

The REAL Leaders Of The World (Must See Documentary)

Published on Jul 6, 2017

Have you ever wondered who is really running the affairs around the World? This is a documentary about who really controls America! Everything history doesn’t tell us about the real leaders of America is presented in this must see documentary! What is the last true american value? Buying things! This is how consumption helped shape the world we live today, and the people who thought the plan through. Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the U.S. Government. These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the world and the enslavement of us all. They are now taking steps to control and shut down the internet because it is the last means for people to come together, and voice their opinions freely. The new world order is not a conspiracy, it has started and it is real! In this anonymous documentary about the new world order secret illuminati elite You will find out about their satanic rituals, secret society locations, new world order habbits. Enjoy this anonymous documentary about the new world order, the secret satanic elite. Subscribe for updates: http://tinyurl.com/HRISUBSCRIBE

Dig a Little DEEPER: Conspiracy Boogie 

Eyeballin’ the One World Order

THEI Annual Bilderburg Coverage: Day 4 2017: Final Day

Why Mainstream Ignores Bilderberg

YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 4, 2017

via YouTube Capture

We Are Change Interviews Jason Bermas at Bilderberg 2017

YouTube ~ ConspiracyScope Published on Jun 4, 2017

15 Things You Didn’t Know About the Bilderberg Group

YouTube ~ Alux.com Published on Mar 22, 2017



From Bilderberg To Bohemian Grove

YouTube ~ EyezOpenWyde

Dig a Little Deeper: “Big Jim” Tucker: The Man Who First Exposed the Bilderburg

Bilderburg Group   Bohemian Grove


THEI Annual Coverage: Day 3, 2017 Bilderburg

More added as available all Day. . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw

InfoWars Arrives At Bilderberg Trump Rally

YouTube ~  The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 3, 2017

via YouTube Capture

Independent Researcher Exposes Secret Government

YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 3, 2017

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InfoWarriors Bullhorn Bilderberg

YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 3, 2017

via YouTube Capture

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Good Riddance Again: Zbigniew Brzezinski Joins David Rockefeller in Hell. Hopefully Henry Kissinger joins them soon.


The Trilateral Commission was Started by evil men – Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and and one patsy, President Jimmy Carter.

Brzezinski realizing that they would never be able to form a New World Order through The Council on Foreign Relations he went to Rockefeller and told him that it would be easier to form three areas into separate control first. . . an American Union (Canada, the US, Central and South America) a European Union and an Asian Union and then, after the people were comfortable with that, join these three together. Rockefeller liked the idea and along with President Jimmy Carter’s blessing formed the Trilateral Commission.  The rest is history. . .     

The Trilateral Group work hand in glove with the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburg Group, Skull and Bones and the other Secret Societies towards the goal of a New Word Order using any means necessary. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

Brzezinski New World Order!

YouTube ~ Sylar785

Wikipedia: Trilateral Commission.


Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, professor at Columbia University, and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs, left his post to organize the (Trilateral) group along with:[3]

Other founding members included Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker; both later heads of the Federal Reserve System.  Read Full Report at Wikipedia


AFTER DEATH: The Life And Times Of Zbigniew Brzezinski And His Grand Chess Board

YouTube ~ Freudian Slip

Published on May 28, 2017

AFTER DEATH: The Life And Times Of Zbigniew Brzezinski And His Grand Chess Board. – Become a patron of this channel by becoming a monthly supporter at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/RobertoLeones… – Or help support this channel by sending donations to my PayPal: boblyons2014@gmail.com

Zbigniew Brzezinski to the Mujahideen: “Your cause is right and God is on your side!”

YouTube ~ sveinbjornt

Published on Sep 4, 2014

Zbigniew Brzezinski addresses the Mujahideen in 1979: “Your cause is right and God is on your side!”

From the CNN/BBC documentary Cold War, episode 20: Soldiers of God

Dig Deeper > Continue to Page 2

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THEI Eyeballs the Resistors Part 7: Chuck Harder “For the People”

I first met Chuck Harder in 1993 at his unique radio studio located in his landmark hotel, The Telford, overlooking the Swanee River in White Springs Florida.   During the late 1800’s the Telford had been the vacation spot tor the elitist families like the Rockefeller’s and the Carnegie’s. I thought it was a fitting place for a Patriot radio station.  Chuck also had a very well stocked book store with many Patriot books including most of Eustace Mullins books which were hard to find during  the 1990’s. During that time Chuck Harder’s “For the People” radio show was broadcast all across the United States and he had a full list of guests waking the people up to the New Word Order movement. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:

Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero

Part 2 Eustace Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam

Part 3 The MOTHER of all Conspiracy Researchers Mae Brussel.

Part 4 Fritz Springmeier: The Man the Illuminati Hates ~ Was Railroaded into Prison for Bank Robbery for 8 Years ! Now Out and Awakening People Again

Part 5 “Big Jim” Tucker: The man who was the Sty in the Eye of the Bilderburg Group

Part 6 Jim Marrs: The Worlds Expert on the JFK Assassination and Much, Much More


Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Free Trade is Bankrupting USA !

YouTube ~ Comex Joe

Published on Jan 1, 2011

If only more Americas would have listened to Chuck Harder, our country would not be in the mess it is today. Mr. Harder was right, he opposed to free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as well as international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). He favored a moratorium on legal immigration and the deportation of all illegal immigrants.

Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Who’s Controlling USA?)

YouTube ~ Comex Joe

Published on Jan 1, 2011

For The People started in a garage in the 80’s in Tampa Florida that grew into one of the most listened to talk show’s in The U.S.!
Until Hillary and Bill Clinton took Chuck off the air! For The People continues to this day and is rebuilding with a new host Keith Alan. Chuck due to declining health, is featured on the program when he is able. We are featured on several stations across America, and For The People is always looking for NEW affiliates interested in running the fastest 1-hour of radio sure to please just about any audience.
Back in the 1990’s if only more Americas would have listened to Chuck Harder, our country would not be in the mess it is today. Mr. Harder was right, he opposed to free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as well as international organizations such as the United Nations (UN). He favored a moratorium on legal immigration and the deportation of all illegal immigrants.

Chuck Harder For The People Is Back ! ( Who’s Controlling USA)

I met David Tibodeau at one of Col Bo Gritz’s patriot meetings in Jacksonville Florida a short time after The Waco Massacre.  I was fortunate enough to be able to set down with a one-on-one with David for about an hour.  I found him to be a quiet spoken sincere gentleman who still had a hard time emotionally when talking about what happened. He also at that time gave me a copy of the 7 seals manuscript David Koresh was working on at the time of the attack.

Learn what really happened from someone who was there and barely escaped with his life. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Go to page 2 for an important Chuck Harder 7 part interview with Waco survivor David Tibodeau.

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THEI Eyeballs the Resistors Part 3: The MOTHER of all Conspiracy Researchers Mae Brussel.


THEI Eyeballs the Resistors Part 3: The MOTHER of all Conspiracy Researchers Mae Brussel.

THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:

Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero

Part 2 Eustace Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam

Anyone interested in what has been going on in our Shadow Government and the movement towards a New World Order should start with Mae Brussels radio reports starting in 1971 until her untimely death in 1988.  If you never heard of Mae Brussel you will be flabbergasted as you listen to her radio programs.

Her understanding and ability to take the current news of the times, combine it with her many years of research into the Shadow Government and the NWO, and show the connections is astounding. The work of Mae Brussel is where the education of today’s  American’s Patriots and the movement really started. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.


Mae Brussell (May 29, 1922 – October 3, 1988)
“Without a doubt Mae Brussell stands as one of the premier researcher and investigative journalists. She can be accurately described as one of the forerunners of what is now accepted commonly as citizen journalism in the current blogging world…
“…In November of 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and this was the catalyst that propelled Mae into her career in investigation of conspiratorial events and personalities. She began this journey by purchasing the 26 volume set of Warren Commission documents where she patterns, interconnections and (connects with) vast other gross criminalities. . . .” Read Complete Report


Remembering Mae Brussell

YouTube ~ ConspiracyScope

Published on May 30, 2014

Incensed by the lies told to the American public about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Mae Brussell transformed from an ordinary Beverly Hills housewife to a voracious researcher and tenacious broadcaster. Overcoming the incredulity of the public, the prejudices of her peers, and death threats from the establishment, Mae took to the Santa Cruz airwaves in 1971 to inform the public about the real powers behind the throne and didn’t stop researching, writing or broadcasting until her untimely death in 1988. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we shine a spotlight on the life and work of Mae Brussell.

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{Shadow Government} John McCain; “Hotshot” Pilot, POW Rat, Lying Senator, Presidential Loser, and Controllers Frontman

John McCain;

”Hotshot” Pilot, POW Rat, Lying Senator, Presidential Loser, and Controllers Yes Man  

“Hotshot” Pilot

Navy Releases McCain’s Records

The Navy released John McCain’s military record after a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The record is packed with information on McCain’s medals and commendations but little else. The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forrestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. . . . Read Complete Report
Trump’s Right: John McCain’s Not a War Hero
YouTube ~ Ink & Stone News

POW Rat 

The Real John McCain

YouTube ~ Gordon Duff

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

YouTube ~ Bill

Senator John McCain, Is An Absolute Traitor!

YouTube  ~ Gabor Zolna

Published on Jan 8, 2017

Please open, and read the article attached in the link below, also, please open the links contained within the article. Senator John McCain needs to pay for his countless crimes, against America. Donald needs to have AG Jeff Sessions open a full investigation on John McCain. https://sheriffali.com/tag/nixon-pard…

John McCain Traitor- By Vietnam Vets And Pow’s

YouTube ~ annynameatall


YouTube ~ The Next News Network

Lying Senator


YouTube ~ The Next News Network

Published on Mar 1, 2017

Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, Sen. John McCain cut off questions from reporters that were about a $1 million donation by the government of Saudi Arabia. The money was sent to a non-profit that bears McCAin’s name. He immediately flipped out and denied that he had any connections with the McCain Institute for International Leadership. It was founded in 2012 at Arizona State University with $9 million in leftover money from McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Controllers Front Man

The Story Behind John McCain Calling Rand Paul a Russian Agent

YouTube ~ End Times News Report

Published on Mar 19, 2017

Did you know that Senator John McCain has been working as an insider for the Rothschild syndicate for many years? McCain helped Rothschild agent George Soros to gain control of the newly independent nation of Montenegro. This video will help you understand why Senator McCain was so angry at Senator Rand Paul for objecting to Montenegro joining NATO.

Take action now. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


FIND YOUR SENATORS HERE: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/



As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my strong opposition to you voting on any treaty that would pave the way for Montenegro to join NATO. The geopolitical interests of Montenegro are not the interests of the United States. Adding Montenegro to NATO, when the small nation has nothing of substance to offer to the citizens of the United States, is a foolish, one-sided act that will likely put the United State into direct conflict with nuclear Russia.

When the time comes, I urge you to vote NO to NATO membership for Montenegro.


Why is McCain so insistent about Montenegro?

Bilderberg Expert: Elite Are In Full Panic Mode

YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Apr 3, 2017

Alex Jones talks with Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin about how the elite are terrified of Donald Trump.

The Last Word

Jimmy Carter Hands John McCain His Ass

YouTube ~ Secular Talk



Dig a Little DEEPER: Shadow Government Biderburg  The Controllers Illuminati 

David Rockefeller Dies at 101 – May He Rot in Hell From where he came

Two words. Good Riddance. . . your Editor Dennis Crenshaw








David Rockefeller “s leaked speech !991

YouTuber ~ Posted by We’re Peeling The Onion

Confessions of a Rockefeller World Order

YouTube ~ Posted by Truthstream Media

Published on May 26, 2013
Is there a plot to create a New World Order? David Rockefeller plainly admits his family’s involvement in bringing about One World in his Memoirs, detailing his membership and influence in global groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. Meanwhile, other books document how the Rockefellers donated the land used to build the United Nations headquarters and helped shape into a “symbol” of a new world order

Dark Secrets of the Rockefeller Family

YouTube ~ Posted by strictlyrevolution

Dig a Little DEEPER: David Rockefeller  Council on Foreign Relations                                Trilateral Commission  United Nations  Bilderberg  Depopulation

The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order: Agenda 21☢

Featured image: Agenda 21 cover. SOURCE: United Nations website

youtube by The Truth Movement

Published on Jan 9, 2014

I will delete any racist, profane, or slanderous comments. It’s getting old. Quit being the victim and join the rest of humanity. It doesn’t matter what color you are, if your not of the elitist bloodline, you’re subject to their depopulation plans. If you can’t see the forest for the trees, then move to another channel. [And to another website. . . EDITOR]

The NWO commandments: http://www.rense.com/general16/georgi…

Dig a little DEEPER: THEI.us Archive “Agenda 21″

“Monsanto” “HAARP”  “NASA”  “Weather Control” 

Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange ‘2014’ Update

Featured Image: Georgia Guidestones Own work of commons:User:Ptkfgs Fair use


youtube by PrisonPlanetLive

Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange ‘2014’ Update

Published on Sept 22, 2014

The mysterious Georgia Guidestones, which some see as an elite manifesto for neo-eugenics and population reduction – have received a strange 2014 update.

youtube by FringeBingeTV


Published on Dec 26, 2013

There are two schools of thought regarding the Georgia Guidestones, also known as the American Stonehenge. Some believe that the guide stones represent a new course of action to keep humanity on track after we destroy each other in a nuclear apocalypse. Others believe that the new Stonehenge is an evil monument instilling the values set forth by none other than the New World Order.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive Georgia Guidestones“Agenda 21″Eyeballin’ the New World Order”