Featured Image: Cover of Agenda 21 plan. SOURCE: United Nations website.
From United Nations website: “Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992 Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” Read Complete Official UN document.
Alex invites Rosa Koire author of Behind the Green Mask http://store.infowars.com/Behind-The-…
to disclose how Agenda 21 is being used to create compact cities and how to defeat this monster that is invading our lives.
From Before it’s News By Dave Hodges Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:55
How many bad policemen does it take to say that we are living in a police state? Of all the abuses of power by the newly federalized police across America, there is one law enforcement agency that is moving to the head of the class with regard to invoking police state type of tactics against innocent American citizens, and that agency would be the United States Park Police. However, the United States Park Police is a misnomer because the title of this agency should be The United Nations Park Police. The unconstitutional and brutal practices of this Gestapo organization provides Americans with a glimpse of what it will be like to live under the New World Order under its Agenda 21 policies. . . . Read Complete Report
Cops Brutally Arrest Peaceful Woman at Liberty Bell
Published on Sept. 1, 2013
UPDATE: Her name is Emily Yates ofhttp://emilyyatesdoeseverything.com/ and her crime was apparently sitting on the wrong bench. That was the cop’s bench, not the people’s bench.
I watched as this woman was brutally arrested outside of the Liberty Bell. Saturday August 31, 2013.
Follow the story of super patriot Adam Kokesh (Adam VS The Man) as he challenges the US Park Police on several constitutional issues, is illegally arrested several times and then turned loose. Finally his home is raided and he is kidnapped and incarcerated and is currently awaiting trial in jail. . . EDITOR
AGENDA—-21 IN FULL SWING http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-o…
This is an executive order signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012. It gives the federal government the legal right to confiscate any of your property during war OR peace time. We all need to be aware that our rights are being taken away on a daily basis. Please pass this information around to others! Link:
National Defense Preparedness Order http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-o…
by Cathie Adams
President of Texas Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum International Issues Chairman cathieadams@me.com
In Doha, Qatar, late Saturday, delegates attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took concrete steps toward a new global treaty to address global warming that will transform the economic structure of the world with a new global tax. To be completed by 2015, the UN expects every nation to implement it by 2020, even though the globe has not warmed for the past 16 years.
Next year the UNFCCC’s Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres will call a “significant number of meetings and workshops…to prepare the new agreement.” Then in 2014, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will “convene leaders to mobilize the political will to ensure the 2015 deadline is met.” . . . Read Complete Report
In further advancement of the New World Order, progressives have plans to implement Agenda 21 during Barack Obama’s second term. Some people know a little about Agenda 21, while others know absolutely nothing. It bears perusal. Republicans, as well as Democrats, are in on it. It is increasingly becoming difficult to know whom to trust. Remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So what is Agenda 21?
In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision-making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. . . . Read Complete Report
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. . . . UN Publication
U.N.-backed ‘Agenda 21’ development rules anger many in Texas
by Aman Batheja / The Texas Tribune
Posted on August 28, 2012 at 9:01 AM
Updated Tuesday, Aug 28 at 9:37 AM
A Lubbock County judge’s comments last week that President Obama might cede U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations and spark a civil war have been widely ridiculed. But concerns about U.N. overreach are gaining ground, with the attacks mostly focused on a 20-year-old nonbinding U.N. resolution called Agenda 21.
Texas critics of the resolution have seen their fears echoed by activists at city council meetings around the state and adopted by some of the state’s Republican leaders. . . . Read Complete Report
Al Hulick remembers, to the day, when Agenda 21 came into his world.
It was May 17, 2011, at an informational meeting on whether Janesville should join the state’s Green Tier program. Some attendees reacted skeptically, handing out literature about Agenda 21, a non-binding pact to promote sustainable growth drafted by the United Nations in 1992.
“I had never heard of it,” said Hulick, a management analyst for the city. He assumed fears about Green Tier, through which the state Department of Natural Resources and the nonprofit 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin help communities pursue environmentally friendly practices, would fade over time. . . . Read Complete Report
Agenda 21: Arizona close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill
26 Apr 2012 6:30pm, EDT
By Jim Gold, NBC News
Arizona lawmakers appear close to sending to Gov. Jan Brewer a tea party-backed bill that proponents say would stop a United Nations takeover conspiracy but that critics claim could end state and cities’ pollution-fighting efforts and even dismantle the state unemployment office. . . . Read Complete Report
Expect a bill that shelters private property in Florida from takeover by a United Nations-led world government effort, Senate President-designate Don Gaetz said Tuesday.
Here is a detailed presentation on what is really in Agenda 21 and the sustainable development movement as defined by the UN. How it will ultimately compromise your property rights..
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Archaeologists said Tuesday that they’ll ask the United Nations’ cultural agency to bestow world heritage status on Port Royal, the mostly submerged remains of a historic Jamaican port known as the “wickedest city on Earth” more than three centuries ago.Receiving the designation from UNESCO would place Port Royal in the company of global marvels such as Cambodia’s Angkor temple complex and India’s Taj Mahal.
The sunken 17th century city was once a bustling place where buccaneers including Henry Morgan docked in search of rum, women and boat repairs. . . . Read Complete Report
On Feb. 27, a diplomatic process will begin in Geneva that could result in a new treaty giving the United Nations unprecedented powers over the Internet. Dozens of countries, including Russia and China, are pushing hard to reach this goal by year’s end. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said last June, his goal and that of his allies is to establish “international control over the Internet” through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under U.N. auspices.
If successful, these new regulatory proposals would upend the Internet’s flourishing regime, which has been in place since 1988. That year, delegates from 114 countries gathered in Australia to agree to a treaty that set the stage for dramatic liberalization of international telecommunications. This insulated the Internet from economic and technical regulation and quickly became the greatest deregulatory success story of all time. . . . Read complete report